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After a doctor in East China was stabbed to death at work on Friday, China's top health authority said on Saturday that it has joined public security efforts to strengthen a crackdown on medical-related crimes and has urged hospitals to implement security measures.7月19日,一名男子在温州医科大学附属第一医院伤害一名医生;国家卫健委于7月20日表示,已加入公安工作,将加强对于伤害医护人员的打击,并敦促医院实施安全措施。Li Sheng, a cardiologist at the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province, was attacked by a knife-wielding man around noon Friday when seeing patients and died that evening due to critical injuries.温州医科大学附属第一医院心血管内科李晟医生于7月19日中午在看望病人时遭到一名持刀男子的袭击,当晚因伤势严重,抢救无效后死亡。The man who carried out the attack jumped off the building, the hospital and police said. Police said late on Friday that the attacker was receiving treatment but have not provided any subsequent updates on his condition.医院表示,持刀男子已跳楼自杀。7月19日,警方表示,该男子正在接受治疗,但并未提供后续情况跟进。The National Health Commission expressed deep condolences for Li's death and extended its sympathies to his family in a statement released on Saturday night.The commission said it strongly condemns violence against medical personnel and pledges a zero-tolerance policy toward any form of harm to them.It stressed that attacking medical personnel is a serious criminal act.国家卫健委对李晟的去世表示深切哀悼,并在7月20日晚上发布的声明中向李晟医生的家属表示关心和安慰。卫健委强调,暴力伤害医务人员,是严重的违法犯罪行为,必须受到最强烈的谴责,最严厉的打击。"The commission has worked with the Ministry of Public Security to guide localities to improve hospital security and severely crack down on medical-related crimes to protect the safety of patients and medical staff," it said.卫健委将联同公安等部门,严厉打击涉医违法犯罪行为,切实保护患者和医务人员安全。The commission added that hospitals should strengthen security systems, fully implement security measures and deepen collaboration with police.加强平安医院建设,完善医院安全防范系统,切实落实安检措施,强化警医联动。The Chinese Medical Doctor Association said on Saturday afternoon that it was deeply shocked and saddened by the incident.7月20日下午,中华医师协会表示,对此事件深感震惊和悲痛。The association reiterated its unwavering commitment to defending the dignity of healthcare workers and condemning violence against them.中华医师协会重申:坚决反对任何形式的暴力伤医行为。坚定不移地捍卫医务人员尊严。It urged authorities to take effective measures to ensure the safety of medical personnel and called on the whole of society to work together to create a harmonious and orderly healthcare environment.强烈呼吁有关单位采取有力措施保障医务人员生命安全。强烈呼吁社会各界齐心协力营造和谐有序的良好医疗环境。The association added that it has initiated a physician rights protection and assistance program and provided support to Li's family.目前中华医师协会已积极启动医师维权救助程序,对李晟医师家属提供援助。The incident has drawn a wave of condolences and condemnation from the public and authorities. The National Healthcare Security Administration and the Chinese Hospital Association also released statements expressing outrage at the violence and appealing for better protection of medical workers and a harmonious healthcare environment.这一事件引起了公众和地方当局的哀悼和谴责。国家医保局和中国医院协会也发表声明,对暴力事件表示愤慨,并呼吁加强对医务人员的保护,营造和谐的医疗环境。The strengthening of protection of doctors and the rolling out of tougher security measures at hospitals have long been a societal consensus, with reports of assaults against doctors drawing widespread attention and outrage.长期以来,加强对医护人员的保护,实施严格的安全措施,一直是社会的共识。The Basic Healthcare and Health Promotion Law, which took effect in June 2020, stipulates that the personal safety and dignity of healthcare personnel shall not be infringed upon, and their legitimate rights and interests shall be protected by law.2020年6月1日起施行的《中华人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促进法》明确规定,医疗卫生人员的人身安全、人格尊严不受侵犯,其合法权益受法律保护。Any organization or individual is prohibited from threatening or endangering the personal safety of healthcare personnel or violating their dignity, it says.禁止任何组织或者个人威胁、危害医疗卫生人员人身安全,侵犯医疗卫生人员人格尊严。In July 2020, Beijing's municipal government adopted a guideline for hospital security that mandates checks at entrances and the installation of surveillance cameras inside hospitals.2020 年 7 月,北京市政府通过《北京市医院安全秩序管理规定》,要求在入口处进行安检,并在医院内安装监控摄像头。A guideline released by the National Health Commission in September 2021 says that public security authorities should set up police offices at major hospitals.国家卫健委在2021年9月发布的关于推进医院安全秩序管理工作的指导意见中指出,公安机关应当在三级医院和有条件的二级医院设立警务室。Hospitals with a daily outpatient volume of more than 5,000 visits or more than 1,000 beds should enforce security checks at entrances to prevent visitors from bringing in knives, explosives or other dangerous items.日均门诊量5000人次以上或者床位1000张以上的大型医院应当在主要出入口实施安检,防止人员携带刀具、爆炸物品、危险物品进入医院。First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical Universityn.温州大学附属第一医院The National Health Commissionn.国家卫健委The Chinese Medical Doctor Association n.中国医师协会The National Healthcare Security Administration n.国家医保局Chinese Hospital Associationn.中国医院协会