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With a huge lead of nearly 10 seconds, Chinese duo Zou Jiaqi and Qiu Xiuping claimed the first gold of the Hangzhou Asian Games, winning the lightweight women's double sculls title at the Fuyang Water Sports Centre on Sunday.中国组合邹佳琪和邱秀萍以近10秒的巨大领先优势,在周日(9.24)的富阳水上运动中心夺得赛艇女子轻量级双人双桨冠军,夺得杭州亚运会首金。"We are thrilled to win the first gold of the Games. Before the first competition day, we didn't think too much about the result. The most important thing for us was to enjoy the Asian Games as much as possible. I believed we could win," Zou told China Daily.“我们很高兴能赢得本届运动会的第一金。在第一个比赛日之前,我们没有过多考虑结果。对我们来说,最重要的事情是尽可能地享受亚运会。我相信我们能赢,”邹佳琪告诉中国日报。The duo is now firmly focused on reaching the highest step of the podium at next summer's Paris Olympics.这对组合现在将目光投向巴黎,期待在明年夏天的巴黎奥运会走上最高领奖台。"As we earned our ticket to the 2024 Olympics, with the help of our coaches, at the world championships, our goal is claiming the title in Paris," said Qiu.邱秀萍说:“我们在教练的帮助下赢得了2024年奥运会的入场券,下一个目标是在巴黎夺冠。”Speaking of how they managed to win the gold in such style, the two highlighted persistence and experience.谈及他们是如何以这样的风格赢得金牌的,二人强调了坚持和经验。"We have kept pushing ourselves and growing. We have put in a lot of hard work during years of training. I always say we should treat each training session like a major event final, but during an actual final, we just need to consider it one of our daily training sessions. We just need to do our best every single day, and we can achieve our goals," said Qiu.邱秀萍说:“我们一直在鞭策自己不断成长。在这些年的训练中,我们非常努力。我总是说,我们应该把每一次训练都当作一次重大决赛,但在实际的决赛中,我们只需要把它当作我们每天的训练之一。我们只需要每一天都做到最好,实现目标就是水到渠成的。”And for Zou, a native of Zhejiang, the Asian Games gold medal is particularly special.而对于浙江人邹佳琪来说,亚运会金牌尤为特殊。"Fuchun is my mother river. When I was a kid, I grew up drinking its water, so it feels amazing to win the first gold medal of the Asian Games here. The Fuyang Water Sports Centre is very professional and I hope that more high-level events can be held here," said Zou.她说:“富春江是我的母亲河。我喝着它的水长大,所以在这里赢得亚运会第一枚金牌感觉太棒了。富阳水上运动中心非常专业,我希望能在这里举办更多高水平的比赛活动。”"I want to thank all the people who have contributed a lot to help us get here. I can always feel the love and support of my family, friends and my fellow Zhejiang natives.""我要感谢所有为我们成功提供帮助的人。我时刻感受到家人、朋友和我的浙江同胞们的爱和支持。"The 21-year-old Zou said that she always sees Qiu, who is two years older than her, as a big sister. Zou added that she was the quieter one of the two, but they can both be talkative and excited once they start rowing.21岁的邹佳琪称她总是把比她大两岁的邱秀萍当成姐姐。邹佳琪补充说,她是两人中比较安静的一个,但是一旦开始划船,她们两个都能变得健谈和兴奋。"I'm a very quiet person, but during the training sessions and competitions, I'm not quiet at all. We always encourage each other. In my eyes, my partner is brave, beautiful and persistent," said Zou.邹佳琪说:“我是一个很安静的人,但在训练课和比赛中,我一点也不安静。我们总是互相鼓励。在我眼里,我的搭档很勇敢,很美丽,很执着。”Qiu used the exact same three words to describe Zou. They are a "perfect match" both on and off the water.邱秀萍用完全相同的三个词来形容邹佳琪。他们在水上和水下都是“最佳搭档”。"I'm usually the one who talks the most, while she listens patiently. Together we achieve our goals. Although she is quiet, she always offers great suggestions. I always tell others that we are a perfect match for each other," Qiu added.邱秀萍补充说:“我平时讲话比较多,她主要是耐心倾听。我们一起实现了目标。虽然她很安静,但她总是提出很好的建议。我总是告诉别人,我们是最佳搭档。”"We don't only share the samegoals. For instance, during training, if there's an area in which I am not particularly strong, she is always good at it. That works both ways. It's really great to have a partner like her.""我们不仅是有共同的目标。比如在训练中,我可能这边弱一点,她那边强一点,我们是互补的。有一个她这样的搭档真的太棒了。”"And if people think she's too quiet to encourage me, then they are wrong. She always helps and encourages me during tough times."“如果大家觉得她太安静不会鼓励我,那就错了。在困难时期她总是帮助和鼓励我。”Another athlete to shine on the first official day of competition was Chinese wushu star Sun Peiyuan, who won Team China's first gold medal at the 2018 Jakarta Asian Games. He once again reached the top step of the podium by winning the men's changquan title in Hangzhou.另一位在正式比赛的第一天脱颖而出的运动员是中国武术名将孙培原。他在2018年雅加达亚运会上赢得了中国队的首枚金牌。在杭州亚运会,他再次赢得男子长拳项目的冠军。"Compared with the Asian Games in 2014 and 2018, I am a lot more mature. I still remember in 2018, I was so nervous before the start of that competition, but this time, in Hangzhou, I just wanted to enjoy the Games as much as possible," said the 34-year-old Sun, who won his first Asian Games gold at Incheon 2014.“与2014年和2018年的亚运会相比,我成熟了很多。我还记得2018年,比赛开始前我很紧张,但这一次,在杭州,我只想尽可能地享受比赛,”34岁的孙培原说。孙培原2014年在仁川获得了他的第一枚亚运会金牌。"Among all three golds that I have won, this is the most special. I was so confident when I stood on the mat, surrounded by the home crowd.""在我赢得的三枚金牌中,这是最特别的一枚。当我站在赛场上,被主场观众包围时,我非常自信。”"I want to promote wushu, so that more people can learn about, and embrace, the sport. I hope that one day wushu will be added to the Olympic program," he said."我想推广武术,让更多人了解和接受这项运动。我希望有一天武术能够加入奥运会项目,"他说道。Duo英/'djuːəʊ/美/'duo/n.搭档