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By taking the lead among major cities in scrapping all restrictions on homebuying, Hangzhou, capital of East China's Zhejiang province, and Xi'an of Shaanxi province have set the tone in terms of effecting measures that boost market confidence and help the market to stabilize, property experts said on Thursday.5月9日,房地产专家周四表示,在主要城市中,华东地区浙江省省会杭州和陕西省西安市率先取消了所有购房限制措施,为提振市场信心、帮助市场稳定的措施定下了基调。All the previous limits on home purchases in Hangzhou were canceled on Thursday. Non-locals who own residential properties in the city can apply for permanent resident status, said a seven-item notice published on the website of the local bureau of housing security and real estate management on Thursday.此前杭州的所有购房限制均于5月9日被取消了。5月9日,杭州市住房保障和房产管理局网站上发布了一则通知,包括在杭州拥有住宅房产的非本地人可以申请永久居民身份等七条措施。"Hangzhou is the first Chinese city to lift all existing curbs posed on homebuying after April 30, when the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held a tone-setting conference calling for measures to digest housing inventories and optimize new supplies," said Yan Yuejin, director of Shanghai-based E-house China Research and Development Institution.位于上海的易居研究院研究总监严跃进说:“4月30日,中共中央政治局召开会议,为房地产政策定调,要求采取措施消化住房库存,优化新增供应,杭州是4月30日之后第一个取消所有现有购房限制措施的中国城市。”"Behind the easing policies are visible home price drops and withered transactions," said Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Guangdong Planning Institute's residential policy research center.广东省住房政策研究中心首席研究员李宇嘉说:“宽松政策的背后是明显的房价下跌和成交萎缩。”"All of the city's 10 districts reported declines on their average trading prices of pre-owned homes in April, ranging from 2 percent to 21 percent," said Li, citing data from the Beike Research Institute in Hangzhou.李宇嘉援引杭州贝壳研究院的数据说:“4月份,全市10个区的二手房平均交易价格都出现了下降,降幅从2%到21%不等。”Data from the China Index Academy showed a transaction downturn in the new homes market, suggesting similar measures are needed to activate potential demand.中指研究院的数据显示,新房市场交易低迷,这表明需要采取类似措施来激活潜在需求。Hangzhou's bold move may inspire easing in other cities or their districts, especially second-tier cities, that have tight restrictions on home purchases, said Gao Yuansheng, executive vice-president of the China Index Academy's East China region.中指研究院华东大区常务副总高院生表示,杭州的大胆举措可能会激励其他城市或其所在区域,尤其是二线城市,继续优化限购政策。Citing data from the China Index Academy, Gao said strict limits are still in place in housing markets across cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen of Guangdong province as well as some core districts of cities like Guangzhou of Guangdong province, Tianjin.高院生援引中指研究院的数据说,北京市、上海市、广东省深圳市等城市以及广东省广州市、天津市等城市的一些核心区仍对住房市场实行严格限制。Like Hangzhou, Xi'an lifted all its homebuying requirements on Thursday afternoon. The new policy is expected to ease pressure on the city in Northwest China to destock its housing inventories, said Zhang Hongwei, founder of Jingjian Consulting.与杭州一样,西安也在5月9日下午取消了所有购房要求。镜鉴咨询创始人张宏伟说,新政策有望缓解中国西北部城市的住房库存压力。set the tone定调housing inventories房产库存