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英语新闻∣问天实验舱发射成功Rocketblasts off and carries craft to nearly 400 km above the groundWentian, the first lab module of China's space station, has successfully docked with the combination of the Tianhe core module, according to the China Manned Space Agency.The Wentian module docked with the front port of Tianhe at 3:13 am Monday (Beijing Time), after it entered the planned orbit and completed state setting.中国空间站首个科学实验舱问天实验舱发射成功,并于北京时间7月25日凌晨3时13分与天和核心舱前向对接口对接成功。The whole process took approximately 13 hours, the CMSA said.据中国载人航天工程办公室表示,整个交会对接过程持续13个小时。China launched its Wentian space laboratory on Sunday afternoon, sending the country's largest-ever spacecraft into Earth's orbit to become part of the Tiangong space station.问天实验舱是我国发射的最大的飞行器,将成为天宫空间站的组成部分。Encased in a 20.5-meter-long payload, the space lab was carried by a Long March 5B rocket that blasted off at 2:22 pm from acoastalservice tower in the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province.After a flight of about eight minutes, the rocket placed the craft into a low-Earth orbit nearly 400 kilometers above the ground.7月24日14时22分,搭载问天实验舱的长征五号B遥三运载火箭在我国文昌航天发射场准时点火发射。约495秒后,问天实验舱与火箭成功分离并进入预定轨道。The Shenzhou XIV mission crew now flying with the Tiangong-mission commander Senior Colonel Chen Dong, Senior Colonel Liu Yang and Senior Colonel Cai Xuzhe-will then enter the lab module to check its condition and internal equipment, it said.问天实验舱将按照预定程序与核心舱组合体进行交会对接,神舟十四号航天员乘组将进入问天实验舱开展工作。In the coming weeks, Wentian will be repositioned by a robot apparatus from the forward docking port to a lateral port, where it will remain and be prepared for long-term operations, mission planners said.问天实验舱目前已经与核心舱的前项对接口完成交会对接,形成一个“一”字组合体。而在完成各项准备工作后,后续它还将转位到核心舱的侧向对接口,因此问天实验舱上还安装了转位机械臂,用来完成实验舱与核心舱之间的转位对接。To prepare for Wentian's arrival, the Tianzhou 3 cargo spacecraft departed from the Tiangong station on July 17 to leave its docking hatch for the lab. The cargo ship, which was launched in September and had remained connected to Tiangong since then, will be guided by ground controllers to eventually fall back to Earth.为了迎接问天实验舱的到来,天舟3号货运飞船于7月17日撤离天宫空间站,将对接口留给问天实验舱。天舟3号货运飞船于去年9月发射升空,后续将在地面控制下返回地球。Before Wentian's docking, Tiangong consisted of the Tianhe module, the Tianzhou 4 cargo ship and the Shenzhou XIV spacecraft.在问天实验舱与核心舱组合体进行交会对接之前,天宫空间站包括天和实验舱、天舟四号货运飞船和神州十四号。Assembled at a manufacturing and testing complex in the northern municipality of Tianjin, Wentian was transported by ship and arrived in Wenchang in late April. It underwent function and prelaunch checks over the past three months at the launch center.问天实验舱在天津制造和组装,于4月船运抵达文昌。在发射前三个月里,经过一系列发射前检查。Platform for science科学实验平台The first lab component of the Tiangong station, Wentian featurescutting-edgetechnologies, strong capabilities, sophisticated design and represents a new milestone in China's space industry. It incorporates the wisdom, dedication and hard work of numerous scientists, engineers and technicians, according to the China Academy of Space Technology, which was responsible for designing and making the craft.作为中国空间站的首个科学实验仓,问天实验舱具有前沿技术、强大能力和复杂设计,是中国航天事业的里程碑。据中国空间技术研究院介绍,问天实验舱凝聚了众多科学家、工程师和技术人员的智慧,是中国航天人无私奉献和辛勤工作的结果。The vehicle consists of three major parts-a crew working compartment, an airlock cabin and an unpressurized service module.问天实验舱由工作舱、气闸舱、资源舱构成,每个舱段都承担着不同的功能。Weighing 23 metric tons, the space lab is 17.9 meters tall, roughlyequivalentto a six-story residential building, and has a diameter of 4.2 meters. It is the largest and heaviest spacecraft China has ever built and also the world's heaviest self-propelled spaceship in service, said Zhang Qiao, head designer of Wentian's overall structure.据航天科技集团五院空间站系统总体主任设计师张昊介绍,问天实验舱全长17.9米,重约23吨,相当于一栋六层楼房,最大直径4.2米,是目前我国最大的单舱主动飞行器。The flexible solar panels of the lab are the largest of their kind in China. When fully unfolded, they are more than 55 meters long and have a combined area of nearly 280 square meters.问天实验舱太阳翼单翼展开阵面加上一些安装结构,长度接近28米,两个太阳翼全部展开将近56米,比空间站三个舱组合在一起的舱体尺寸还要大,且一个太阳翼阵面面积可达100多平方米。After Wentian is connected to the Tianhe module, its airlock cabin will replace the one on Tianhe to become the main place for astronauts to put on their spacewalk suits and move out of the space station."Its inner space is bigger than that of the airlock cabin on the core module while its hatch is wider, making it easier for astronauts to make preparations and carry out spacewalks," Zhang said.未来,气闸舱将成为整个空间站系统的主要出舱通道。气闸舱比节点舱更加整洁,舱内只配置了与出舱相关的设备,没有其他管路电缆的羁绊;舱门直径达1米,比节点舱舱门直径大15厘米。“航天员从这里进进出出,可以更舒展、更从容,还能携带大个头的设备出舱工作,出舱能力大大提升。”张昊说。Inside the gigantic lab, there are eight scientific cabinets. They will mainly be used for biological and life science studies and can support research on the growth, aging and genetic traits of plants, animals and microbes in the environment of space, he said.在问天实验舱的工作舱里,配备了8个实验机柜,未来可以支持空间生命科学研究以及相应的一些变重力科学实验。开展拟南芥、线虫、果蝇、斑马鱼等动植物的空间生长实验,预期成果将促进人类对生命现象本质的理解,揭示微重力对生物个体生长、发育与衰老的影响,探索空间辐射生物学和生命起源机理,并为航天员健康和防护提供科学依据。Outside the airlock cabin, there are 22 extravehicular payload adapters capable of carrying scientific equipment needed for experiments that require exposure to the space environment, cosmic rays,vacuumand solar winds, Zhang added.在气闸舱外的暴露实验平台上,还配置了22个标准载荷接口。在空间站搭载的科学实验载荷,可以通过机械臂精准‘投送’到自己对应的载荷接口位置,不再需要航天员出舱进行人工操作,既降低了航天员的工作强度和风险,又可以灵活高效支持舱外载荷试验。"In addition to its scientific functions, Wentian also serves as a backup control station to the Tianhe core module in case of emergencies or malfunctions. It has all the same flight-control devices as those inside the core module to operate the entire Tiangong station," Zhang said.“除了科学实验,问天实验舱还可以作为天和核心舱的备用控制站,以应对紧急情况或故障。它的飞行控制装置与运行整个天宫空间站的核心舱内部的控制装置相同。”The designer added that the craft also has three separate sleeping quarters and an independent section for personal hygiene. They can be used in emergencies orhandoversby two crews.问天实验舱的工作舱内设有3个睡眠区和1个卫生区,可在紧急情况或两组航天员乘组交接时使用。Wentian also has a five-meter robotic arm that can be used to move small and medium-sized equipment. It can be linked with the 10-meter robotic arm on the Tianhe module to create a joint arm capable of reaching all major parts of the Tiangong station, according to the designer.问天实验舱的小机械臂长度约5米,承载能力为3吨,其设计目的是抓握中小型设备,进行更为精细化的操作。天和核心舱配备的大机械臂展开长度达10米、最大承载质量25吨。大小机械臂还可以组合使用,组成约15米长的组合臂,开展更多的舱外操作。Engineering marvel工程奇迹Pang Zhihao, an observer of manned spaceflights, said the Wentian program is one of the most challenging and sophisticated space programs China has embarked on.载人航天飞行观察员庞之浩表示,问天实验舱是中国已经开始的最具挑战性和最复杂的航天计划之一。"You can imagine just how difficult it must have been to design, manufacture and deploy such a massive, advanced space lab," he said.“设计、制造和部署如此庞大、先进的太空实验室非常困难。”"Now that it has been successfully launched, new challenges are emerging in terms of its flight control, trajectory maneuvers and docking. Both Wentian and Tianhe are big and heavy while there are astronauts inside the Tianhe. We have no prior experience of connecting two spacecraft of this size."“现在问天实验舱已经成功发射,在飞行控制、弹道机动和对接方面会出现新的挑战。问天实验舱和天和空间站都是又大又重,而天和空间站里面还有宇航员。我们之前没有将两个如此大的航天器连接起来的经验。”Wang Yanan, editor-in-chief of Aerospace Knowledge magazine, called the space lab a "marvel of modern engineering and technology". He said that once scientific equipment inside Wentian begins to operate, the equipment will become valuable assets for scientists around the world by making many new science ideas possible and fostering international cooperation.《航天知识》杂志主编王亚男称该空间实验室是“现代工程技术的奇迹”。他说,一旦问天内部的科学设备开始运行,它将成为世界各地科学家的宝贵资产,它会带来新的科学思想,并促进国际合作。Mission planners said the Tiangong station's second lab, Mengtian, will be lifted by a Long March 5B from Wenchang in October.任务规划人员表示,天宫空间站的第二个实验室——梦天实验舱将于10月由长征五号B运载火箭从文昌发射升空。After it is connected with the Tiangong, the station will form a T-shaped structure and astronauts will have as much as 110 cubic meters of usable space.梦天实验舱与天宫空间站对接后,空间站将形成一个T型结构,宇航员将有多达110立方米的可用空间。After the labs, the Tianzhou 5 cargo craft and the Shenzhou XV crew are scheduled to arrive at the massive orbiting outpost around the end of the year.在梦天实验舱之后,在今年年底还将实施天舟五号货运飞船和神舟十五号载人飞船发射任务。Upon its completion, the Tiangong will be manned regularly by groups of three astronauts in periods usually lasting six months. During handovers to a new three-astronaut group, the station will accommodate up to six astronauts.天宫空间站建成后,将定期由三名宇航员组成的小组进行载人飞行,时间通常为六个月。问天实验舱可以与核心舱一起支持两艘载人飞船轮换期间6名航天员的生活。In the long run, the orbiting outpost will be capable of docking with multiple crewed and cargo ships at the same time and will also be able to link with foreign spacecraft if they have a Chinese-standard docking hatch.从长远来看,天宫空间站能够同时与多艘载人飞船和货船对接,如果其他国家航天器有中国标准的对接舱口也可对接。Currently, Tiangong is manned by the Shenzhou XIV mission crew, who entered the station late on June 5, several hours after their spacecraft was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China.目前,天宫空间站由神舟十四号乘组运行。6月5日,神舟十四号载人飞行在酒泉卫星发射中心发射成功。The third group of Tiangong occupants, Chen and his teammates are scheduled to stay in the station for six months to monitor the assembly of the colossal station in space.作为天宫空间站的第三批宇航员乘组,宇航员陈冬、刘洋(女)和蔡旭哲预计在空间站停留6个月,以监测空间站在太空中的组装过程。The flight of the three astronauts has inaugurated a 10-year period in which, barring unforeseen circumstances, Chinese astronauts will be in space every day.在接下来10年中,太空中每天都会有中国宇航员。blast off英[blɑ:st ɔf]美[blæst ɔf]V.炸掉[炸毁]某物; 离地升空,发射coastal英[ˈkəʊstl]美[ˈkoʊstl]adj. 近海的,沿海的cutting-edge英['kʌtɪŋ'edʒ]美['kʌtɪŋ'edʒ]adj.前沿的,最前沿的equivalent英[ɪˈkwɪvələnt]美[ɪˈkwɪvələnt]adj.相等的,相同的vacuum英[ˈvækjuːm]美[ˈvækjuːm]n.真空; 空白; 空虚; 清洁Handover英[ˈhændəʊvə(r)]美[ˈhændoʊvər]n. 移交; 交接