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Sentiment in the residential property markets of China's four first-tier cities has brightened as local governments have announced policy changes to boost demand, real estate industry analysts said on Tuesday.9月5日,房地产行业分析师表示,由于地方政府政策落地,促进购房需求,中国北上广深四大一线城市的房地产市场暖意渐浓。They said they now expect these measures will help stabilize China's property market.他们表示,他们现在预计这些措施将有助于稳定中国的房地产市场。Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou and Shenzhen in Guangdong province have eased credit rules for homebuyers, identifying people with no local ownership of residential properties at the moment as first-time homebuyers eligible for favorable mortgage conditions during their loan application process.北上广深等地已放宽了住房信贷政策规定,只要在购买时家庭所有成员在本市均无住房,即可符合首套房的认定标准,可按首套住房申请住房贷款。"Since last Friday, daily inquiries for both buying and selling homes have surged more than three fold, showing that pent-up demand is rising and nearing a release," said Huang Lei, a store manager with Sinyi Realty in Shanghai.上海信义房地产的店经理黄磊表示:“自9月1日以来,购房和售房的日常咨询量已经增加了三倍以上,显示出积压的需求正在上升,接近释放出来。”Huang further said the firm's pre-owned home transactions started to pick up in the second half of August, and the new local definition of first-time homebuyers further fueled buying sentiment.黄磊还说,该公司的二手房交易量从8月下半月开始回升,当地对首次购房者的新定义进一步刺激了购房情绪。As of Monday, 15 Chinese cities, including the four top-tier cities, have announced their versions of policy adjustments for defining first-time homebuyers, according to the Zhuge Real Estate Data Research Center.据诸葛找房数据研究中心统计,截至9月4日,包括四大一线城市在内的中国15个城市相继发布优化个人住房贷款中住房套数认定标准的通知。The cities decided that regardless of their previous home mortgage history, as long as members of families (including borrowers, spouses and minor children) applying for housing loans do not own any apartment or home in the city, they should be treated as first-time homebuyers during their home loan application process.这些城市已认定,无论此前是否有房贷记录,只要申请住房贷款的家庭成员(包括借款人、配偶及未成年子女)在本市无自有住房或二手房,在申请住房贷款过程中均应按首次购房者对待。It is believed that these policy adjustments can enhance consumer expectations and boost home sales, which will help stabilize the overall market, said Guan Rongxue, a senior analyst with the research center.研究中心高级分析师关荣雪表示,相信这些政策调整能够增强消费者预期,促进房屋销售,从而有助于稳定整个市场。Saturday and Sunday kept Xu Pengfei, head of Centaline Shanghai's division for Jiading district, and his colleagues extremely busy as prospective homebuyers' visits to new residential properties increased nearly three times compared to the previous week. This necessitated extension of business hours till well past midnight. "Visits to pre-owned flats also surged last weekend," Xu said.9月2日至3日,中原地产上海市嘉定区分部负责人徐鹏飞和他的同事们忙得不可开交。因此,营业时间不得不延长至午夜过后。“上周末二手房的来访量也激增。”他说。Agreed Liu Jiajun, manager of a branch of real estate agency Homelink in Shanghai's Huangpu district. "On the night when the new policy was announced, consultations with clients continued past midnight as inquiries surged."上海黄浦区一家房地产中介公司Homelink分店的经理刘家俊对此表示赞同:“在新政策公布的当晚,由于咨询量激增,客户的咨询一直持续到午夜过后。”Liu and his colleagues, too, had to deal with a surge in potential client visits to various properties.刘家俊和他的同事们也不得不应对各种楼盘潜在客户来访量的激增。The scene in Beijing was no different as families, especially those with schoolgoing children, were keen to visit properties on sale, said Wu Lei, a salesperson with real estate agency 5i5j.我爱我家房地产中介公司的销售人员吴磊说,北京的情况也不例外,很多家庭,尤其是有孩子在上学的家庭,都热衷于参观在售的楼盘。Yan Yuejin, director of Shanghai-based E-house China Research and Development Institution, said the top-tier cities have seen heightened activity in both downtown and suburban areas as pre-owned homes for sale increased.总部位于上海的易居中国研究与发展机构总监严跃进说,随着二手房待售量的增加,一线城市的市中心和郊区都出现了购房热潮。Some 155,016 housing units are up for sale in Beijing now, up by 4,000 since the new policy announcement, an agent with Homelink was quoted as saying by China Securities Journal on Tuesday.9月5日,《中国证券报》援引Homelink的一位代理的话说,北京目前约有155016套住房待售,自新政公布以来增加了4000套。"Many of the sellers are trying to regain the identity of a first-time homebuyer, which is quite different from previous rounds of sales. As pre-owned properties up for sale have increased, this bodes well for market stability and prices," said Yan.很多卖家都想重新获得首次购房者的身份,这与前几轮销售有很大不同。严跃进说:“由于待售的二手房增多,这对市场的稳定和价格是个好兆头。”Agreed other industry experts, saying the new policies would not skew the supply-demand equation.其他业内专家也认为,新政策不会扭曲供需关系。Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Guangdong Planning Institute's residential policy research center, said the policy adjustments are aimed at controlling risks and retaining stability.广东省城规院住房政策研究中心首席研究员李宇嘉表示:“政策调整旨在控制风险,保持稳定。”Residential英/ˌrezɪˈdenʃ(ə)l/美/ˌrezɪˈdenʃ(ə)l/adj.家庭的,住宅的Homebuyer英/ˈhəʊmbaɪə(r)/美/ˈhoʊmbaɪər/n.购房者