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英语新闻∣你吃了多少“隐形的糖”?研究发现:过去10年,全球饮食越来越甜!A recent study released by the University of Cambridge shows that over the past 10 years, food and drinks are getting sweeter.剑桥大学最近发布的一项研究显示,在过去10年里,食物和饮料都变得越来越甜。Using market sales data from around the globe, we looked at the quantity of added sugar and non-nutritive sweeteners sold in packaged foods and drinks from 2007 to 2019. We found per person volumes of non-nutritive sweeteners in drinks is now 36% higher globally. Added sugars in packaged food is 9% higher.Whether you’re a sweet or a savory person, chances are, in the past 10 years, your sugar consumption has increased.研究人员基于全球市场销售数据,详细分析了2007至2019年间包装食品和饮料里添加糖和甜味剂的含量,结果出乎意料:全球范围内,饮料中的甜味剂人均消耗量增加了36%,包装食品中的添加糖人均消耗量增加了9%。不管你平时偏甜口还是咸口,食物和饮料都在变得越来越甜。Speak ofsugar, cakes, doughnuts and chocolate bars may first come to your mind. In fact,more sugar actuallygets its intoour daily lives in aninvisibleway.提起糖,可能首先会想到蛋糕、甜甜圈、巧克力棒等糖分大户,而更多的糖实际上以一种“隐形”的方式进入到我们的日常生活中。The actual amount of sugar in many low-fat products or diet meals may not be small. Without fat, food will be less flavorful. Marketers thus will turn to added sugar or artificialsweetenersto make it taste better.许多低脂产品或者减肥餐的实际含糖量可能并不小。因为没有了脂肪,食物风味会大打折扣,商家则会选用添加糖或者人工甜味剂,让食物更好吃。Non-nutritive sweeteners include artificial sweeteners, such as Aspartame, and natural sweeteners, such as stevia. Despite their lack of dietary energy, recent reviews suggest consuming non-nutritive sweeteners may be linked with type 2 diabetes and heart disease and can disrupt the gut microbiome.这些甜味剂包括人造甜味剂,如阿斯巴甜(aspartame)和天然甜味剂,如甜菊糖(stevia)。尽管非营养性甜味剂没什么热量,但最近的研究表明,食用这些甜味剂可能与二型糖尿病和心脏病有关,并破坏肠道微生物群。Non-nutritive sweetenersareaddictive.And because they are sweet, ingesting non-nutritive sweeteners influences our palates and encourages us to want more sweet food.For children, sweeteners can shape their taste preferences and make it difficult toformnormal eating habits.This is of particular concern for children, who are still developing their lifelong taste preferences. 非营养性甜味剂会让人越吃甜越上瘾。非营养性甜味剂吃起来很甜,这会影响我们的味觉,并刺激人们吃更多的甜食。对孩子来说,甜味剂会塑造他们的口味偏好,很难再形成正常的饮食习惯。鉴于儿童正处于味觉偏好发育期,他们更要特别注意摄入量。What's alarming is that non-nutritive sweeteners are used inultra-processedfoods, so that they become 'hyper-palatable'. According to the research by University of Cambridge,eating more ultra-processed foods is linked with more heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and death.值得警惕的是,非营养甜味剂一般使用在超加工食品中,让这些食品变得“超级美味”。剑桥大学这项研究指出,超加工食品会导致心脏病、二型糖尿病、癌症甚至死亡。How to control sugar consumption effectively?该如何有效控糖呢?Check out ingredients.Ingredients are listed in order of how much exists in the product, so if sugar's near the top, that's a red flag.查看食品成分表。食品成分表是按照含量从高到低的顺序进行排列的,如果糖处在成分表很靠前的位置,那你就要注意了!Eat more foods high in protein.A high sugar intake has been linked to increasedappetiteand weight gain. Conversely, a diet low in added sugar but high in protein and fiber may have the opposite effect, reducing hunger and promoting fullness.多吃高蛋白的食物。吃高糖食物,会导致胃口变大、体重增加。如果吃低糖、高蛋白、高纤维食物就没那么容易饿,增加饱腹感。 Get enough sleep.Lack of sleep may also affect the types of food you eat, predisposing you to choices that are higher in sugar, fat, salt, and calories .保持充足睡眠。睡眠和吃的食物种类有一定关系,如果缺乏睡眠,可能更容易选择吃糖、脂肪、盐和卡路里含量高的食物。Purchase food free from sugar.One strategy: buy foods labeled "no added sugar" or "unsweetened.You'll find unsweetened versions of these common foods in most grocery stores: soy, apple sauce, and oatmeal.买不加糖的食物。有一条策略就是购买那些写着“不添加糖”或者“未含糖”的食品。在超市里可以找到很多常见食物的无糖版替代品,例如:豆浆、苹果酱、燕麦片等。invisible英[ɪnˈvɪzəbl]美[ɪnˈvɪzəbl]adj. 看不见的,无形的sweetener英[ˈswi:tnə(r)]美[ˈswitnɚ]n. 甜味剂ultra-processed英[ˈʌltrə p'rəsest]美[ˈʌltrə p'rəsest]n. 超加工palatable英[ˈpælətəbl]美[ˈpælətəbl]adj. 可口的;美味的appetite英[ˈæpɪtaɪt]美[ˈæpɪtaɪt]n. 胃口;食欲