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The central authorities sent a congratulatory message to the country's Olympic delegation on Sunday for their accomplishments and sportsmanship at the Paris Olympic Games. China finished second in the overall medal table at the Games, with 40 gold, 27 silver and 24 bronze medals, marking the country's best performance at an overseas Olympic Games.8月11日,中共中央国务院向本届奥林匹克运动会中国体育代表团发来贺电,祝贺他们在巴黎奥运会上取得的成就。中国在奥运会总奖牌榜上以40枚金牌、27枚银牌和24枚铜牌位居第二,这是中国在境外参赛奥运会上的最好成绩。Apart from commending their outstanding athletic performances and achievements in the message, the central authorities also urged relevant departments to take more concrete actions to promote the vigorous development of mass and youth sports.贺电中除了表扬运动员们的优秀表现和成绩外,还鼓励有关部门采取更加具体的行动,推动群众体育和青少年体育事业蓬勃发展。It is the fast development of sports at the grassroots level that has laid a solid foundation for the Chinese athletes' dazzling performances on the world stage. More and more people, especially youth, participate in sports, which helps expand the talent pool for competitive sports. Also, a modern sports industry system has been formed that provides support for scientific training and the development of sports.正是基层体育运动的快速发展,为中国运动员在世界舞台上的亮眼表现奠定了坚实的基础。越来越多的人,尤其是青少年参与体育运动,这有助于扩大竞技体育的人才库,形成现代体育产业体系,为科学训练和体育事业发展提供支撑。There were 4.59 million sports venues in China last year, and the area of public sports venues exceeded 4 billion square meters for the first time, reaching 4.07 billion sq m. Thanks to that, about 38.5 percent of the population regularly participate in physical exercise. The country has set the goal of raising that level to above 45 percent by 2035.去年我国共设体育场馆459万个,公共体育场馆面积首次突破40亿平方米,达到40.7亿平方米。大约 38.5% 的人定期参加体育锻炼。我国目标至 2035 年,将这一水平提高到45% 以上。But although the per capita area of public sports venues in China, 2.89 sq m, last year was up 10 percent from 2022, it lags far behind that of developed countries — 16 sq m in the United States and 19 sq m in Japan. Not to mention that most of the public sports venues run by schools and government institutions, which account for more than 60 percent of the national total, are not open to the public even during the holidays. If these sports venues are taken into account, there is a 15-minute sports venue circle for most neighborhoods in Chinese cities, an objective the government is striving to realize, but the circle exists only on paper.尽管2023年中国公共体育场馆的人均面积为2.89平方米,比2022年增长了10%,但远远落后于发达国家——美国为16平方米,日本为19平方米。大多数由学校和政府机构经营的公共体育场馆占全国体育场馆总数的60%以上,在假期期间并不向公众开放。如果将这些体育场馆都考虑在内,中国城市大多数社区都有15分钟体育场馆圈,这是我国正努力实现的目标。The lack of sports venues has thus turned out to be a primary bottleneck restricting further development of mass sports in the country. It is necessary to increase the supply of public sports venues and facilities, not only by building new ones but also by making full use of the sports facilities and resources that already exist.体育场馆的缺乏是制约我国大众体育进一步发展的主要瓶颈,要增加公共体育场馆和设施的供给,不仅要兴建新的体育场馆和设施,还要充分利用已有的体育设施和资源。Since the maintenance of even the idle public sports venues is a heavy burden on the government budget, it does not make sense to continue to allow that to happen while the people are in a dire need of sports venues. The top three public sports venues are basketball courts, fitness trails and table tennis courts, accounting for 70 percent of the total number of sports venues. While the number of venues and facilities for soccer, swimming, tennis and ice and snow sports, which are becoming increasingly popular among young people, is still significantly small.由于即使是闲置的公共体育场馆的维修工作,也需要政府出资进行维持,因此,在市民急需体育场馆的情况下,开发综合体育场馆具有一定难度。而排名前三位的公共体育场馆依次是篮球场、健身步道和乒乓球场,占体育场馆总数的70%。尽管足球、游泳、网球和滑雪场等设施越来越受到年轻人的欢迎,其数量仍然非常少。Apart from that, the government should improve the public fitness guidance services, implement a national physical fitness monitoring system, encourage sports stars and other sports professionals to participate in fitness science activities, and promote the research and popularization of scientific fitness knowledge and methods.此外,政府应完善公众健身指导服务,实施全民体质监测体系,鼓励体育明星和体育专业人士参与健身科普活动,推动科学健身知识和方法的研究和普及。All these will be conducive to promoting the high-quality development of the overall sports industry, which will in turn stimulate sports consumption.这些都有利于推动体育产业高质量发展,进而刺激体育消费。Thanks to the inspiring performances of Chinese athletes, the Paris Olympics should not only "ignite the patriotism of Chinese people both at home and abroad, uplift the national spirit, and unite the people towards progress", as the central authorities' congratulatory message reads, but also prompt relevant departments to work together to create more space and opportunities, and improve relevant public services and guidance for the people to do exercise, and make the national fitness campaign a success.得益于中国奥运健儿鼓舞人心的表现,巴黎奥运会不仅像贺电中提及的“激发了海内外中华儿女的爱国热情、振奋了民族精神、凝聚了奋进力量,”而且要鼓励有关部门共同努力,创造更多的空间和机遇,完善有关公共服务和指导群众锻炼身体素质,做好全民健身运动。grassroots leveln.基层