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英语新闻丨West’s hypocrisy can’t take shine off World CupFIFA President Gianni Infantino was spot on when he slammed Western countries of “hypocrisy” for trying to give “moral lessons” to other nations.国际足联主席詹尼·因凡蒂诺(Gianni Infantino)猛烈抨击西方国家“虚伪”,试图给其他国家上“道德课”。A Swiss Italian, Infantino said on Saturday that “for what we Europeans have been doing around the world in the last 3,000 years, we should be apologizing for the next 3,000 years before starting to give moral lessons to people”.拥有瑞士和意大利双重国籍的因凡蒂诺周六表示,“对于过去3000年来我们欧洲人在世界各地所做的事情,我们应该为接下来的3000年道歉,然后再开始给人们上道德课”。He was responding to the criticism by Western media about human rights in Qatar, host of the 2022 World Cup, such as the treatment of migrant workers and the LGBT community.他正在回应西方媒体对2022年世界杯东道主卡塔尔有关人权的批评,例如移民工人和LGBT 群体的待遇。FIFA warned several European teams that their captains would face yellow cards if they wear the OneLove armbands in a bid to raise LGBT awareness during the matches.国际足联警告几支欧洲球队,如果他们的队长在比赛中佩戴OneLove臂章,以提高LGBT意识,将面临黄牌警告。French President Emmanuel Macron pointed out last week that sport should not be politicized, referring to his plan to go to Qatar if the French national team, the defending champion, reaches the semifinals.法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙上周指出,体育不应被政治化,他指出如果卫冕冠军法国国家队进入半决赛,他将前往卡塔尔。However, France politicized sport when it called for Russia to be banned from the World Cup qualifying games days after the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February.然而,在2月俄乌冲突爆发几天后,法国呼吁禁止俄罗斯参加世界杯预选赛,从而将体育政治化。When the International Olympic Committee then urged that Russia be banned from participating in international sports events, many international sports federations quickly followed suit. But IOC President Thomas Bach said last month that Russian athletes could be allowed back to compete at Olympic Games as long as they don’t support the war in Ukraine.当国际奥委会随后敦促禁止俄罗斯参加国际体育赛事时,许多国际体育联合会迅速效仿。但国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫上个月表示,只要俄罗斯运动员不支持乌克兰战争,他们就可以获准重返奥运会。Punishing athletes for the actions of their governments will do nothing to help end the conflict. On the contrary, sports have the magic power of bringing different people together. Engaging more Russian athletes could contribute to finding a solution to the conflict.因政府的行为而惩罚运动员无助于结束冲突。相反,体育具有将不同的人聚集在一起的魔力,让更多的俄罗斯运动员参与进来可能有助于找到解决冲突的办法。The fact that people all over the world, regardless of their political and religious beliefs, are enjoying watching World Cup shows that sports transcend politics. People cheer teams and players they support and others for their good performances.世界各地的人们,无论其政治和宗教信仰如何,都乐于观看世界杯,这一事实表明体育超越了政治,人们会为他们支持的球队和球员以及其他人的出色表现欢呼。People have the right to express their concerns about human rights issues, but they have to pick the right time and right place, and those are not a sports event.人们有权表达对人权问题的关注,但他们必须选择合适的时间和合适的地点,而体育赛事不是合适的时机。Certain sports such as snooker, golf and tennis even require spectators to remain silent. No one wants a soccer match to be spoiled by protesters shouting slogans.斯诺克、高尔夫和网球等某些运动甚至要求观众保持沉默,同样地,没有人希望足球比赛被高喊口号的抗议者破坏。When the World Cup kicked off on Sunday, BBC chose not to broadcast the opening ceremony and instead spent the time talking about human rights abuses in Qatar.That reflects the hypocrisy Infantino pointed out.周日世界杯开幕时,BBC选择不转播开幕式,而是花时间谈论卡塔尔侵犯人权的问题,这反映了Infantino所指的虚伪。The BBC did not boycott the opening ceremony of the London Olympics in 2012, which took place a month after Julian Assange was forced to seek asylum in Ecuador’s embassy in London due to extradition concerns, or the opening ceremony of the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in Utah in 2002, which was held months after the US invasion of Afghanistan.BBC没有抵制2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式,该开幕式发生在朱利安·阿桑奇因引渡问题被迫在厄瓜多尔驻伦敦大使馆寻求庇护一个月后,也没有抵制2002年在美国犹他州举办的盐湖城冬季奥运会开幕式,而这发生在美国入侵阿富汗几个月后。In its 2021 report, the Amnesty International cited human concerns in France from racial profiling to migrants’ rights. The Human Rights Watch cited in its report the US human rights violations from racial injustice and the world’s highest criminal incarceration rates to women’s health rights and the rights of non-citizens.在其2021年的报告中,国际特赦组织列举了对法国从种族定性到移民权利问题上的担忧。人权观察在其报告中列举了美国从种族不公正和世界上最高的刑事监禁率到妇女健康权和非公民权利的侵犯人权行为。Since they spent so much time nitpicking the alcohol ban during the World Cup matches, there will be plenty for Western media to point their fingers at these Olympic Games. But we all know they won’t.由于他们在世界杯比赛期间花了大量时间挑剔禁酒令,因此西方媒体将有很多矛头可以指向这些奥运会,但我们都知道他们不会。Nitpick 英[ˈnɪtpɪk];美[ˈnɪtˌpɪk]v. 挑剔;吹毛求疵extradition英[ˌekstrəˈdɪʃn];美[ˌekstrəˈdɪʃn]n. 引渡armband英[ˈɑːmbænd];美[ˈɑːrmbænd]n. 臂章boycott英[ˈbɔɪkɒt];美[ˈbɔɪkɑːt]v. 抵制,拒绝参加