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英语新闻|我国在疫苗接种方面迈出了一大步From offering the world's first inhaled COVID-19 vaccines and developing Omicron-targeted vaccines to rolling out second booster shots and targeted immunization plans for seniors, China's vaccination efforts have gained steam this year, according to authorities.据有关部门称,从提供世界上第一个吸入式新冠疫苗和开发奥密克戎靶向疫苗,到推出第二次加强针和针对老年人的针对性免疫计划,中国的疫苗接种工作在今年取得了一系列进展。The country started 2022 with a strong arsenal to fight COVID-19, with seven domestically developed vaccines available. Two of the vaccines were deployed globally after gaining approval for use from the World Health Organization.我国从2022年开始拥有强大的武器库来对抗新冠,并提供了七种国内开发的疫苗。其中两种疫苗在获得世界卫生组织批准后在全球部署。Chinese researchers also raced to provide a wider variety of vaccines, including doses administered through the mouth or nose, to keep up with new mutations of the novel coronavirus.中国研究人员还竞相提供更多种类的疫苗,包括通过口或鼻给药的剂量,以跟上新型冠状病毒的新突变。"Recently, China granted conditional approval to five COVID-19 vaccines and emergency use authorization to eight vaccines," Huang Guo, deputy director of the National Medical Products Administration, said at a news briefing on Dec 20.国家药品监督管理局副局长黄果在12月20日的新闻发布会上说:“最近,中国有条件批准了五种新冠疫苗和八种疫苗的紧急使用授权。”Li Bin, vice-minister of the National Health Commission, said that China has maintained a steady pace in updating its COVID-19 policy.国家卫生委员会副主任李斌表示,中国在更新其新冠政策方面一直保持稳定的步伐。"We have advanced vaccination and booster shot campaigns, developed and approved a number of vaccines and provided different combinations," he said.“我们推进了疫苗接种和加强注射活动,开发并批准了多种疫苗,并提供了不同的组合,”他说。On Sept 4, China became the first country to grant emergency-use approval to an inhalable COVID-19 vaccine made by CanSino Biologics based in Tianjin. The vaccine can only be used as a booster.9月4日,中国成为第一个批准紧急使用天津CanSino Biologics生产的可吸入新冠疫苗的国家,该疫苗只能用作加强剂。The vaccine delivers a dose through a puff of air from a nebulizer and is inhaled through the mouth.该疫苗通过喷雾器的一股空气输送剂量,并通过口腔吸入。Sunney Xie Xiaoliang, a biophysical chemist at Peking University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that by stimulating immune responses in the nasal cavity where respiratory pathogens first enter, inhaled or nasal spray vaccines are showing promise in fending off infections.北京大学生物物理化学家、中国科学院院士谢晓亮表示,通过刺激呼吸道病原体最先进入的鼻腔中的免疫反应,吸入或鼻喷疫苗有希望抵御感染。"Using it as a booster shot can also trigger higher levels of humoral immunity as well as cellular immunity, which are potentially capable of clearing the virus within a shorter period," he added.他补充说:“将其用作加强针还可以触发更高水平的体液免疫和细胞免疫,这有可能在更短的时间内清除病毒。”On Dec 2, a nasal spray vaccine jointly developed by Xiamen University in Fujian province, Hong Kong University and the Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise was also cleared for emergency use.12月2日,由福建省厦门大学、香港大学和北京万泰生物制药企业联合研制的鼻喷疫苗也获批应急使用。The nasal spray's main use is as a second booster for the elderly, according to the State Council's Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism.根据国务院联防联控机制,鼻腔喷雾剂的主要用途是作为老年人的第二次加强针。In Beijing's Xicheng district, Tang Ying, a community health center worker, said entire afternoons are usually assigned to delivering nasal spray vaccines. The center also provides door-to-door services for seniors.在北京西城区,社区卫生服务中心工作人员唐颖说,他们整个下午通常都用来运送鼻腔喷雾疫苗,该中心还为老年人提供上门服务。More vaccines using different technologies or providing stronger protection against COVID-19 variants are in the pipeline.更多使用不同技术或针对新冠病毒变体提供更强保护的疫苗正在研发中。As the highly transmissible but less virulent Omicron variant spreads across the country, clinical trials on three domestically developed inactivated vaccines tailored to counter it have begun on the Chinese mainland and in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the United Arab Emirates.随着高传播性但毒性较低的奥密克戎变种病毒在全国蔓延,针对该病毒量身定制的三种国产灭活疫苗的临床试验已在中国大陆、香港特别行政区和阿拉伯联合酋长国展开。Another approach being tested by scientists is vaccines designed to protect against multiple strains. Authorities said that three out of the nine multivalent vaccine candidates have entered the third stage of clinical trials.科学家正在测试的另一种方法是设计用于预防多种毒株的疫苗。当局表示,九个多价候选疫苗中的三个已进入临床试验的第三阶段。China's quest to invent vaccines based on the messenger RNA technology is also making progress.中国基于mRNA技术研制疫苗的努力也在取得进展。Walvax Biotechnology, a drugmaker based in Yunnan province, said on Sept 30 that its mRNA vaccine, developed with Suzhou Abogen Biosciences, had been approved for emergency use in Indonesia.总部位于云南省的制药商Walvax Biotechnology于9月30日表示,其与Suzhou Abogen Biosciences开发的mRNA疫苗已获准在印度尼西亚紧急使用。The company said recently that it has built a production plant capable of manufacturing mRNA vaccines in Yuxi, Yunnan.该公司最近表示,已在云南玉溪建设了一个能够生产mRNA疫苗的生产厂。Health authorities have also fine-tuned the country's immunization protocols this year, based on the latest studies on vaccine efficacy and safety.卫生当局今年还根据对疫苗功效和安全性的最新研究微调了我国的免疫方案。Zheng Zhongwei, head of the country's vaccine development task force, said during a recent interview that the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has monitored adverse reactions to the 3.4 billion doses administered on the mainland. The rate of adverse reaction of COVID-19 vaccines is on par with that of other commonly administered vaccines, while the rate among the elderly is slightly lower than that of younger people, he said.中国疫苗研制工作组组长郑忠伟最近接受采访时说,中国疾病预防控制中心监测了大陆接种的34亿剂疫苗的不良反应。他说,新冠疫苗的不良反应率与其他常用疫苗的不良反应率相当,而老年人的不良反应率略低于年轻人。Globally, China has supplied over 2.2 billion vaccine doses to more than 120 countries and international organizations, Zheng added.郑补充说,在全球范围内,中国已向120多个国家和国际组织提供了超过22亿剂疫苗。With major COVID-19 control policy adjustments underway, experts said that the emphasis of vaccination work in the near future is further boosting immunization coverage among the elderly and vulnerable groups.随着新冠防控政策的重大调整,专家表示,近期疫苗接种工作的重点是进一步提高老年人和弱势群体的免疫覆盖率。As of Dec 13, the mainland had fully vaccinated 90.37 percent of its population, but the rate was 86.6 percent for those age 60 and above and 66.4 percent for those age 80 and above.截至12月13日,大陆已为90.37%的人口全面接种疫苗,其中60岁及以上人口接种率为86.6%,80岁及以上人口接种率为66.4%。On Nov 29, the State Council rolled out an action plan dedicated to expanding vaccination among the elderly. New measures include approving different combinations of vaccine doses, requiring localities to survey their elderly population and improving the convenience of services.11月29日,国务院出台了一项专门扩大老年人疫苗接种的行动计划。新措施包括批准不同的疫苗剂量组合、要求地方调查其老年人口以及提高服务的便利性。This month, China also announced it will offer a second booster for the most vulnerable groups, including the elderly, those with severe preexisting illnesses and those with conditions that compromise their immune system.本月,中国还宣布将为最弱势群体提供第二次加强针,包括老年人、患有严重既往疾病的人和免疫系统受损的人。Zhang Shuo, a local official of Yinghai township in Beijing, said during an interview with People's Daily on Tuesday that in recent days elderly people appear more willing to get vaccinated.北京市英海镇地方官员张硕周二在接受人民日报采访时说,最近几天老年人似乎更愿意接种疫苗。"Previously, quite a number of seniors and their family members had concerns on whether vaccination would worsen their preexisting illnesses and it took great efforts to persuade them," he said.他说:“此前,不少长者和家人担心接种疫苗会不会加重原有疾病,劝说费了很大力气。”"But this year, we can tell that their attitudes have obviously changed and they sincerely want to be vaccinated. Most just consult us about questions such as whether high blood pressure and heart disease patients are eligible for immunization," he added.“但今年,我们可以看出他们的态度明显发生了变化,他们真诚地希望接种疫苗。大多数人会咨询我们一些问题,例如高血压和心脏病患者是否有资格接种疫苗,”他补充说。Arsenal 英[ˈɑːsənl];美[ˈɑːrsənl]n. 兵工厂;武器库;军火库Tailor 英[ˈteɪlə(r)];美[ˈteɪlər]v. 专门制作;订做pipeline 英[ˈpaɪplaɪn];美 [ˈpaɪplaɪn]n. 输油管道,输气管道,输送管线