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Ma Ying-jeou, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang party, expressed deep condolences on Wednesday for the compatriots who lost their lives in the Nanjing Massacre and said that history shall never be forgotten.3月29日,中国国民党前主席马英九向在南京大屠杀中遇难的同胞表示深切哀悼,并表示历史永远不会被遗忘。Ma said that Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should be self-reliant and should fight back with courage when being bullied and humiliated by foreign powers.马英九说,海峡两岸的中国人应该自立自强,在受到外国列强的欺凌和羞辱时,应该勇敢地反击。He made the remarks while visiting the Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, with a group of Taiwan students ahead of Qingming Festival, or Tomb Sweeping Day, which falls on Wednesday.在3月29日前夕,马英九与一群台湾学生一起参观了江苏省南京市侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆,并发表了上述讲话。The Nanjing Massacre took place when Japanese troops captured Nanjing, the then-Chinese capital, on Dec 13, 1937. Over six weeks, they killed approximately 300,000 Chinese civilians and unarmed soldiers in one of the most barbaric episodes of the World Anti-Fascist War.1937年12月13日,日军攻占当时的中国首都南京,发生了南京大屠杀事件。在六周的时间里,他们杀害了大约30万中国平民和手无寸铁的士兵,这是世界反法西斯战争中最野蛮的事件之一。Around 9:30 am, the group led by Ma arrived at the memorial hall, which officially opened to the public on Aug 15, 1985, and was built on the site of Jiangdong Gate mass murder in the Nanjing Massacre.上午9点30分左右,马英九带领的访问团抵达纪念馆,该纪念馆于1985年8月15日正式向公众开放,建于南京大屠杀江东门大屠杀遗址。Ma and the group of students from Taiwan looked at sculptures depicting damaged city walls, broken Japanese sabers and the heads and arms of the victims. They then paid a silent tribute to the victims.马英九和一群来自台湾的学生观看了雕塑,这些雕塑描绘了受损的城墙、破损的日本军刀以及受害者的头部和手臂。随后,他们向遇难者默哀。Speaking to Xinhua News Agency, Ma said that although he had read some books and seen photos about the Nanjing Massacre, "I have never been so shocked as today".在接受新华社采访时,马英九表示,虽然他读过一些关于南京大屠杀的书籍和照片,但“我从来没有像今天这样震惊”。He said that the massacre was "a rare bestial act in human history, and the Chinese are the biggest victims".他说,大屠杀是“人类历史上罕见的野蛮行为,中国人是最大的受害者”。Ma said he hoped that the Taiwan students accompanying him would find their visit to be instructive. Such knowledge will serve as an important reference for their future development, he added.马英九说,他希望陪同他的台湾学生将发现他们的访问是有益的。他补充说,这些知识将为他们未来的发展提供重要参考。The memorial hall's collection comprises nearly 4,000 photographs, almost 10,000 artifacts and over 260 pieces of footage, all of which present indisputable facts about the massacre.纪念馆的藏品包括近4000张照片,近10000件文物和260多件录像,所有这些都是关于大屠杀的无可争辩的事实。The memorial hall has hosted a number of exchange programs with Taiwan compatriots over the past few years, including a 2007 seminar on cross-Straits studies of the history of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45).在过去的几年里,纪念馆举办了许多与台湾同胞的交流项目,包括2007年两岸抗日战争(1931-45)历史研究研讨会。In 2018, the memorial hall held an exhibition on the Nanjing Massacre in New Taipei City, Taiwan.2018年,纪念馆在台湾新北市举办了南京大屠杀展览。The Nanjing visit was part of Ma's trip to visit his ancestral home on the mainland on the occasion of Tomb Sweeping Day. The group will also visit Wuhan, Changsha, Chongqing and Shanghai.南京之行是马英九在清明节期间回老家的一部分。访问团还将访问武汉、长沙、重庆和上海。Massacre英 [ˈmæsəkə(r)]   美  [ˈmæsəkər]n. 屠杀ancestral英 [ænˈsestrəl]   美  [ænˈsestrəl]adj. 祖先的