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China expressed its support for Russia's efforts in maintaining its stability, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Sunday, a day after a rebellion by a Russian mercenary force was resolved peacefully.6月25日,在瓦格纳集团叛乱事件和平解决后,中国外交部发言人表示,中方支持俄罗斯维护国家稳定。A compromise was reached on late Saturday between Moscow and Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner private military group, through the mediation of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.6月24日晚,在白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科的调解下,俄罗斯政府与瓦格纳集团负责人叶夫根尼·普里戈任达成了妥协。In response to the latest situation in Russia, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson said in a statement that "this is Russia's internal affair".对于俄罗斯的最新局势,中国外交部发言人在一份声明中表示:“这是俄罗斯的内政。”"As Russia's friendly neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner of coordination for the new era, China supports Russia in maintaining national stability and achieving development and prosperity," the spokesperson added.发言人补充道:“作为友好邻邦和新时代全面战略协作伙伴,中方支持俄罗斯维护国家稳定,实现发展繁荣。”Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko met with Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang in Beijing on Sunday. They discussed "international and regional issues of common concern", the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in another statement on its website.6月26日,中国国务委员兼外交部长秦刚与俄罗斯副外长安德烈·鲁登科举行会晤。根据中国外交部官网,双方在会晤中就共同关心的国际和地区问题交换意见。Early on Saturday, a video showed Wagner fighters under Prigozhin's command moving unimpeded into the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and advancing hundreds of kilometers toward Moscow. Convoys transporting tanks and armored trucks smashed through barricades set up to stop them.6月24日早些时候的一段视频显示,受普里戈任指挥的瓦格纳武装人员毫无阻碍地进入俄罗斯南部的顿河畔罗斯托夫市,并向莫斯科方向前进数百公里。Russian President Vladimir Putin informed his Belarusian counterpart of the situation and the two heads of state agreed on joint action, according to local media.据当地媒体报道,普京向白俄罗斯总统通报了瓦格纳集团在俄罗斯南部的情况,两国元首同意采取联合行动。"The president of Belarus held talks with Yevgeny Prigozhin. ... They came to an agreement on the inadmissibility of unleashing a bloody massacre on the Russian territory," Lukashenko's press service was quoted as saying by local media.当地媒体援引卢卡申科总统办公室的话称:“白俄总统卢卡申科与叶夫根尼·普里戈任进行了交谈,最后双方就停止在俄罗斯领土上发生流血事件达成协议。”Wagner fighters had left southern Russia's Rostov region by Saturday night and were headed to their field camps, according to Russia's TASS news agency.据俄罗斯塔斯社报道,瓦格纳集团武装人员已从俄罗斯南部的罗斯托夫州撤离,并前往其野战营地。"In 24 hours, we got within 200 km of Moscow. In this time, we did not spill a single drop of our fighters' blood," Prigozhin, dressed in full combat uniform, said in a video shot at an undisclosed location. "Understanding... that Russian blood will be spilled on one side, we are turning our columns around and going back to field camps as planned."普里戈任身穿完整的战斗制服,在一个未公开地点发布视频声明,声称他的部队“在24小时内已经行进至距莫斯科不到200公里。在此期间,我们的战士没有流一滴鲜血。”他继续说道:“我意识到局势升级可能导致的流血事件,因此我们调转方向,按计划返回野战营地。”The situation in downtown Rostov-on-Don, where men in camouflage and military equipment were seen on Saturday morning, stabilized by Saturday midnight, a TASS reporter said on Sunday.根据塔斯社25日的报道,顿河畔罗斯托夫市24日早晨市中心出现了身穿迷彩服和军事装备的人,而情况在当天午夜时分已趋于稳定。"The attempted armed mutiny in our country has aroused strong disapproval in Russian society, which firmly supports President Vladimir Putin," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Saturday.俄罗斯外交部于24日发表声明:“企图在我国发动武装叛乱之举在俄罗斯社会引起了强烈反感,俄罗斯社会坚定支持俄罗斯联邦总统弗拉基米尔·普京。”The statement warned Western countries against attempts to use Russia's internal situation for their vested interests. Such attempts would be futile and evoke no support either in Russia or among rational political forces abroad, it said.该声明警告西方国家,不要做出任何可能利用俄罗斯国内局势来实现其仇俄目标的暗示。这种企图是徒劳的,无论是在俄罗斯还是在国外理智的政治力量中,都不会得到共鸣。Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that under the deal brokered by Lukashenko, the criminal case opened against Prigozhin for armed mutiny will be dropped, Prigozhin will move to Belarus, and Wagner fighters who joined his "march for justice" will face no action in recognition of their previous service to Russia.俄罗斯总统发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫表示,根据卢卡申科调解促成的协议,针对瓦格纳集团负责人普里戈任的刑事立案将被撤销,普里戈任将前往白俄罗斯。鉴于他们先前对俄罗斯的贡献,将不会对参与瓦格纳“正义行军”的武装人员采取任何行动。Peskov said that Lukashenko had offered to mediate, with Putin's approval, because he had known Prigozhin personally for around 20 years.佩斯科夫表示,卢卡申科与普里戈任有长达20年的交情,此次出面调停是他个人的提议,并得到了普京的同意。"There was a higher goal to avoid bloodshed, to avoid internal confrontation, to avoid clashes with unpredictable results. It was for the sake of these goals that Lukashenko's mediation efforts were made, and President Putin made the appropriate decision," the spokesman said.发言人表示:“最高目标是避免流血事件和内部对峙,同时也避免遭遇不可预测的结果。为了这些目标,卢卡申科努力进行调停,普京总统也作出相应的决定。”"An agreement has been reached that Wagner troops will return to their camps and places of deployment. Some of them, if they wish to do so, can later ink contracts with the (Russian) Defense Ministry," he said.他表示:“已经达成协议,瓦格纳部队将返回其营地和部署地点。其中一些人,如果他们愿意的话,后续可以与俄罗斯国防部签订合同。”The incident with the Wagner group will not affect the course of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, which will continue, Peskov stressed.他强调,与瓦格纳集团的事件不会影响俄罗斯在乌克兰的特别军事行动的进程,该行动将继续进行。Russian state television on Sunday showed Putin expressing confidence in his plans for Ukraine in an interview that appeared to have been recorded before Saturday's aborted revolt by the Wagner private military group.据俄罗斯国家电视台6月25日播出的视频,普京在一段疑似在瓦格纳集团叛乱事件前录制的视频采访中表示,他对乌克兰的特别军事行动计划有信心。"We feel confident and, of course, we are in a position to implement all the plans and tasks ahead of us," Putin said. "This also applies to the country's defense, it applies to the special military operation, it applies to the economy as a whole and its individual areas."普京说:“我们感到很有信心,我们有能力实施我们面前的所有计划和任务。这同样适用于国家的国防,适用于特别军事行动,适用于整个经济及其各个领域。”The comments in an interview with Kremlin correspondent Pavel Zarubin were broadcast by Rossiya state television.俄罗斯国家电视台播出了普京在接受俄记者帕维尔·扎鲁宾采访时发表的这些评论。The short report did not mention Saturday's revolt, in which Wagner fighters took a southern city and headed for Moscow hours before their leader Prigozhin reached a compromise with the Kremlin to go into exile.这则简短的报道中没有提及24日发生的叛乱,当天瓦格纳武装人员占领了俄南部的一个城市并前往莫斯科,数小时后,其领导人普里戈任与俄政府达成妥协,流亡白俄罗斯。Earlier, Prigozhin said his "march" on Moscow was intended to remove corrupt and incompetent Russian commanders he blames for botching the conflict in Ukraine.早些时候,普里戈津称他此次“行军”旨在解决他认为搞砸了俄乌冲突的问题,包括俄军腐败和国防部高层无能等。Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the developments, which sparked a flurry of high-level calls among Western leaders, exposed the turmoil in the heart of Russia. United States President Joe Biden spoke with the leaders of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with his G7 counterparts.乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基表示,这一事件引发了西方领导人之间的一系列高层通话,并暴露了俄罗斯内部的动荡局势。美国总统乔·拜登与法国、德国和英国的领导人进行了通话,美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯与七国集团成员进行了交流。Stability英/stəˈbɪləti/ 美/stəˈbɪləti/n.稳定(性),稳固(性)Compromise英/ˈkɒmprəmaɪz/ 美/ˈkɑːmprəmaɪz/n.折中,妥协v.妥协,让步