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A university in Hunan province has won praise from many netizens for providing aid to students experiencing financial difficulties in a considerate manner, CCTV News reported.据中央电视台新闻报道,湖南省一所大学为经济困难的学生提供了贴心的帮助,获得了许多网友的点赞。The Hunan University of Science and Technology announced recently that based on a big data analysis of students' cafeteria consumption, the university is about to give meal subsidies to over 2,000 students who have visited the cafeterias on campus very often but spent much less than average. The subsidy requires no application and will be credited directly into the meal cards of the eligible students, whose names will not be released.湖南科技大学近期将根据全校全日制学生在食堂的就餐消费大数据,对在食堂消费次数多、每餐平均消费额度最低的2000余名学生发放餐补。该补贴无需申请,并将直接计入符合条件的学生的餐卡中,这些学生的姓名将不会公布。The meal subsidies will be handed out four times a year, scheduled for March, May, September and November, respectively. The university will allocate 1 million yuan ($146,612) annually for the subsidies.该大学每年将拨款100万元(146612美元)用于伙食补贴,并于每年3月、5月、9月和11月分四次发放。Some students from poor families, due to various reasons, are reluctant to apply for financial aid, said Liang Hongjun, deputy director of the university's logistics department. So the university chose to hand out the subsidy discreetly, hoping to provide real help to students in need and at the same time protect their self-esteem, he said.该校后勤部副主任梁宏军认为,部分家庭困难的学生出于各种原因,也不愿意去申请相关资助,“我们采取这种悄悄打钱的‘隐形资助’方式就是在维护他们自尊心的同时又能够真正帮助到他们。”The university analyzed cafeteria expenditure of over 40,000 students and selected those eligible for the meal subsidy using indicators including cafeteria visit frequency for breakfast, lunch and dinner respectively and average spending per meal.该大学分析了4万多名学生的食堂消费情况,分别以早餐、午餐、晚餐的食堂就餐次数和平均每餐消费为指标,选定了符合伙食补贴条件的学生。Liang said that the statistics they have at hand show some students have all meals at the canteens but spend less than 11 yuan daily.梁宏军说,我们目前掌握的部分统计数据,有学生一日三餐都在食堂吃,一天消费加起来却不到11元The financial aid office of the student affairs department will check whether the shortlisted students are financially disadvantaged. For those who are from poor families, 200 yuan will be credited to their meal cards. Those who are not disadvantaged students but have a lower spending average per meal will receive the same amount of subsidy.此外,该校学生工作处资助办公室还将对入围名单进行核实,如确属于学校资助学生范围,则按200元/人进行发放。如尚不符合资助学生标准,但餐均消费较低的学生也将获得同等金额的补贴。The university said it will carry out irregular checks on the situation of the subsidy recipients to ensure the money goes to those in need. For those who are suspected of facing great financial hardship, the university will offer targeted additional aid after verification.该大学表示,学校将通过多种手段,不定期查核就餐补助发放对象的相关信息,力求将就餐补助发给真正家庭困难的学生。对于那些认为面临巨大经济困难的学生,学校将在核实后提供有针对性的额外资助。According to information published by the official WeChat account of the university, the first batch of eligible students will get the subsidy by the end of March.根据该校官方微信公众号发布的信息,第一批符合条件的学生将在3月底前获得补贴。Expenditure英 [ɪkˈspendɪtʃə(r)]   美  [ɪkˈspendɪtʃər]n. 支出额eligible英 [ˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l]   美  [ˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l]adj. 符合条件的