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Hebei province has made use of seven detention areas to effectively reduce floodwater pressure in the basin, a senior official from the provincial water authority said.河北省水务局的一位高级官员说,河北省利用七个蓄滞洪区有效减轻了流域的洪水压力。The province witnessed 144 hours of heavy rainfall over the week, which stopped on Wednesday.本周,河北省出现了144小时的强降雨,降雨于8月2日停止。During the period, the province recorded an average rainfall of 146.2 millimeters, amounting to about 27.5 billion cubic meters of water, which is more than double the combined total storage capacity of all large and medium-sized reservoirs in Hebei, chinanews.com reported.据中国新闻网报道,在此期间,该省平均降雨量为146.2毫米,水量约为275亿立方米,是河北省所有大中型水库总库容的两倍多。As of Wednesday, the province had diverted about 1.8 billion cubic meters of floodwater to detention areas, according to the provincial emergency management department.据省应急管理厅称,截至8月2日,该省已将约18亿立方米的洪水转移至蓄滞洪区。A detention basin is an area that is designed or designated for the temporary or permanent retention of floodwaters. "These low-lying areas include lakes, wetlands, farms and even residential areas," Cheng Xiaotao, deputy chief engineer of the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, told China Central Television.中国水利水电科学研究院副总工程师程晓陶向中国中央电视台介绍,蓄滞洪区是防洪体系中的一个重要组成部分,是河堤外临时贮存洪水的低洼地区及湖泊等,其中多数是历史上江河洪水淹没的场所。More than 850,000 residents living around the detention areas, including Xiaoqing River, Langouwa and Dongdian, have been relocated to safety, the emergency management department said, adding that another 370,000 people have been evacuated from other regions.应急管理部门表示,居住在小清河、兰沟洼和董店等蓄滞洪区周围的85万多居民已被转移到安全地带,另外还有37万人从其他地区撤离。"The flood detention areas that we used turned out to be effective," Li Na, deputy head of the Department of Water Resources of Hebei province, told CCTV on Wednesday night.河北省水利厅副厅长李娜1日晚告诉中央电视台:“我们启用的蓄滞洪区效果还是非常不错的。”In particular, two detention areas near Zhuozhou, which was still facing waterlogging on Thursday, have played an important role in retaining flood from a branch of the Daqing River.“比如小清河分洪区,还有兰沟洼分洪区,这两个分洪区位于涿州的周围······这次这两个蓄滞洪区在整个大清河防洪工程体系中发挥了重大的作用。”"If it had not been for the two areas controlling floodwaters, the pressure on downstream flood control in Xiong'an and Tianjin would have been very heavy," she said.“如果没有这两个蓄滞洪区来分泄大清河北支的来水,那么下游雄安新区和天津的防洪压力将是非常大的。”The provincial top leadership highlighted the importance of flood control by coordinating resources. "We should strengthen the inspection of reservoirs, dams and flood channels to comprehensively defuse risks and ensure the safety of surrounding areas," Ni Yuefeng, secretary of Hebei Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, said during an inspection tour of Baoding on Tuesday.河北省高层领导强调了统筹资源防汛的重要性。"河北省委书记倪岳峰8月1日在保定视察时说:“要加强对水库大坝、行洪河道巡查,全面化解风险,保障周边区域安全。”The floodwaters that have flowed into the detention areas will recede along their original path after the water level drops in major rivers, he added.他补充说,流入滞留区的洪水将在主要河流水位下降后沿原路退去。Since the rain stopped on Wednesday, the water levels in the rivers have started to drop and thus the amount of water in the flood detention areas will gradually reduce, said Li, from Hebei's department of water resources.河北省水利厅副厅长李娜表示,降雨已经停止了,整个河道的水位在持续回落,但是这个衰减也是有一定时间的。Some villages located in higher areas will see the waterline receding in about a week, while the water might take up to a month to retreat from low-lying areas, Li said.地势高的地方相对来说退水就要快,地势低的地方退水还是会慢一些,快的估计一个星期有可能就会退去,慢的来说可能会持续的时间比较长,达到一个月左右。"The country will compensate for the civil losses suffered including to crops, livestock and housing, according to regulations," Cheng said."国家将根据相关规定对包括农作物、牲畜和住房在内的民事损失进行赔偿。For example, the cost of properties damaged in the detention areas due to flooding will be compensated by 70 percent, according to the interim measures for compensation in detention areas.例如,根据《蓄滞洪区运用补偿暂行办法》,蓄滞洪区因洪水造成的财产损失将获得70%的补偿。Detention英/dɪˈtenʃn/ 美/dɪˈtenʃn/n.蓄滞洪区Havoc英/ˈhævək/ 美/ˈhævək/n.灾难,混乱