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The flame for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, was lit in an elaborate ceremony on Thursday, marking the start of the 100-day countdown to the opening of the sporting extravaganza.6月15日,杭州第十九届亚洲运动会的圣火在一场盛大的仪式上成功采集,标志着这场体育盛宴开幕倒计时100天的开启。The lighting of the Games torch took place in Liangzhu Ancient City — which was inscribed as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Site in 2019 — at an event that drew heavily on the country's ancient culture and heritage.杭州亚洲运动会的火种采集仪式在良渚古城举行。这座古城于2019年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产,仪式充分展示了中国古代文化和遗产。The torch relay will start in September at West Lake, another UNESCO World Heritage Site in Hangzhou, with the torch to be carried to 11 cities in Zhejiang. The relay will culminate in the lighting of the cauldron at the Games' opening ceremony on Sept 23.火炬传递将于9月在杭州的西湖开始,西湖也是联合国教科文组织认定的世界文化遗产之一。火炬将在浙江省的11个城市中传递。火炬传递仪式将在9月23日的开幕式上推至高潮,届时火炬手将点燃火炬台。Nineteen female flame collectors, dressed in flowing white gowns, ascended steps to a central point at the ancient site on Thursday, where one of them lit a torch from the rays of the sun using a concave mirror. The outline of the mirror, designed like a jadeware named bi, symbolized the sun's rays.这天,19名身穿白色服饰的女性采火使者登上台阶,来到良渚古城的一个中心点,其中一名使者采用凹面镜透过太阳光线将采火棒点燃。凹面镜的轮廓设计源于一种名为“璧”的玉器,象征着太阳的光芒。The collector then presented the torch to Yi Lianhong, Party secretary of Zhejiang province, who ignited a flame box, the design of which was inspired by a jadeware named cong.采火使者随后将采火棒传递给浙江省委书记易炼红,他点燃火种盒。该火种盒的设计灵感源自一种名为“琮”的玉器。Bi and cong unearthed at the archaeological site were used as sacrificial vessels in Liangzhu Culture, which dates back 4,300 to 5,300 years.良渚遗址出土的“璧”和“琮”是良渚文化中用于祭祀的器物,可追溯到4300至5300年前。"The archaeological ruins of Liangzhu Ancient City are a holy place that represent Chinese civilization dating back more than 5,000 years," said Fang Xiangming, director of the Zhejiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. "The ruins represent a unique historical and cultural window through which to show ancient and modern China to the world."浙江省文物考古研究所所长方向明表示:“良渚古城的考古遗址是一个圣地,代表着可追溯到5000多年前的中华文明。”他继续说道:“这个遗址代表了一个独特的历史和文化窗口,通过它我们可以向世界展示古代和现代中国。”The torch for the Games also takes its design cues from a jade cong and is inspired by Liangzhu Culture. The eternal flame, or xin huo, indicates that Chinese civilization has been passed down from generation to generation.本届亚洲运动会的设计灵感也来自玉琮,并受到良渚文化的启发。永恒的火焰,也被称为“薪火”,象征着中华文明代代相传。In addition, the medal of the Asian Games, named shan shui, was unveiled to mark the 100-day milestone, and is characterized by cong, the ceremonial jadeware.此外,为了纪念100天倒计时的开启,亚洲运动会的奖牌被命名为“山水”,并采用“琮”这一礼器元素。A digital torch relay also kicked off online on Thursday. As of Thursday afternoon, over 21 million people have participated in a virtual torch relay as digital torchbearers through online platforms. The opening ceremony will present the first digital ignition ceremony in the Asian Games' history, and digital torchbearers worldwide will be able to ignite the flame online together.6月15日,数字火炬传递也在线上拉开帷幕。截至当日下午,已有超过2100万人通过网络平台参与了数字火炬传递,担任数字火炬手。开幕式将呈现亚洲运动会历史上首个数字点火仪式,全世界的数字火炬手将能在一起线点燃火炬。Despite the one-year postponement of the Asian Games, Hangzhou is poised to host one of the biggest sport events in the world.尽管本届亚洲运动会延期了一年,但杭州已准备好举办世界上最大的体育赛事之一。More than 10,000 athletes from across Asia will gather for the Games, to compete in 483 medal events across 40 sports.来自亚洲各地的10,000多名运动员将齐聚本届亚运会,参加40个项目、483个奖牌的争夺。Torch英/tɔːtʃ/美/tɔːrtʃ/n.火把Ceremony英/ˈserəməni/美/ˈserəmoʊni/n.仪式,典礼