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六、发展全过程人民民主,保障人民当家作主VI. Advancing Whole-Process People's Democracy and Ensuring that the People Run the Country我国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家,国家一切权力属于人民。人民民主是社会主义的生命,是全面建设社会主义现代化国家的应有之义。全过程人民民主是社会主义民主政治的本质属性,是最广泛、最真实、最管用的民主。必须坚定不移走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,坚持人民主体地位,充分体现人民意志、保障人民权益、激发人民创造活力。China is a socialist country of people's democratic dictatorship under the leadership of the working class based on an alliance of workers and farmers; all power of the state in China belongs to the people. People's democracy is the lifeblood of socialism, and it is integral to our efforts to build a modern socialist country in all respects. Whole-process people's democracy is the defining feature of socialist democracy; it is democracy in its broadest, most genuine, and most effective form.We must firmly stay on the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics, uphold the unity between Party leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance, and ensure the principal position of the people, so as to give full expression to their will, protect their rights and interests, and spark their creativity.我们要健全人民当家作主制度体系,扩大人民有序政治参与,保证人民依法实行民主选举、民主协商、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督,发挥人民群众积极性、主动性、创造性,巩固和发展生动活泼、安定团结的政治局面。We will improve the system of institutions through which the people run the country. We will encourage the people's orderly participation in political affairs and guarantee their ability to engage in democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight in accordance with the law. We will inspire the people's motivation, initiative, and creativity, so as to consolidate and develop a lively, stable, and united political atmosphere.(一)加强人民当家作主制度保障。坚持和完善我国根本政治制度、基本政治制度、重要政治制度,拓展民主渠道,丰富民主形式,确保人民依法通过各种途径和形式管理国家事务,管理经济和文化事业,管理社会事务。支持和保证人民通过人民代表大会行使国家权力,保证各级人大都由民主选举产生、对人民负责、受人民监督。支持和保证人大及其常委会依法行使立法权、监督权、决定权、任免权,健全人大对行政机关、监察机关、审判机关、检察机关监督制度,维护国家法治统一、尊严、权威。加强人大代表工作能力建设,密切人大代表同人民群众的联系。健全吸纳民意、汇集民智工作机制,建设好基层立法联系点。深化工会、共青团、妇联等群团组织改革和建设,有效发挥桥梁纽带作用。坚持走中国人权发展道路,积极参与全球人权治理,推动人权事业全面发展。1. Strengthening the institutions through which the people run the countryWe must uphold and improve our country's foundational, basic, and important political systems, expand democratic channels, and diversify the forms of democracy, so as to ensure that people participate in various ways in the management of state, economic, cultural, and social affairs in accordance with the law.We will support and ensure the people's exercise of state power through people's congresses, and we will ensure that people's congresses at all levels are formed through democratic elections, responsible to the people, and subject to their oversight.We will support and ensure that people's congresses and their standing committees lawfully exercise the powers of enacting laws, conducting oversight, making decisions, and appointing and removing officials. We will improve the system under which people's congresses conduct oversight of administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial organs, and we will uphold the unity, sanctity, and authority of the law.We will see that deputies to people's congresses are better able to carry out their work and that they strengthen ties with the general public. We will improve working mechanisms for drawing on public opinion and pooling the wisdom of the people and ensure that local legislative outreach offices are well-run. We will intensify reform and development of trade unions, Chinese Communist Youth League organizations, women's federations, and other people's organizations and give full play to their role as bridges connecting the Party and the people. We will follow a Chinese path of human rights development, actively participate in global human rights governance, and promote all-around advancement of human rights.(二)全面发展协商民主。协商民主是实践全过程人民民主的重要形式。完善协商民主体系,统筹推进政党协商、人大协商、政府协商、政协协商、人民团体协商、基层协商以及社会组织协商,健全各种制度化协商平台,推进协商民主广泛多层制度化发展。坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,坚持党的领导、统一战线、协商民主有机结合,坚持发扬民主和增进团结相互贯通、建言资政和凝聚共识双向发力,发挥人民政协作为专门协商机构作用,加强制度化、规范化、程序化等功能建设,提高深度协商互动、意见充分表达、广泛凝聚共识水平,完善人民政协民主监督和委员联系界别群众制度机制。2. Fully developing consultative democracyConsultative democracy is an important way by which whole-process people's democracy is practiced. We will improve the system of consultative democracy, make coordinated efforts to promote consultations carried out by political parties, people's congresses, government departments, committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), people's organizations, communities, and social organizations, and improve various institutional consultative platforms, so as to promote extensive, multilevel, and institutionalized development of consultative democracy.We will uphold and improve the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation and ensure the integration of Party leadership, the united front, and consultative democracy. We will give play to the CPPCC's role as a specialized consultative body and see that it coordinates efforts to promote democracy and unity while making proposals on state affairs and building consensus. Improvements will be made to institutions, standards, and procedures to help the CPPCC ensure that in-depth consultations and interactions are conducted, opinions are fully expressed, and broad consensus is built. Efforts will be also made to improve the systems and mechanisms through which CPPCC committees conduct democratic oversight and their members stay engaged with people from various sectors.(三)积极发展基层民主。基层民主是全过程人民民主的重要体现。健全基层党组织领导的基层群众自治机制,加强基层组织建设,完善基层直接民主制度体系和工作体系,增强城乡社区群众自我管理、自我服务、自我教育、自我监督的实效。完善办事公开制度,拓宽基层各类群体有序参与基层治理渠道,保障人民依法管理基层公共事务和公益事业。全心全意依靠工人阶级,健全以职工代表大会为基本形式的企事业单位民主管理制度,维护职工合法权益。3. Actively developing democracy at the primary levelPrimary-level democracy is an important manifestation of whole-process people's democracy. We will improve the mechanism for community-level self-governance under the leadership of primary-level Party organizations, build up the strength of primary-level organizations, and improve the institutional and working systems for direct democracy at the primary level to see that urban and rural communities can more effectively manage, serve, educate, and oversee themselves.We will increase transparency in government affairs, establish more channels for people from various sectors to participate in community-level governance in an orderly way, and ensure that the people manage public affairs and run public-interest programs at the primary level in accordance with the law.We will rely wholeheartedly on the working class and improve the system of democratic management in enterprises and public institutions, which takes basic shape in the form of workers' congresses, so as to protect workers' lawful rights and interests.(四)巩固和发展最广泛的爱国统一战线。人心是最大的政治,统一战线是凝聚人心、汇聚力量的强大法宝。完善大统战工作格局,坚持大团结大联合,动员全体中华儿女围绕实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦一起来想、一起来干。发挥我国社会主义新型政党制度优势,坚持长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共,加强同民主党派和无党派人士的团结合作,支持民主党派加强自身建设、更好履行职能。以铸牢中华民族共同体意识为主线,坚定不移走中国特色解决民族问题的正确道路,坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,加强和改进党的民族工作,全面推进民族团结进步事业。坚持我国宗教中国化方向,积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应。加强党外知识分子思想政治工作,做好新的社会阶层人士工作,强化共同奋斗的政治引领。全面构建亲清政商关系,促进非公有制经济健康发展和非公有制经济人士健康成长。加强和改进侨务工作,形成共同致力民族复兴的强大力量。4. Consolidating and developing the broadest possible patriotic united frontThe people's support is of the utmost political importance, and the united front is an effective instrument for rallying the people's support and pooling their strength. We will build a broad united front to forge great unity and solidarity, and we will encourage all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation to dedicate themselves to realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.We will leverage the strengths of our country's new type of socialist political party system. Following the principles of long-term coexistence, mutual oversight, sincerity, and sharing the rough times and the smooth, we will strengthen our Party's unity and cooperation with other political parties and prominent figures without party affiliation. We will also support other political parties in improving themselves and performing their roles more effectively.We will, with a focus on forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, continue to take the correct and distinctively Chinese approach to handling ethnic affairs, uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and improve the Party's work on ethnic affairs, so as to comprehensively promote ethnic unity and progress.We will remain committed to the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation and provide active guidance to religions so that they can adapt to socialist society. We will strengthen communication with intellectuals who are not Party members on theoretical and political issues and improve our work concerning people from emerging social groups in an effort to provide better political guidance for pursuing common goals.We will cultivate a cordial and clean relationship between government and business across the board and facilitate the healthy development of the non-public sector and those working in it.We will improve and strengthen our work related to Chinese nationals overseas to give shape to a powerful joint force for advancing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 全过程人民民主whole-process people's democracy