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国台办:大陆有关方面高度关切台湾台东和花莲地震灾情A 6.9-magnitude earthquake hit eastern Taiwan onSunday afternoon, causing buildings and a bridge to collapse, with the numberof casualties unknown.9月18日下午,台湾东部发生6.9级地震。地震造成建筑物倒塌,桥面断裂,伤亡人数未知。The quake struck at 2:44 pm at a depth of 10kilometers, with its epicenter in Hualien county, the China Earthquake NetworksCenter said on Sunday.据中国地震台网测定,北京时间9月18日14时44分,台湾花莲县发生6.9级地震,震源深度10公里。The quake was felt across the island and also inthe coastal areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces and Shanghai on theChinese mainland. 地震造成台湾全岛震感强烈。福建省、广东省和江苏省沿海地区和上海也有震感。It came just 17 hours after a quake measuring 6.5hit Taiwan's Taitung county at 9:41 pm on Saturday.  这是继台湾台东县发生5.7级地震17个小时之后再次发生的强烈地震。Four people trapped inside a collapsed buildinghousing a convenience store in Hualien's Yuli township had been rescued, Taiwanmedia reported.据台湾媒体报道,花莲玉里市区一栋三层建筑物倒塌,底商为一家便利店,被困的4名民众已获救。A train carriage was overturned bya fallen shed at a railway station in Hualien, but no passengers were harmed,while a bridge collapse left two people injured. Rescue work is underway, accordingto local media.花莲县一节台铁列车车厢遭月台雨棚倒塌压倒翻覆,无人员伤亡。花莲高寮大桥桥面断裂,目前传出有2人受伤,正在救援。The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council saidon Sunday night that the mainland offers condolences to the families of thosewho died, as well as those injured. 9月18日晚间,国务院台湾事务办公室表示,大陆有关方面对此高度关切,向遇难人员家属表示哀悼,向受伤人员表达慰问。The 6.9-magnitude earthquake equaled the strongestrecorded in China this year.此次台湾花莲6.9级地震是我国今年以来最大地震。Another 6.9-magnitude quakeoccurred in Menyuan Hui autonomous county in Qinghai province on Jan 8, and a6.8-magnitude quake hit the Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture inSichuan earlier this month.9月5日,四川甘孜藏族自治州泸定县发生6.8级地震。今年1月8日,青海省海北州门源县发生6.9级地震。The Saturday quake caused subwayservices in Taipei to slow down, and caused the subway network in Kaohsiung tocome to a halt. Some trains were delayed, according to Taiwan High Speed Rail.受地震影响,台北地铁列车慢速行驶,高雄地铁停运。据台湾高铁称,部分列车晚点。 The tremors on Saturday led topower cuts and water leaks in some residential areas,according to local media.据当地媒体报道,自9月17日以来,地震导致部分村庄断电漏水。casualty英[ˈkæʒuəlti] 美[ˈkæʒuəlti]n. 伤亡人员coastal英[ˈkəʊstl] 美[ˈkoʊstl]adj. 近海的,沿海的prefecture英[ˈpri:fektʃə(r)] 美[ˈpriːfektʃər]n. 辖区leak英[liːk] 美[liːk]n. 泄漏,漏洞