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英语新闻∣我国新型基础设施加快建设China will step up efforts inthe construction of major projects and new infrastructure as part of itsoverall drive to foster long-term sustained, innovation-driven and high-qualitydevelopment, the country's top economic regulator said on Monday.9月26日,国家发展改革委表示,中国将加快重大基础设施建设和新型基础设施建设,二者是实施创新驱动发展战略,推动经济社会高质量发展的重要支撑。      Experts said the government hasalready introduced a series of stimuluspoliciesfor infrastructure spending to shore up growth, and its accelerated push toconstruct key projects will help boost domestic demand, expand effectiveinvestment and stabilize the overall economy.专家表示,政府已经出台了一系列政策加大对基础设施的投资,加快推进重点项目建设将有助于扩大内需,扩大有效投资,稳定整体经济。      They said China's economy willcontinue to pick up in the third and fourth quarters of the year with existingpolicy support and forceful infrastructure spending.专家表示,在现有的政策支持和强有力的基础设施支出下,中国经济将在今年第三和第四季度继续复苏。      The country will support theconstruction of major projects, with a key focus on implementing 102 keyprojects mapped out during the period of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) andprojects in the five-year plan for transportation development, said ZhengJian, director of the Department of Infrastructure Development at the NationalDevelopment and Reform Commission.     国家发展改革委基础设施发展司司长郑剑表示,国家将支持重大项目建设,重点实施“十四五”规划102项重大工程和十四五交通发展规划中的项目。      He said at a news conference inBeijing on Monday that the implementation of key projects will give a strongimpetus to China's economic and social development.9月26日,郑剑在北京举行的新闻发布会上表示,重大工程建设将为中国经济和社会发展提供强大动力。      Song Wen, deputy director of thePlanning Department at the National Energy Administration, said the NDRC andthe NEA are accelerating the push for the implementation and construction ofkey projects mapped out in the 14th Five-Year Plan to expand effectiveinvestment.国家能源局规划司副司长宋雯表示,国家发改委和国家能源局正在加快推进“十四五”规划重大工程的实施和建设,以扩大有效投资。      She said investment in key energyfields during the 14th Five-Year Plan period is expected to grow by more than20 percent compared with the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), providing a strongdriving force to expand effective demand and promote stable economic growth.宋雯表示,与“十三五”规划(2016- 2020)相比,“十四五”期间重点能源领域投资预计将增长20%以上,为扩大有效需求、促进经济稳定增长提供强大动力。      Zhang Zhihua, deputy director of theNDRC's Department of Innovation and High-Tech Development, said he isoptimistic about the investment in new infrastructure construction in thefuture, and the NDRC will ramp up efforts to support projects in the area.国家发改委创新和高技术发展司副司长张志华表示,他对未来新型基础设施建设的投资持乐观态度,国家发改委将加大力度支持该领域的项目。      "We expect infrastructureinvestment will remain strong and do the heavy lifting to support growth," said Lloyd Chan, a senioreconomist at the Oxford Economics think tank.“预计基础设施投资将保持强劲,并对促进经济增长起着重要作用。”牛津经济研究院高级经济学家陈进来(Lloyd Chan)表示。      Chan said stimulus rolled out inthis year's Government Work Report and the 33 measures announced in May willfeed through in the second half. New measures also include channeling 300billion yuan ($42 billion) to specific projects, along with allocating anadditional quota of 500 billion yuan in local government special bonds thatwill be utilized by the end of October as newinfrastructure projects become available for infrastructure financing.陈进来表示,今年政府工作报告中推出的刺激措施和5月份宣布的33项措施将在下半年发挥作用。新措施还包括向特定项目提供3000亿元人民币(合420亿美元),以及额外分配5000亿元地方政府专项债券额度,这些债券将在10月底前用于新型基础设施项目的融资。     Zhou Maohua, an analyst at ChinaEverbright Bank, said the construction of key projects will play a crucial rolein stabilizing growth, promoting economic transformation and fostering healthy development in the long run.光大银行金融市场部宏观研究员周茂华表示,从长远来看,重点项目的建设将在稳定增长、促进经济转型和促进经济健康发展方面发挥关键作用。      "The implementation of keyinfrastructure projects will help expand effective investment, create more jobsand then stimulate consumption. And the construction of energyinfrastructure will help increase the energy supply, promote the transformationof the energy structure and ensure energy security," Zhou explained."Meanwhile, new infrastructure construction will further boost China's growthpotential."周茂华说,“重点基础设施项目的实施将有助于扩大有效投资,创造更多就业机会,进而刺激消费。而能源基础设施的建设将有助于增加能源供应,促进能源结构的转变,并确保能源安全。同时,新型基础设施建设将进一步提升中国的增长潜力。”      Data from the National Bureau ofStatistics showed that fixed-asset investment increased by 5.8 percentyear-on-year in the January-August period, compared with 5.7 percent betweenJanuary and July.根据国家统计局的数据显示,1-8月固定资产投资同比增长5.8%,而1-7月同比增长5.7%。      Notably, infrastructure investmentjumped 8.3 percent during the first eight months of the year, higher than thatin the first seven months.此外,今年前8个月基础设施投资增长8.3%,高于前7个月增速。      Zhou said he expects thatinfrastructure investment will continue to improve in the rest of the year,with stimulus policies gradually taking effect.周茂华预计,随着刺激政策逐渐生效,今年年内基础设施投资将继续增加。      Considering the gradualnormalization of economic activities and the government's strong policysupport, Zhou said China's economy will continue to recover in the third andfourth quarters.考虑到经济活动逐步正常化和政府强有力的政策支持,中国经济在三四季度将会稳定复苏。      Yang Haiping, a researcher at theCentral University of Finance and Economics' Institute of Securities andFutures, said infrastructure investment will likely accelerate in the second half of the year.中央财经大学证券与期货研究所研究员杨海平表示,今年下半年基础设施投资可能会加速。      Warning of challenges anddifficulties ahead, Yang said the key is to fully implement the existingpolicies and tackle any issues faced during the implementation process.杨海平表示,面对未来的挑战和困难,关键是要全面落实现有政策,解决实施过程中遇到的问题。stimulus英[ˈstɪmjələs] 美[ˈstɪmjələs]n.刺激物;刺激因素lifting英[lɪftɪŋ] 美['lɪftɪŋ]n.举起;起重;上升utilize英[ˈjuːtəlaɪz] 美[ˈjuːtəlaɪz]vt.利用,使用foster英[ˈfɒstə(r)] 美[ˈfɑːstər]v.促进,鼓励accelerate英[əkˈseləreɪt] 美[əkˈseləreɪt]v.(使)加速,加快