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China on Monday refrained from commenting on US President Joe Biden's decision to exit the presidential race.7月22日,外交部在例行记者会上就美国现任总统拜登宣布退出2024年美国总统竞选一事回应:不作评论。"The US election is an internal affair of the US", said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning."No comment," Mao replied when asked about China's reaction to Biden's exit.当被问及中国对于拜登推出总统选举的回应时,外交部发言人毛宁表示:“美国大选是美国内政,我们不作评论。”After nearly a month of mounting pressure from his own party, Biden dropped his reelection bid on Sunday and endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to head the Democratic ticket in November.在民主党内部的强大压力下,美国现任总统拜登7月21日宣布退出2024年总统竞选,并支持提名副总统哈里斯为民主党总统候选人。"It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president," he wrote in a letter posted to social media. "And while it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus entirely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term."拜登当天在社交媒体上发表声明称,他原本打算寻求连任,但为了民主党和国家的最佳利益,他决定退出竞选,并专注于履行总统剩余任期内的职责。Biden's endorsement for Harris came in a subsequent post on X.拜登随后又发文表示将全力支持哈里斯为民主党总统候选人。"Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year," Biden said in a post to X on Sunday. "Democrats — it's time to come together and beat Trump."7月21日,拜登在社交媒体X上发文称:“今天,我想全力支持和认可卡玛拉成为民主党总统候选人。民主党——是时候团结起来打败特朗普了。”"I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and our nation — to defeat Donald Trump," said Harris, adding that she was honored to have Biden's endorsement and wrote on X that "my intention is to earn and win this nomination".“我很荣幸能够得到总统的支持,我的目的是赢得这项提名。”哈里斯表示,“我将尽我所能团结民主党,团结我们的国家,击败特朗普和他那极端的2025计划议程。”The Democratic candidate, who will be nominated at the Democratic National Convention, which starts on Aug 19 in Chicago, will face Trump, 78, the Republican nominee and former president.这位民主党候选人将在8月19日于芝加哥举行的民主党全国代表大会上获得提名,她将面对的是78岁的共和党候选人、美国前总统特朗普。Biden, 81, whose term ends on Jan 20, 2025, said he will address the nation about his decision later this week. He is the first sitting US president to not seek reelection since Lyndon B. Johnson in March 1968.81岁的拜登将于2025年1月20日结束美国总统任期,他表示将在本周就他的决定向全美国发表讲话。美国历史上曾有多位在任总统放弃连任,上一位是1968年3月的的林登·约翰逊(Lyndon B. Johnson)。"Should she win the nomination, the nation will watch a multiracial woman compete in a presidential general election for the first time in history," Debbie Walsh, director at the Center for American Women & Politics, said of Harris, 59, who is of Jamaican and Asian Indian descent.哈里斯有着亚裔及非裔血统。美国妇女与政治中心主任黛比·沃尔什(Debbie Walsh)谈到59岁的哈里斯时说:“如果成功获得提名,她将成为美国历史上第一位融合血统的女性参加总统大选。”Harris previously served as a US senator from California and as California attorney general.哈里斯此前曾担任过此前她曾担任加利福尼亚州总检察长和加利福尼亚州联邦参议员等职务。She immediately got to work shoring up her support on Sunday, and as the evening wore on she appeared to be quickly building momentum. The North Carolina and South Carolina delegates pledged their support to her on Sunday evening as did a growing list of Democratic governors and members of Congress.7月21日,哈里斯立即开始为总统候选人提名进行准备工作,以获更多支持。当时晚,南北卡罗来纳州的代表表示支持哈里斯,越来越多的民主党州长和国会议员也对其表示支持。While Biden did endorse Harris, her nomination is not guaranteed, and there could be a rare open convention, also referred to as a "floor fight". There also had been talk of Democrats selecting a nominee virtually before the convention.尽管哈里斯得到拜登等人的“背书”,但这并不意味着她可以自动获得民主党总统候选人的提名,此后可能举行一场公开会议(总统辩论)。也有传言称,民主党在大会召开前已选择了一名候选人。But Representative Nanette Barragán of California, the chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, who said she spoke with Harris on Sunday, said the vice-president wants to forego a virtual roll call for the nomination process and instead hold a process that adheres to regular order.美国国会拉美裔核心小组主席、加利福尼亚州民主党众议员纳内特·巴拉甘(Nanette Barragán)已于7月21日与哈里斯进行了交谈,她表示,哈里斯希望放弃提名过程的虚拟提名,按照正常流程进行投票。Harris needs the backing of 1,969 of the 3,936 Democratic delegates to secure her nomination, Reuters reported.据路透社报道,3936名民主党代表将于8月19日至22日在芝加哥举行会议,选出民主党的提名人。哈里斯须要获得1969人的支持,才能确保获得提名。"Biden does not control his delegates: He cannot tell them whom to vote for next month. And party politics being what it is, they are most likely to go with whomever they think has the best chance to defeat Mr. Trump," The New York Times reported on Sunday.据《纽约时报》7月21日报道,“拜登并不能控制其代表,他无法告诉他们下个月给谁投票。而政党就是如此,他们将与其认为最有可能打败特朗普的人合作。”Among the names mentioned as other potential Democratic presidential candidates are governors Gavin Newsom of California, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, J.B. Pritzker of Illinois and Andy Beshear of Kentucky.其他民主党总统候选人包括加利福尼亚州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)、密歇根州州长格雷琴·惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)、宾夕法尼亚州州长乔什·夏皮罗(Josh Shapiro)、伊利诺伊州州长杰·罗伯特·普利兹克(J.B. Pritzker)和肯塔基州州长安迪·贝希尔(Andy Beshear)。Although Newsom wrote on X on Sunday: "With our democracy at stake and our future on the line, no one is better to prosecute the case against Donald Trump's dark vision and guide our country in a healthier direction than America's Vice President, @KamalaHarris."7月21日,加利福尼亚州州长纽森在社交媒体X上发文称:“在我们的民主受威胁和未来岌岌可危情况下,没人比美国副总统哈里斯更适合控诉特朗普的黑暗愿景,带领我们国家迈向更健康的方向。Whitmer and Beshear issued statements praising Biden but did not mention Harris.惠特默和贝希尔发表声明称赞拜登,并未提及哈里斯。Biden and Harris together had raised a massive campaign war chest of $240 million through various entities as of June 30, according to the Times.据《泰晤士报》报道,截至6 月 30 日,拜登和哈里斯共同筹集了 2.4 亿美元的竞选资金。ActBlue, a Democratic fundraising platform, announced it had collected $46.7 million as of 9 pm ET from small-dollar donations for Harris' campaign.据拜登—哈里斯竞选团队使用的小额捐款平台ActBlue称,截至美东时间晚9时,一共已处理4670万美元筹款。Media reports circulated last week that Biden would step down on Sunday, but the stories lost steam as Biden angrily dismissed them.上周有媒体报道称拜登将于7月21日下台,但彼时拜登愤怒地驳斥这些报道,称将继续参选。Biden's political fortunes began to crumble after his dismal performance in a debate with Trump on June 27. Gaffes in subsequent interviews and appearances led to more doubts about whether he should continue.拜登在6月27日与特朗普的辩论中被认为表现不佳,在随后的采访和几次公开露面中的发言失误也导致了人们怀疑其是否继续参选。Former president Barack Obama praised Biden, his former vice-president, in a statement on Medium.com on Sunday, saying Biden "wouldn't make this decision unless he believed it was right for America".前总统奥巴马周日在Medium的一份声明中称赞了拜登:“除非拜登认为这对美国是正确的,否则不会做出这个决定。”Obama said Biden "pointed us away from the four years of chaos, falsehood, and division that had characterized Donald Trump's administration"."We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges."奥巴马写道,拜登曾说:“我们远离了唐纳德·特朗普政府四年来的混乱、谎言和分裂……在接下来的日子里,我们将在未知的水域航行,但我对民主党有非凡的信心,他们将能够创造一个过程,从中产生一位杰出的候选人。”Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr, in comments from his family compound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, said neither party will address what he considers the major issues facing the US.作为独立人士的总统候选人小罗伯特·弗朗西斯·肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr)在马萨诸塞州海恩尼斯港(Hyannis Port)的肯尼迪家族庄园表示,民主和共和党都无法解决他认为美国目前面临的主要问题。Democratic National Conventionn.民主党全国大会