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英语新闻|习近平在进博会上的演讲振奋人心President Xi Jinping's speech to the fifth China International Import Expo embodies China's unswerving pursuit of high-standard opening-up and its efforts to facilitate world trade and drive global innovation, according to multinational business executives.许多跨国企业高管表示,习近平在第五届中国国际进口博览会开幕式的致辞体现了中方坚定不移地追求高标准的开放,努力促进世界贸易,推动全球创新。This has deepened investment confidence and pointed to thriving business opportunities, they said.他们表示,习近平的讲话使投资者更有信心,商业发展将欣欣向荣。Xi emphasized that the CIIE's purpose is to expand China's opening-up and turn the country's vast market into enormous opportunities for the world.习近平强调,进博会的宗旨是扩大对外开放,让中国大市场成为世界大机遇。Bruno Chevot, president of French food and beverage company Danone for China, North Asia and Oceania, said that Xi's remarks sent a clear signal that China will continue to open its door wider to foreign companies and that the country is taking concrete steps to broaden market access.法国食品饮料公司达能中国、北亚和大洋洲总裁布鲁诺•切沃特表示,习近平的讲话是一个明确的信号,表示中国将继续向外国公司敞开大门并正在采取具体措施扩大市场准入。"It is very important because it's really helping us to build our future strategic plan and make sure that we create the condition to contribute to the Chinese market and further strengthen our commitment to long-term development in the country," Chevot said.切沃特称,“这非常重要,因为它确实有助于我们制定未来的战略计划,确保我们能够创造条件为中国市场做出贡献,并进一步执行我们在中国长期发展的承诺。”Speaking via video link at the opening ceremony of the expo on Friday, Xi reaffirmed China's pledge to enable various nations to share opportunities in its vast market. He also highlighted the need to remain committed to openness to meet development challenges, foster synergy for cooperation, build innovation momentum and deliver benefits to all.习近平在周五的世博会开幕式上发表视频讲话,重申了中国将推动各国各方共享深化国际合作机遇的承诺。他强调要以开放纾发展之困、以开放汇合作之力、以开放聚创新之势、以开放谋共享之福。"We should steadily advance economic globalization, enhance every country's dynamism of growth, and provide all nations with greater and fairer access to the fruits of development," Xi said.习近平表示,“我们要推动经济全球化不断向前,增强各国发展动能,让发展成果更多更公平惠及各国人民。”Zheng Dazhi, president of Bosch Thermotechnology Asia-Pacific, a German industrial group, said that the company is inspired by the remarks about creating new opportunities for the world through China's own development.德国工业集团博世热力技术亚太总裁郑大智表示,习近平致辞中通过中国自身发展为世界创造新机遇这一观点启发了该公司。"It is encouraging because we also believe that an open, market-oriented business environment is good for all the players. With such vision, we are unwaveringly committed to China and will continue to increase local investments, in order to enhance local production and research and development capabilities here," Zheng said.郑大智称,“我们相信,一个开放的、以市场为导向的营商环境对各方都是有利的。有了这样的愿景,我们将坚定不移地致力于加强对中国的投资,以提高生产和研发能力。”The pledge to promote cooperation on innovation gave extra confidence to United States-based luxury company Tapestry.促进创新合作的承诺也让美国奢侈品公司泰佩思琦有了更多的信心。"The country is not only one of our most important markets worldwide, but also a source of inspiration for breakthroughs and innovations," said Yann Bozec, president of Tapestry Asia-Pacific. "The remarks give us stronger confidence and strengthen Tapestry's determination to increase investments in the Chinese market."泰佩思琦亚太区总裁扬·博泽克表示:“中国不仅是我们在全球最重要的市场之一,也是我们寻求突破和创新的灵感来源。习近平主席的致辞让我们更有信心,坚定了泰佩思琦加大中国市场投资的决心。”In the speech, Xi announced plans to establish pilot zones for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation and build national demonstration zones for innovative development of trade in services.在致辞中,习近平还宣布计划创建“丝路电商”合作先行区,建设国家服务贸易创新发展示范区。Eddy Chan, senior vice-president of logistics company FedEx Express and president of FedEx China, said that the company is "particularly thrilled "about the mention of developing a new mechanism for trade in services.物流公司联邦快递高级副总裁、联邦快递中国总裁陈育德表示,该公司对发展服务贸易新机制的提议“非常兴奋”。"It will encourage innovation in trade, promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and bring more opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises in both China and other parts of the world," he said.陈育德称,“这一举措将鼓励贸易创新,促进高质量的‘一带一路’合作,并为中国和世界其他地区的中小企业带来更多机会。”Zhou Zhicheng, a researcher at the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing in Beijing, noted that as cross-border e-commerce plays a key role in China's economic revival, the country has introduced a series of favorable policies to provide new impetus to exports and domestic consumption.北京中国物流与采购联合会研究员周志成指出,由于跨境电子商务在中国经济复苏中发挥着关键作用,国家已经推出了一系列优惠政策为出口和国内消费提供新的动力。"Domestic as well as global companies in the transportation sector have leveraged their global logistics network to promote the e-commerce trade flow between China and the world," he said.周志成称,“国内和国外的运输企业利用其全球物流网络促进了中国与世界之间的电子商务贸易流动。”记者:程钰钟南unswerving英[ʌnˈswɜ:vɪŋ];美[ʌnˈswɜrvɪŋ]adj.坚定不移的leverage英[ˈliːvərɪdʒ];美[ˈlevərɪdʒ]v.利用;施加影响logistics英[ləˈdʒɪstɪks];美[ləˈdʒɪstɪks]n. 物流