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Paris 2024 women's tennis singles gold winner Zheng Qinwen of China has fueled a nationwide trend in tennis sportswear and related fashion.2024年巴黎奥运会网球女单金牌得主——中国选手郑钦文在网球运动服及相关时尚领域引发了一场全国性的热潮。As the "tenniscore" trend takes hold, sportswear and fashion brands have ramped up their focus on tennis apparel.随着“网球装”流行起来,许多运动与时尚品牌对该类服饰给予了高度关注。  Global activewear leader Lululemon has launched its 2024 Tennis Club collection, featuring retro-colored tennis dresses, skirts, shorts and tanks. The tennis series has become one of Lululemon's important product lines, the company said.全球运动服领军人物露露乐蒙推出了2024年网球俱乐部系列服装,其设计以复古色调为特色,包含网球连衣裙、短裙、短裤和背心。露露乐蒙表示,网球系列已成为该公司的重要产品线之一。  The brand first ventured into tennis gear in April 2022.该品牌于2022年4月首次涉足网球装备领域。  Wilson, a tennis-focused sportswear brand, introduced the Marta dress — a white tennis dress priced 1,690 yuan ($236) — during Wimbledon in July. The dress quickly sold out in the Chinese market.在七月的温布尔登网球锦标赛期间,网球运动装品牌威尔胜推出了玛尔塔(音)裙——一款售价为1,690元 ($236)的白色网球裙,这款裙子在中国市场被一抢而空。  During this year's 618 shopping festival around June 18, Taobao saw a 256 percent year-on-year increase in online searches for tennis skirts, with transaction volumes up by 158 percent year-on-year. Searches for Lululemon's tennis skirts alone surged by 95 percent year-on-year.在今年的618购物节期间,淘宝上网球裙的在线搜索量同比增长了256%,交易量同比增长158%,其中,光是露露乐蒙网球裙的搜索量就同比增长了95%。  Data from Meituan indicated that since July, tennis-related online searches have jumped by over 60 percent, while tennis-related orders have skyrocketed by 172 percent.美团数据显示,自七月以来,与网球相关的网络搜索量增长超过了60%,而网球相关产品的订单则猛增了172%。Zheng's Olympic victory further fueled this trend, with online searches for tennis dresses on Taobao increasing by 240 percent within a week.郑钦文在奥运会上的胜利进一步助推了这一趋势,淘宝上的网球裙搜索量在一周之内增长了240%。  The surge in popularity of racket sports has coincided with a proliferation of tennis events across China. The China Open in Beijing, the Rolex Shanghai Masters, and the recent ATP Tour in Chengdu, Sichuan province, and Zhuhai, Guangdong province, alongside digital broadcasts of grand slams, have all contributed to this tennis boom.这一运动突如其来的热度与中国范围内网球赛事的大幅增多有关。北京的中国网球公开赛、上海大师赛、最近在成都和珠海举办的ATP巡回赛,以及网球四大满贯赛事的线上报道,都促成了网球领域的繁荣。  Wen Liyuan, who runs a leading tennis training camp in Beijing, noted a significant rise in interest among children and their parents. "Many kids are inspired by Zheng's win and are eager to learn tennis. Those who had previously quit are now looking to resume their training," Wen said.温丽元(音)在北京经营着一家顶尖的网球训练营,她指出孩子与家长对网球的兴趣显著增加,她说“许多孩子都受到了郑钦文胜利的鼓舞,十分渴望学习网球。一些之前退营的孩子现在也想恢复训练了”。  She also said that livestreamed tennis events have garnered numerous reviews and comments from enthusiastic fans, while some commercial real estate projects are beginning to explore tennis-related developments.她还表示,现在在网球赛事的现场直播下有许多狂热球迷的评论,而一些商业房地产项目也开始尝试开发与网球相关的项目。  Ren Jing, a sports influencer in Beijing, recently returned to the court, attributing her renewed interest to the growing popularity of tennis. "Wearing tennis apparel enhances my performance, especially in terms of agility and mobility," Ren said.来自北京的体育博主任静(音)最近重返球场,网球越来越受欢迎,这让她重新提起了兴趣。任静说:“穿网球服能让我发挥的更好,我能更加敏捷和灵活”。"Tennis-focused brands such as Wilson, Lacoste and Nike have continually updated their apparel and shoes to improve the on-court experience."威尔胜、法国鳄鱼和耐克等网球运动品牌正在不断的更新他们的服饰、球鞋,以带给人们更好的打球体验。  Ye Fei, a manager at a tennis store near the National Tennis Center in Beijing, has also observed a surge in foot traffic and sales. "In the past, customers would buy a single racket. Now, entire families are coming in, each member purchasing his or her own racket," Ye said.北京国家网球中心附近的一家网球店经理叶飞(音)也注意到了客流量和销量的大幅增长,他说:“过去,顾客只买一个球拍,现在全家人都来了,每个成员都要购买一个专属球拍”。  He also noted that children who previously practiced other sports are now keen on switching to tennis after watching Zheng's matches.他还指出,以前练习其它运动的孩子们,在看了郑钦文的比赛后,现在热衷于改打网球。Off the court, "tenniscore" has risen to prominence in the fashion world, with luxury brands eager to tap into the market. Mia Kong, a fashion influencer based in Shanghai, attributed the trend's success to its resonance with the lifestyle of middle-income families.球场外,“网球装”也已经成为时尚界的主流,许多奢侈品牌都争先进入这一市场。上海时尚博主马孔(音)认为,网球装之所以能够流行,是因为与中产家庭的生活方式产生了共鸣。   "Tenniscore is here to stay. The pleated skirt easily blends into daily wear and fits the vintage aesthetic that has dominated fashion in recent years," Kong said.马孔(音)说:“网球装正在引领新风尚,百褶裙不仅能轻松融入日常装扮,而且还与近几年主导时尚业的复古美学不谋而合”。Appareln.衣服,服装(尤指特定场合穿的服装)Pleated skirtn.百褶裙Vintagen.某优质葡萄酒的产地和年份;特定年份酿的葡萄酒adj.老式的,古色古香的,优质的