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英语新闻|黄桃罐头卖断货!专家提醒:可能加重咳嗽With the changing epidemic situation, various tips and suggestions have appeared on social media. In the midst of all the comments, one voice was particularly loud: "It is suggested that canned yellow peaches be included in medical insurance". 随着疫情的变化,各种建议和康复指导开始出现在社交媒体上。在众多评论中,有一个声音特别响亮: “建议将黄桃罐头纳入医疗保险”。The canned yellow peach belongs to the "comfort foods" of a generation to some extent. "Comfort foods" is a saying that all countries have, or can be understood as "healing food", which is defined as "food that can provide nostalgic or emotional value". Experts remind us that, although canned yellow peaches are rich in nutrients, they cannot relieve the symptoms of the disease. Do not eat them when you have a cough, as it may aggravate symptoms.当然,黄桃罐头其实并无实际药效,只是一种“安慰食品” ,也就是一种为人们提供情感价值的食物。专家提醒,黄桃罐头虽然营养丰富,但无法缓解疾病症状。尤其是咳嗽时不要食用,还可能会加重症状。Canned yellow peaches are indeed a childhood memory for many. There is a northern "superstition" circulated on the internet a few years ago: regardless of the seriousness of the disease, it is helpful to eat a canned yellow peach. 黄桃罐头确实是很多人的童年回忆。在我国东北地区,很多人小时候总听说,“不管病得有多重,吃个黄桃罐头就好了”。几年前,黄桃罐头的“神奇功效”就已随着互联网广泛流传。In the 1970s and 1980s, canned peaches were a "valuable food" in the north. For ordinary families, they could only share and enjoy peaches when visiting relatives and friends, or during the Spring Festival. During these “special periods” of time, children were “sick” so they could receive a special can of peaches.在20世纪70年代和80年代,罐头在北方仍是很宝贵的食物。对于普通家庭来说,只有在走访亲戚朋友或者春节期间才舍得拿出。普通家庭的孩子只有在“特殊时期”才能吃到,比如生病的时候。When children were sick and unwilling to take very bitter medicines, parents would entice the child with a can of yellow peaches. As time went on, eating canned yellow peaches when sick had become a sweet memory and habit of generations.当孩子生病不愿意吃那些很苦的药时,父母就会拿出甜甜的黄桃罐头。随着时间的推移,生病就吃黄桃罐头成为了一代又一代人的甜蜜记忆和习惯。In addition, people of the older generation also have certain superstitions about peaches. The ancients believed that peach branches could exorcise evil spirits, and peaches represented "health and longevity". In addition, in the Chinese phonetic alphabet, "peach" has the same pronunciation as "escape". 此外,老一辈的人对“桃”这种水果也有一定的迷信。古人认为,桃枝可以驱邪,桃子也可以暗示“健康和长寿”。同时,在汉语拼音中,“桃”与“逃”的发音相同。编辑:朱迪齐实习生:张婉诗来源:中国日报 人民网 三联生活周刊aggravate英[ˈæɡrəveɪt];美[ˈæɡrəveɪt]v.加重superstition英[ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃn];美[ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃn]n.迷信exorcise英['eksɔ:saɪz];美['eksɔˌsaɪz]v.(用祈祷等)驱除(恶魔)