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With the upcoming start of the new semester, an increasing number of universities in China are adopting innovative strategies to help students find compatible roommates based on shared lifestyle habits.新学期即将开始,中国越来越多的高校推出线上自选床位的新模式,帮助学生根据共同的生活习惯寻找合适的室友。The Communication University of China in Beijing, for instance, is enabling incoming freshmen, as well as new master's and doctoral students within the same major, to choose their prospective dormitory companions.例如,位于北京的中国传媒大学允许新生以及同一专业的硕士生和博士生可以选择自己未来的室友。To streamline this process, the university has developed a miniprogram catering to new students, offering them the opportunity to preview dormitory layouts and bed arrangements.为了简化这一过程,该校开发了一个专门针对新生的小程序,为他们提供预览宿舍布局和床位安排的机会。According to a freshman named Yang, the platform empowers students to not only visualize the dormitory's layout and bunk arrangements but also to specify their own daily routines, including preferences for smoking, sleep schedules and more. Those who opt out of this process are allocated roommates at random, ensuring fairness in the allocation process.据一位姓杨的新生介绍,这个平台不仅能让学生直观地看到宿舍的布局和床铺安排,还能让他们指定自己的日常作息时间,包括对吸烟、睡眠时间等的偏好。选择不参与这一过程的学生将被随机分配室友,以确保分配过程的公平性。Yang noted that the introduction of this option prompted freshmen to begin sharing their lifestyle habits in chat groups.杨同学指出,这一选项推出后,新生们纷纷在聊天群里分享自己的生活习惯。The Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics has extended a similar program to new postgraduate students, allowing them to participate in the selection of both dormitories and roommates before official registration.南京航空航天大学也向研究生新生推广了类似的模式,允许他们在正式入学前参与选择自己的宿舍和室友。Song Jun, an official with the university's logistics sector, said this approach acknowledges the diverse nature of student personalities and has resulted in positive outcomes since its initiation in 2021.该校后勤部门官员宋军说,这种做法重视学生多样的个性,自2021年启动以来取得了良好效果。"This proactive approach has proved to be highly beneficial in satisfying students' needs, elevating our service quality and enhancing operational efficiency," Song said.宋军说:“事实证明,这种积极主动的做法在满足学生需求、提升服务质量、提高运行效率方面大有裨益。”Jiang Aiping, deputy chief of education portal EOL Online, commended these people-centric practices implemented by universities, emphasizing their role in laying a solid foundation for students' academic journeys.“中国在线教育”网站副站长蒋爱萍对高校实施的这些以人为本的做法表示赞赏,并强调了这些做法在为学生的学业奠定坚实基础方面所发挥的作用。Jiang also noted that although handpicking roommates might not entirely eliminate interpersonal conflicts, it can still be a learning experience. "Students who make these choices will learn to navigate the outcomes of their decisions, fostering a sense of tolerance and accountability in the process," she noted.蒋爱萍还指出,尽管自选室友可能无法完全消除人际冲突,但它仍然可以成为一种学习经验。她指出:“做出这些选择的学生将学会驾驭其决定的结果,在此过程中培养宽容和责任感。”Reporter: Liang ShuangIntern:Zang TianyiRoommate英/ˈruːmmeɪt/ 美/ˈruːmmeɪt/n.室友Dormitory英/ˈdɔːmətri/ 美/ˈdɔːrmətɔːri/n.集体宿舍;(学院或大学的)学生宿舍楼