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英语新闻|新冠口服药可用于高危人群Two major oral antiviral pills, Pfizer's Paxlovid and the domestically-developed Azvudine, are now available for COVID-19 treatment at community clinics in several districts in Shanghai and Beijing.辉瑞公司的Paxlovid和国产药阿兹夫定是两种主要的口服抗病毒药,目前在上海和北京多地的社区诊所用于新冠治疗。The medications can be acquired with a prescription by elderly or vulnerable COVID-19 patients who are in the early stages of their infections, according to health authorities.卫生当局表示,处于感染早期阶段的老年或脆弱易感人群可以凭处方获得药物。In Minhang district, all its 14 community-level medical institutions can prescribe Paxlovid for patients. The price is 1,890 yuan ($275) and is partially covered by medical insurance.闵行区14家基层医疗机构均可为患者开具Paxlovid,价格为1890元(275美元),医保可报销部分费用。In Huangpu district, Paxlovid has been used for treatment for several days among community clinics but doctors have cautioned there is a strict criterion for usage, according to an article published on the district's official WeChat account.黄浦区官方微信公众号发表的一篇文章称,Paxlovid在黄浦区的社区诊所中已投入治疗多日,但医生提醒到,这种药的使用标准仍然很严格。"The drug is suitable for vulnerable seniors with underlying diseases or who are unvaccinated and have the potential to become seriously ill. We suggest for them to use it as early as possible, ideally within five days from first showing symptoms," said Chen Zhuo, a doctor with Laoximen medical center in Huangpu district. "We will look at data such as liver function indices and blood oxygen saturation to help patients decide whether they need to use the medicine."“这一药物适用于患有基础疾病或未接种疫苗,且有可能发展成重病的老年人。这几类人我们建议他们尽早使用,最好是在首次出现症状的5天内,”黄浦区老西门医疗中心的医生陈卓说道。“我们会根据查看肝功能指标和学氧浓度等数据,来帮助患者决定是否需要使用这个药。”As stated on Pfizer's website, the possible side effects of Paxlovid are allergic reactions and liver problems. Other side effects include an altered sense of taste, diarrhea and high blood pressure.如辉瑞公司网站所述,Paxlovid的常见副作用有过敏反应和肝脏问题,其他还包括味觉异常、腹泻和高血压。In Beijing, Paxlovid can be prescribed with similar criteria in several community clinics in districts including Chaoyang, Haidian and Dongcheng.在北京,在朝阳、海淀和东城等几个社区诊所,可以按照类似的标准开出Paxlovid。A doctor surname Cui who works at the Jimenli community medical center in Haidian district told China Daily the drugs are available to senior patients over 65 with underlying diseases and unvaccinated seniors over 80. She said it takes patients around half an hour to complete the evaluation and prescription procedure before getting the medicine.在海淀区蓟门里社区医疗中心工作的一位崔姓医生告诉《中国日报》,65岁以上有基础疾病的老年患者和80岁以上未接种疫苗的老年人都可以使用药物。她还说,病人在拿到药之前,需要花半个小时左右的时间完成评估和开药程序。Azvudine, a drug for treating adult COVID-19 patients with moderate symptoms, is currently available at 115 hospitals in Shanghai, as well as at 113 community clinics, Shanghai Observer reported. The price is 270 yuan per bottle and is covered by medical insurance.据《上海观察》报道,阿兹夫定适用于新冠中度症状的成人患者,目前在上海的115家医院以及113家社区诊所都有销售。价格为每瓶270元,由医保报销。The National Medical Products Administration said on Dec 30 that it had granted conditional market approval for the import of Merck's Molnupiravir. With this latest approval, a total of three COVID-19 therapeutic drugs, including Paxlovid and Azvudine, are all available in China.国家药品监督管理局12月30日表示,已对默克公司莫努拉韦的进口给予有条件的市场准入。此次获批后,Paxlovid、阿兹夫定等3款新冠治疗药物将全部在中国上市。Saturation英 [ˌsætʃəˈreɪʃn]  美 [ˌsætʃəˈreʃən]n. 饱和度Alter英 [ˈɔːltə(r)]    美 [ˈɔːltər]v.改变Diarrhea英[ˌdaɪə'rɪə]     美[ˌdaɪəˈriə]n.腹泻