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英语新闻︱判了!女子网购毒蛇被咬致死,他们都有责Arecently released verdict found that the sellers, online platforms anddelivery companies involved in a case in which a woman died after buyingvenomous snakes online have been ordered to pay compensation.近日,北京市海淀区人民法院公布了一份判决书。该案因一位来自陕西渭南的21岁女大学生杨某某,在转转平台先后两次购买银环蛇致死而起。涉案的卖家、平台和快递公司已被责令赔偿。Thesix defendants were ordered to pay 336,900 yuan ($47,500) in total, as theirbehaviors had a causal relationship with the death of the victim, according tothe verdict, which was made in November 2021, but only published recently onthe website China Judgements Online.2021年11月2日,北京市海淀区法院宣判此案。而一审判决书近日才在中国裁判文书网公布。根据判决书,由于被告与受害人损害后果之间均存在事实上的因果关系,六名被告被责令赔偿33.69万元。Thepublic's attention has again been drawn to the subject of purchasing live orwild animals online, after two internet influencers were recently arrested foreating a shark — which was under State protection — that they had bought on theinternet.近日,两名网红博主因食用在网上购买的国家保护动物鲨鱼而被捕,线上购买野生动物这一问题再次进入公众视野。Thevictim, surnamed Yang, bought two many-banded kraits, a venomous snake includedin the list of terrestrial wildlife that is beneficial or of great economic andscientific value under State protection. She purchased the snakes from ShaoZijiu on June 20 and July 1, 2018, through trading platform Zhuanzhuan. Shaoasked others to send the snakes to Yang later via mail.据悉,杨某某购买了两条银环蛇。银环蛇是一种毒蛇,被列入了《国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录》。杨某某于2018年6月20日和7月1日通过交易平台“转转”从邵某某处购买了银环蛇。邵某某随后通过快递将银环蛇寄送给杨某某。OnJuly 9, 2018, Yang was bitten by a snake on her left hand. Although she wassent to a hospital for treatment, she died a week later. Yang's parentsbelieved that their daughter's death was closely related to the sellers, onlineplatforms and delivery companies involved in the trade.2018年7月9日,杨某某左手被蛇咬伤。尽管被送医治疗,但一周后还是去世了。杨某某的父母认为,卖家、平台和快递公司对女儿的死亡负有不可推卸的责任。Yangwas informed by Shao of the risks of rearing the snakes but she insisted on buying them. Shewas bitten after she didn't use proper protection as instructed while feedingthe snakes. She also didn't seek professional treatment promptly after beingbitten nor did she truthfully tell the doctor she was bitten by a many-bandedkrait, causing a delay in treatment.邵某某曾告知养蛇的风险,但杨某某坚持购入。杨某某喂蛇时没有按照指示,未使用适当的保护措施,因此被咬伤。被咬后,杨某某并未立即寻求专业治疗,也没有如实告诉医生自己被一条银环蛇咬伤,耽误了治疗。Therefore,Yang should take the main responsibility, and the six defendants bear secondaryresponsibility, according to the verdict.因此,判决书显示,杨某某应承担主要责任,六名被告承担次要责任。Thesellers sold the snakes online publicly and the trading platform failed tonotice and stop such illegal behavior, it said.交易平台并未注意并制止在网上公开售卖蛇类这一违法行为。TheWildlife Protection Law stipulates that online trading platforms are prohibited fromproviding trading services for the sale of wild animals and their products. ThePostal Law prohibits the delivery of any live animal in the mail, and the twodelivery companies did not check the packages as required, it said.我国《野生动物保护法》明确规定,禁止网络平台为违法出售购买野生动物提供交易服务;《邮政法实施细则》规定,禁止寄递或者在邮件内夹带各种活的动物。两家快递公司也并未按照要求检视快递包裹。"Thiscase once again warns that online shopping participants, whether they purchase,sell or transport goods, must comply with the law and regulations," saidLiu Kongsheng, a lawyer with Shandong Chenze lawyer firm.山东辰泽律师事务所律师柳孔圣表示:“本案再次警示网络购物参与者,无论采购还是出售、运输货物,一定要依法依规。”记者:杨泽坤 编辑:陈月华verdict英[ˈvɜːdɪkt];美[ˈvɜːrdɪkt]n. (陪审团的)裁决; 裁定; (经过试验、检验或体验发表的)决定; 意见rear英[rɪə(r)];美[rɪr]vt.饲养;养育;抚养vt.&vi. 抬起n.后部,背面,背后;臀部;(舰队或军队的)后方,后尾,殿后部队;〈英口〉厕所vi.直立;高耸adj.后面的,后部的stipulate英[ˈstɪpjuleɪt];美[ˈstɪpjuleɪt]vt.(尤指在协议或建议中)规定,约定,讲明(条件等)vi.规定,明确要求