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The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday called for de-escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict after recent reports of Ukrainian troops entering Russia's border region of Kursk.8月12日,据报道,乌克兰军队近日攻入俄罗斯本土库尔斯克州。中国外交部呼吁缓和俄乌冲突。In a statement, the ministry said China will continue to maintain communication with the international community and play a constructive role in promoting the political settlement of the crisis. It added that China calls on all parties to abide by the "three principles" of no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no fanning of the flames by any party.发言人表示,中方注意到有关情况。中方在乌克兰问题上的立场是一贯的、明确的,呼吁各方遵守局势降温“三原则”,即战场不外溢、战事不升级、各方不拱火。In stark contrast to the Joe Biden administration reaffirming the United States' "unwavering support for Ukraine" in a document issued on Friday, four days after Ukrainian forces entered Kursk, Beijing's statement reflects China's neutral stance and its earnest desire to see an early political settlement of the crisis.8月9日,与美国总统拜登在乌突袭俄库尔斯克四天后发布的文档中重申美国“坚定不移地支持乌克兰”形成鲜明对比的是,外交部的声明反映了中国的中立立场及看到政治危机早日解决的热切希望。The fact sheet "US Security Cooperation with Ukraine", issued after Ukrainian forces advanced into the hinterland of Russia's Kursk region, testifies to the Biden administration's intention to take credit for the "achievement" to give a boost to the Democratic Party ahead of the upcoming US presidential election.在乌突袭俄库尔斯克后发布的《美国-乌克兰安全协议》表明了美国总统拜登将“成就”归于民主党,在即将到来的美国总统大选之前提振民主党。To date, the US has provided more than $55.4 billion in military assistance to Ukraine since the conflict began on Feb 24, 2022, according to the document.协议表示,自2022年2月24日冲突爆发以来,美国迄今已向乌克兰提供了超554亿美元的军事援助。With Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump attacking its strategic misjudgment and lack of means to end the conflict, the protracted hostilities between Russia and Ukraine have become a negative asset for the Democratic Party in the run-up to the November elections.随着共和党总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普抨击(民主党)战略误判和缺乏结束冲突的手段,俄乌之间长期的敌对关系使得民主党11月大选前面临负面资产。The Biden administration had long hesitated to allow Kyiv to use NATO weapons to attack Russian targets beyond the border, not to mention supporting it to enter Russian territory, for fear of triggering an open conflict between Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.美国总统拜登长期以来踌躇是否允许乌克兰使用核弹袭击俄罗斯边境,担心引发俄罗斯与北约之间的公开冲突。So by finally giving Kyiv the green light and all necessary intelligence and material support to launch the surprise attack, Biden is ensuring that his proxied aggression against Russia gets a new lease of life even as he prepares to leave office.通过最终给予乌克兰军事援助并允许乌克兰袭击俄罗斯,美国总统拜登在即将离任前夕确保民主党针对俄乌冲突有所行动。While the battlefield gambit may have been a morale booster for the Ukrainian forces, Kyiv will be clearheaded that the progress the Ukrainian forces have made on Russia's land so far is temporary, as it will be very difficult for them to hold on to their gains. It will also know that the consequences and possible costs of the move remain to be taken into account.尽管军事战略鼓舞了乌方士气,其也清楚地认识到,乌克兰军队迄今为止在俄罗斯边境及境内取得的进展是暂时的,此举的后果和成本仍多方考虑。It is the US' shortsighted prodding of Ukraine to carry the fighting to Russia that has rendered all previous efforts to seek an early end to the Ukraine crisis in vain. The strategic purpose of the latest US-sponsored Ukrainian offensive is ill-defined, and is unlikely to give Ukraine the upper hand in the fighting. And before it takes back its lost land by force, Moscow might not consider any talks.美国给予乌方军事援助,提供军事武器使乌方突袭俄方,使得此前寻求双方早日结束争端的乌方所有努力付诸东流。美国发起的乌克兰最新攻势的战略目的不明确,而在使用军事力量夺回国土前,俄罗斯方不会考虑任何谈判形式。While the Ukrainian offensive may have served the needs of US domestic politics, the question is for how long that need will continue to prolong the Ukraine crisis.尽管乌克兰发起对俄罗斯的攻势可能满足了美国内政的需要,但此举对于解决俄乌争端并不起根本作用。There is no doubt that regardless of how the Russia-Ukraine conflict unfolds, Russia's ambition to remain a world power based and rooted in Europe will not change. Nor will its stance on matters concerning its core interests and its firm resolve to preserve a safety zone on its periphery change.无论俄乌冲突如何发展,俄罗斯立足欧洲、扎根于欧洲的世界大国的雄心都不会改变,其在涉及其核心利益问题上的立场和在维护周边安全的坚定决心也不会改变。While China is accused by the US and NATO of siding with Russia, the Chinese position and role with respect to the conflict have to do with the characteristics of how it approaches international relations. As neither the creator of the conflict nor a party to it, China respects both countries' reasonable needs on security and sovereignty. As such it opposes the groundless expansion and aggression of NATO, which embodies Cold War thinking.尽管美国和北约指责中国与俄方一道,但这与中国在国际争端的立场和处理国际关系的特点有关。中国既不是危机制造者,也不是当事方、参与方,尊重两国在安全和主权方面的合理需求。因此,中方反对北约毫无根据的扩张和侵略,即北约冷战思维。Instead of trying to take advantage of the crisis or profit from it, as the US is doing, China has made low-key but consistent efforts to promote dialogue between the two parties so they can arrive at a solution to resolve their differences.中方并未试图利用危机或从中获利,而是低调但始终如一地努力促进俄乌双方对话,找到解决冲突的方案。Despite the continued warmongering of the US that is fanning the flames of the fighting, China will continue to work for peace as long as there still exists a ray of hope.尽管美国持续鼓动乌方,给予其军事援助,但只要还有一线希望,中国将持续为和平而努力。North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)n.北大西洋公约(北约)