英语新闻丨1 dead, 7 still missing after landslide hits

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One worker was found dead on Sunday as rescuers worked around the clock to find seven people who were still missing following a landslide in Hubei province.湖北省五峰土家族自治县发生山体滑坡后,救援人员日以继夜地开展搜救工作。截至7月9日,该事故已导致1名工人遇难,仍有7人失联。Fourteen workers were buried when some 500,000 cubic meters of mud and rubble, enough to fill 200 Olympic-sized swimming pools, hit a construction site in Wufeng Tujia autonomous county at 4 pm on Saturday.7月8日16时,约50万立方米的泥浆和碎石(足以填满200个奥运规格的游泳池)袭击了五峰土家族自治县的一个建筑工地,导致14名工人被埋。Thanks to the efforts of the 390-member rescue team, five workers were pulled from the debris that night, one of whom was seriously injured, Ye Yang, executive vice-mayor of Yichang, told a news conference on Sunday.宜昌市委常委、常务副市长叶杨在9日的新闻发布会上表示,在390名救援人员组成的救援队伍的努力下,当晚成功从废墟中救出五名工人,其中一人重伤。Rescuers found two more victims on Sunday morning, one of whom was dead.救援人员在9日上午又发现了两名受害者,其中一人已遇难。The vice-mayor noted the great difficulties facing the rescuers, as the landslide is unstable and Wufeng is expected to experience rainfall on Sunday and Monday.副市长指出,预计五峰自治县9日、10日均为多云有阵雨,事发地滑坡体尚不稳定,开展救援工作难度大。Out of concern for safety, 17 residents from eight households in a nearby community have been evacuated, he said.他表示,考虑到目前滑坡体尚不稳定,转移周边群众8户17人。He stressed that rescuers will use every minute of the golden hour period — which refers to the first 72 hours after an accident that are considered critical for saving lives — to look for the missing workers.他强调,救援人员将抢抓72小时黄金救援期,争分夺秒全力搜救失联人员。"We always put the people's interests first, and nothing is more precious than lives. Currently, the rescue operation is our top priority. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we will spare no effort," he stressed.他强调:“我们始终把人民的利益放在首位,没有什么比生命更宝贵。目前,救援行动是我们的首要任务。只要有一线希望,我们将不遗余力。”Ye said the Yichang government has stepped up monitoring and early warning for disasters and has dispatched officials to search the city for safety hazards, because the risk of disasters remains high during the main flood season.叶杨表示,当前正值主汛期,地灾易发多发,已在宜昌市全市范围内组织开展地质灾害隐患监测预警和巡查排查。The Ministry of Emergency Management said that it has dispatched a work group to oversee rescue operations.应急管理部表示派出工作组赶赴现场指导当地做好应急处置工作。The accident triggered a Level IV emergency response, the ministry said in a media release on Sunday.该部门在9日的一份媒体公告中指出,该事故引发了地质灾害四级应急响应。China has a four-tier emergency response system, with Level I representing the most severe response.中国有一个四级应急响应系统,其中一级代表最严重的响应级别。While 139 rescuers from the National Comprehensive Fire and Rescue Team have reached the site, another team with expertise in workplace rescues has been dispatched to Wufeng to support the operation.应急管理部调派国家综合性消防救援力量139人,以及国家安全生产应急救援队伍携带专业装备赶赴现场,全力开展救援。Upon receiving the report of the accident, Wang Xiangxi, minister of emergency management, immediately requested that rescue forces urgently be dispatched, the release stated.新闻稿指出,在接到事故报告后,应急管理部部长王祥喜立即作出部署,要求紧急派遣救援队伍。While making every effort to treat those injured to minimize casualties, rescuers must also work to prevent secondary disasters and ensure their own safety, the minister stressed.王祥喜强调,全力做好伤员救治,尽最大努力减少人员伤亡;严防次生灾害,确保救援人员安全。He also asked that the accident serves as a lesson, that risk monitoring is stepped up and intensified efforts are made to screen for risks to protect lives and property.他还表示,要同时查明原因,举一反三,加强风险监测排查,确保人民群众生命财产安全。Landslide英/ˈlændslaɪd/ 美/ˈlændslaɪd/n.[地质]山崩Rescue英/ˈreskjuː/ 美/ˈreskjuː/v.营救,援救