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Light attack, heavy attack, dodge, immobilization, and transformation... as millions of Black Myth: Wukong players fight their foes with unrestricted combos of skills and abilities, many may wonder how these eye-dazzling moves were made possible.轻击、重击、闪避、定身、变身……当数百万《黑神话:悟空》玩家使用不受限制的技能和连击动作与敌人战斗时,许多游戏玩家想知道这些令人眼花缭乱的动作是如何实现的。Considered China's first homegrown high-cost, high-volume, high-quality stand-alone title, Black Myth: Wukong is deeply invested in the usage of cutting-edge motion capture technology to incorporate real-world martial arts into the game.作为中国首款高成本、高流量、高质量的国产独立游戏,《黑神话:悟空》在尖端“动作捕捉”技术(以下简称“动捕”)的使用方面投入了大量资金,将中国现代武术融入游戏中。Through the technology, the actions of professional stuntmen dressed in customized suits with reflective points are recorded from all angles, processed into virtual data and finally presented on in-game characters.为了还原游戏角色逼真的神态、流畅的动作,游戏制作方应用了大量动作捕捉技术。专业的动捕演员在动捕室内穿着动捕服、身上贴上反光点,由多台摄像机360度拍摄录制,将演员的动作捕捉成虚拟数据,应用到虚拟模型上,然后经过精修最终呈现在游戏当中。Yin Kai, hailing from Shandong province, is among the game's motion capture crew. He undertook the majority of the action work for the game's protagonist, a monkey character based on the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West.在《黑神话:悟空》中,来自山东淄博的小伙殷凯承担了游戏主角“天命人”的大部分动捕工作。 "Many people have a childhood dream to become the Monkey King. As I trained in the martial art that uses a monkey-style staff, I accepted the job offer right away," Yin was quoted as saying in a feature story released by China Media Group.最初得知自己要在西游题材的游戏中扮演悟空时,殷凯特别兴奋。“很多人小时候都有一个齐天大圣的梦,我从小练武术也学过猴棍,于是一拍即合。”殷凯在接受中央广播电视总台专访时说道。Inspired by TV stars such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li, the young Kong Fu enthusiast began practicing martial arts at the age of five and majored in martial arts performance at Shanghai University of Sport.说起从事动捕演员这一行业,殷凯直言是机缘巧合受成龙、李连杰等武打明星的影响。殷凯从小就特别喜欢武术,他5岁开始习武,后于上海体育大学学习武术表演。To make the combat scenes more engaging both technically and artistically, Yin integrated a variety of elements from Chinese martial arts and traditional opera.游戏中,角色的每个动作、招式都要细细打磨才能呈现,表演中为使打斗场面既激烈又充满美感,殷凯融入了很多中国武术、戏曲元素。He also used nuanced body gestures to express different facets of his characters. For instance, Yin dived into meticulous observation and emulation in order to vividly present the animality and intelligence of the game protagonist.动捕演员要用身体动作为角色赋予个性,为了塑造好相应角色的动作,殷凯还会去观察。比如表现“天命人”的猴性和灵性,殷凯就得去琢磨、模仿。"Every time we start filming a character, we will speak with the directors in advance about its personality, background, signature weapon, moves, and so on."For the motion capture crew, a perfect move on the game screen may take rounds of revision behind the scenes. "Sometimes a shoot might start at around 10 a.m. and end at 2 a.m. the next day," Yin said.殷凯介绍,动捕演员的工作更偏向幕后。他表示:“经常在完成一个角色的动作后匹配到游戏中去看效果,不合适就推翻重新定制捕捉动作方案,直到满意为止。有时一次拍摄可能是从早上10点一直到晚上2点。”Since its release on Aug 20, Black Myth: Wukong has taken the gaming world by storm, selling over 10 million copies across all platforms within three days of release. Its developer Game Science revealed earlier that the game's peak number of concurrent players across all platforms already surpassed 3 million.自8月20日发布以来,《黑神话:悟空》便风靡游戏界,发布3天内全平台销量突破1000万套。其开发商游戏科学此前透露,全平台同时在线人数峰值已突破300万。Several prominent gaming outlets praised various aspects of the game. PC Gamer lauded its "expressive combat" while IGN reviewed it as "a great action game with fantastic combat, exciting bosses, tantalizing secrets, and a beautiful world."多家知名游戏媒体对该游戏的各个方面都给予了高度评价。外媒PC Gamer称赞其“绽放出古灵精怪的角色和富有表现力的战斗”,IGN则评价其“是一款出色的动作游戏,有精彩的战斗、刺激的Boss战和美丽的世界。”。As a participant of the game's production, Yin also shared the pride and joy following its success. "Seeing that my performance is loved by the gamers, I feel all the hard labor I put into is worthwhile," he said.对于殷凯来说,自从踏入动捕演员这一行的那一天起,苦和累就已成家常便饭,“但看到自己的表演被大家喜爱,我感觉一切都值了。”他说。motion capture technologyn.动作捕捉技术Chinese martial artsn.中国武术