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Giant panda Ya Ya arrived at Shanghai Pudong International Airport on Thursday from Memphis, Tennessee.4月27日,大熊猫“丫丫”从田纳西州的孟菲斯飞抵上海浦东国际机场。Ya Ya returned to China from the United States after a 20-year loan for a joint research and conservation project, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.据国家林业和草原局称,在获得为期20年的联合研究和保护项目贷款后,“丫丫”即将从美国返回中国。In December, the Memphis Zoo announced that it would return Ya Ya, who arrived in the US in 2003.2022年12月,孟菲斯动物园宣布将归还2003年抵达美国的“丫丫”。The zoo hosted a farewell party for the 23-year-old female panda on April 8, with hundreds of people attending the event, Xinhua News Agency reported.据新华社报道,4月8日,孟菲斯动物园为23岁的雌性大熊猫“丫丫”举办了欢送会,数百人参加了此次活动。In January, Chinese netizens showed their concern for Ya Ya, who appeared somewhat malnourished in pictures and videos posted.1月,中国网民表达了对“丫丫”的关注,在发布的照片和视频中,“丫丫”显得有些营养不良。In response, the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens said in an announcement that the zoo had taken good care of her, and there is no indication that she was neglected, based on videos of her and the results of monthly health reports and annual physical examinations.对此,中国动物园协会在一份公告中表示,从“丫丫”的视频、月度健康报告和年度体检结果看来,动物园将“丫丫”照顾得很好,并没有任何忽视“丫丫”的迹象。In 2006, Ya Ya began to shed fur, a condition that worsened in 2014. Experts at the Memphis Zoo and in China tried various forms of treatment but were unable to resolve the problem, the association said.中国动物园协会表示,2006年,“丫丫”的毛发开始脱落,2014年,毛发脱落的情况恶化。孟菲斯动物园和中国的专家尝试了各种形式的治疗,但无法解决这个问题。Zoological英/ˌzuːəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l/ 美/ˌzuːəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l/adj.动物学的