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The annual college graduation season is just drawing to a close. As most of this year's graduates were born in 2000 or 2001, they are the first of the "00's generation" to leave the campus and enter the workplace.一年一度的大学毕业季即将落下帷幕。由于今年的毕业生大多出生于2000年或2001年,他们是“00后”中第一批离开校园进入职场的人。These graduates also have a second defining characteristic: three of their four years of college life were dominated by the COVID-19 epidemic, so they stayed home to take online classes or were quarantined in their dormitories. Some said they were surprised to have graduated without having eaten in every one of their school's canteens.这些毕业生还有一个明显的特征:他们四年的大学生涯,有三年是在新冠肺炎疫情中度过的,因此他们不得不待在家里上网课或者被隔离在宿舍里。有些人表示,他们很惊讶毕业了却没有吃遍学校的所有食堂。Those factors have left two marks on them: a sense of security engendered by the favorable economic environment that has cushioned their young lives, while conversely they are anxious after the epidemic and as a result of the growing competition for jobs.这些因素在他们身上留下了两个印记:一方面有利的经济环境给他们年轻的生活带来安全感,另一方面疫情和竞争加剧使他们感到焦虑。Zhang Xiaojing, who was born in September 2000, graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University with a bachelor's in internet journalism. Like her peers, she is skilled in the use of a range of news software, self-media platforms and social media apps. She took many online classes at home, and the huge amount of information flowing from the internet meant that even from her earliest days at university she learned to think, be discerning and plan.出生于2000年9月的张晓静(音译)毕业于北京交通大学网络与新媒体专业。和她的同龄人一样,张晓静擅长使用一系列新闻软件、自媒体平台和社交媒体。她在家上了很多网课,来自互联网的大量信息意味着即使从她上大学的最初几天起,她就学会了思考、辨别和规划。"My generation is exposed to too much information, so when making future life choices, we need a stronger ability to sift through information. If you make a big life choice in a confused way, the risks are bigger than before," she said.张晓静说:“我们这一代人接触了太多的信息,所以在做出未来规划时,我们需要更强的信息筛选能力。如果你以一种混乱的方式做出重大的人生选择,那么将会面临比以往更高的风险。”With a plan for her future career in mind, she began an internship in the summer of her sophomore year. After trying five different companies and units including iQiyi, Tencent and traditional media she decided to undertake postgraduate study.在未来职业规划的指引下,张晓静在大二暑假开始实习。在尝试了爱奇艺、腾讯和传统媒体等五家不同的公司和单位后,她决定攻读研究生。"I tried a few different jobs and fluctuated between the feeling that I was the right fit or the wrong fit. I need more time to look at it and try more things in different areas," she said.她说:“我尝试了几份不同的工作,并在感觉自己在合适和不合适之间摇摆。因此我需要更多的时间研究,并在不同的领域尝试更多的东西。”"School is a very special period when we can learn social behavior and even make mistakes. We still have a lot of experience to gain, so we want to continue to obtain it as students, which I think comes at a relatively low cost. I will have to work for several decades, but my educational life is less than 20 years, so there's no hurry."“学生生涯是一个非常特殊的时期,我们可以学习社会行为,甚至犯错误。我们仍有许多经验要积累,所以我们希望继续以学生的身份吸取经验,这一过程相对来说代价较低。未来我将工作几十年,但我的教育生涯不到二十年,所以我觉得不用着急。”Practical experience实践经验Kong Zhiyu, Zhang's classmate, said that this year's graduates enjoyed their internships very much, and they believe that learning in school and practicing in the workplace are equally important ways of gaining experience. Even though they are not yet 23 years old, many say that they are already "internship veterans".张晓静的同学孔志宇(音译)表示,今年的毕业生非常珍惜实习经历,学生们认为在校学习和实习是获得经验的重要途径。尽管毕业生们还不到23岁,但许多人说他们已经是“实习老手”了。He said that interning taught him a lot: in addition to improving his basic working ability, he is better at writing resumes after interacting with employers and he has identified the things he needs to do to supplement his knowledge and ability.孔志宇表示,实习教会了他很多,不仅提高他基本的工作能力,而且与用人单位的互动使他更擅长写简历,同时也让他明确了自己需要补充的知识和能力。"The practical experience also made me more realistic," he said. "In school, we don't have a clear idea of what kind of talent society needs or where we stand among our peers. But after working with employers, we tend not to be too shy or arrogant, we can find our own level and have more realistic expectations for the future."他说: “实践经验也让我更加现实。在学校里,我们不清楚社会需要什么样的人才,也不清楚我们在同龄人中所处的位置。但在实习之后,我们不再会害羞或傲慢,我们对自己的水平有了清晰的认识,并对未来抱有更现实的期望。”One of his peers, Wu Di, a Spanish major who graduated this year, said that today's college students are "caught up" and that the anxiety and insecurity they feel mainly come from peer pressure to work hard.孔志宇的同龄人,今年毕业于西班牙语专业的学生吴迪(音译)表示,现今的大学生们都有被“追赶着”的感觉,而他们所感受到的焦虑和不安主要来自同辈努力学习的压力。Wu said his former classmates still feel uneasy and anxious, despite having consulted with their predecessors and teachers about their experiences, formulated future work plans and interned and interacted with employers since their early years in college.吴迪指出,尽管他的同学们早在大学早期就向前辈和老师咨询了他们的经历,制定了未来职业规划,并在用人单位进行实习和互动,但他们仍然感到不安和焦虑。"If you measure anxiety on a scale of zero to 10, this generation would register as eight to 10," he said.他说:“如果你用零到十来衡量焦虑,这一代人的焦虑指数是八到十分。”"In recent years, we have felt that there are too many uncertainties in the world. When it comes to work and the future, it seems that the only certainty is making money. So when I made a career choice after graduation, the salary was the first factor I considered, followed by the growth brought by the job, realization of personal value and a few other things."“近年来,我们感到世界上有太多的不确定因素。赚钱似乎成为工作和未来中唯一确定的要素。所以当我毕业后做职业选择时,工资是我考虑的首要因素,其次是工作带来的成长、个人价值的实现和其他。”'Sense of security' “安全感”In interviews for this article, the phrase "Searching for a sense of security" appeared frequently among this class of graduates.在采访中,这届毕业生频繁提及“寻找安全感”。Wu said that he needs to make money to gain that feeling. Meanwhile, some of his peers chose to take the civil service exam, while others preferred jobs that provide household registration in Beijing. Some simply chose to work for State-owned enterprises or large companies because that made them feel more secure.吴迪说,他需要通过赚钱来获得安全感。与此同时,他的一些同龄人选择参加公务员考试,而其他人则倾向于寻找能够解决北京户口的工作。有些人选择在国企或大公司,因为这让他们感觉更安全。Wang Hongying, Party secretary of the School of Languages and Communication Studies at Beijing Jiaotong University, said there are big differences between today's graduates and those of 10 years ago.北京交通大学语言与传播学院党委书记王虹英表示,今天的毕业生与十年前的毕业生有很大的不同。According to Wang, today's young people are focused more on their feelings than on rational thought when they make choices. For example, they pay more attention to the working environment and company culture, and they have more patience to wait to "grow up".王虹英表示,如今的年轻人在做选择时更关注自己的感受,而非理性思考。例如,学生们更注重工作环境和公司文化,他们更有耐心等待“成长”。"In the past, we heard that many college graduates overseas were taking gap years, and this phenomenon is becoming more and more popular in China. Some use the break to retake the graduate school entrance exams or go abroad for further study, while others just want to stop and 'wait for themselves' (to understand their own needs)," she said.“过去,我们听说很多海外大学毕业生都有间隔年,这种现象在中国越来越普遍。有些人利用假期重新参加研究生入学考试或出国深造,而其他人只是想停下来‘等待自己’(了解自己的需求)”王虹英说。"The country's economic development has given this generation a sense of security," she said. The 20 years during which this generation grew up was also the time in which China developed from being relatively well-off to well-off. "So they grew up with a certain sense of security. This is the confidence that the country's development has brought to this generation," she said.王虹英表示,这一代人成长的二十年,也是中国从小康走向小康的二十年,国家的经济发展带给这一代人安全感,他们在安全感中长大,这是国家的发展带给这代人的信心。In China, the school entry age is 6 years old, so children born in the second half of 2000 and the first half of 2001 started school in 2007, went to college in 2019 and graduated this year.在中国,入学年龄为六周岁,所以2000年下半年和2001年上半年出生的孩子在2007年开始上学,2019年上大学,今年毕业。"This generation is regarded as a lucky one because its members grew up in a favorable environment. However, at the same time, it is also an anxious generation, and these young people may face greater employment pressures," Wang said.王虹英说:“这一代人被认为是幸运的一代,因为他们在良好的环境中长大。然而,他们也是焦虑的一代,这些年轻人可能面临更大的就业压力。”Glut of applicants 过剩的应聘者Those pressures are likely caused by the large number of graduates and also because young Chinese who graduated from schools overseas returned during the COVID-19 outbreak, resulting in a glut of applicants on the job market. In recent years, students have felt more employment pressures.近年来,学生们感到了前所未有的就业压力。这些压力可能是由庞大的毕业生群体造成的,也因为在新冠肺炎疫情期间一批留学生选择回国,导致就业市场供过于求。"From society's point of view, what we are pursuing is the reduction of occupational disparity: that is, whether it is government units, large or small, State-owned or private enterprises, the differences between them are narrowing. Many developed countries have gone through this phase. We have not been able to achieve development and balance in such a short period of time, so this is the next problem to be solved," Wang said.王虹英说:“从社会角度来看,我们追求的是缩小职业差距,也就是说,无论是政府单位,大小企业,国有企业还是民营企业,它们之间的差距都在缩小。许多发达国家都经历过这一阶段。我们没能在这么短的时间内实现发展和平衡,所以这是下一阶段需要解决的问题。”Wu, the graduate in Spanish, said: "Each generation has its own mission and topic. We need to acknowledge the fact that this generation is approaching its problems calmly. Looking on from a distance and saying that we are relaxed or we are distressed are both excessive generalizations, and I think they are unnecessary.毕业于西班牙语专业的吴迪说:“每一代人都有自己的使命和课题。我们需要承认这一代人正在冷静地处理问题。局外人认为我们很轻松或者很痛苦但这都是夸张的说法,我认为这是不必要的。”"I am a big believer in making the best choice for yourself at any given moment. Keep doing that and you'll get the best life you can achieve."“我坚信在任何时候都要为自己做出最好的选择。坚持下去,你就会获得最好的生活。”Graduate英 /ˈɡrædʒuət/美 /ˈɡrædʒuət/n. 毕业生Security英 /sɪˈkjʊərəti/美 /sɪˈkjʊrəti/n.安全感Applicant英 /ˈæplɪkənt/美 /ˈæplɪkənt/n. 求职人