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Bai Lu, orWhite Dew,the third solar term in the autumn, indicates the real beginning of cool autumn. Thepoetic name comes from the dew hanging on the tree leaves and grass blades.白露,秋天的第三个节气,预示着凉爽秋日的开始。此时,温度逐渐降低,空气中的水汽在夜晚凝成白露,滴落在草木之间。These white water drops adhere to flowers, grass and trees,and when the morning comes, the sunshine makes them look crystal clear, spotless white and adorable.这些水珠附在花朵、草地和树上,清晨来临时,阳光下的水珠看起来晶莹剔透,无瑕可爱。Autumn is always the best season for enjoying the delicious food.秋天总是享受美食的最佳季节。It is theseason when grapes become widely available for sale.白露时节,正赶上葡萄大批上市。Having some longancan helpreinforce the spleen, nourish the blood, calm the nerves and improve one's looks.吃些龙眼可以帮助养脾补血、安神美容。People around Southeast part of China, mainly in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, has the tradition to makeWhite Dew Wine during this season. The wine is made of cereals, such as polished glutinous rice and gaoliang (a specific type of sorghum) and tastes sweet.在江浙一带,人们有酿制白露酒的传统。这种酒由糯米和高粱等谷物酿成,味道是甜的。