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A university lecturer in Linyi, Shandong province, has shone a light on the plight of food delivery drivers by taking on the role himself for a month and sharing his trials and tribulations online.山东省临沂市的一名大学教师通过亲自担任外卖骑手一个月,并在网上分享自己的经历和苦难,揭示了外卖骑手的困境。Last December, Xing Bin, a lecturer at the College of Literature at Linyi University, was so overcome with curiosity about what life and work must be like for a delivery driver, he decided to sign up and be one from December to January this year.去年12月,临沂大学文学院讲师邢斌对外卖员的生活和工作充满了好奇,他决定报名,从去年12月到今年1月,体验为期一个月的外卖员的生活。The gig economy, for better or worse, has exploded in China in recent years, and though many members of the workforce choose to work in the gig economy by choice because of its flexibility, others prefer the stability of stable full-time employment.无论好坏,“零工经济”近年来在中国呈爆炸式增长,尽管许多劳动力因为“零工经济”的灵活性而选择在其中工作,但也有一些人更喜欢稳定的全职工作。During the month, Xing worked more than 10 hours and took 30,000 steps a day. He lost 6 kilograms and earned a total of 7,000 yuan ($962).On average, he earned 10 yuan each hour, and 20 yuan at most.在这一个月里,邢斌工作了10多个小时,每天走3万步。他的体重减轻了6公斤,总共挣了7000元(约合962美元)。平均每小时挣10元,最多的时候挣了20元。According to Kanzhun.com, a commercial recruitment website, the average monthly salary of a delivery driver is just over 7,000 yuan.根据商业招聘网站看准网,外卖司机的平均月薪仅为7000多元。"I was delivering food from early morning till late at night for around 13 hours a day. When I had classes, I delivered food for two hours early in the morning, and after dinner I continued delivering until one or two in the morning," Xing said, adding he could earn more by working at night.他说:“我每天从早到晚送餐,大约13个小时。有课的时候,我一大早就送两个小时的餐,晚饭后继续送餐到凌晨一两点。”并补充道,“晚上工作可以挣得更多。”The reaction to his posts online spurred numerous comments sympathizing with the tough working conditions that delivery drivers must endure.他的帖子在网上引起的反响引发了众多评论,他们对外卖员必须忍受的艰苦工作条件表示同情。"During that month, I tasted the bitterness and the happiness of this job with my heart," he said.他说:“在那一个月里,我用心品尝了这份工作的苦与乐。”"I delivered over 2,000 orders, and three of the people who ordered impressed me a lot."“我送出了2000多份订单,其中有三位订餐者给我留下了很深的印象。”One took place late at night when Xing delivered food to a village where there were no streetlights. The couple who ordered the food used a flashlight to walk Xing out of the small village to the main road.其中一次是在深夜,邢斌把食物送到一个没有路灯的村庄。那对订餐的夫妇用手电筒照着他走出小村子,来到大路上。"They were afraid that I would get lost in the middle of the night," said Xing.邢斌说:“他们怕我半夜迷路。”"Their kindness gives me strength. But I also met rude people, and they didn't respect delivery drivers at all," he added.“他们的善良给了我力量。但我也遇到了粗鲁的人,他们根本不尊重外卖骑手。”Xing said he now understands the difficulties of delivery workers better and realizes how hard they work to make a living.他现在更理解外卖送餐员的难处,也意识到了他们为生活所付出的艰辛。"Before, if I got a call from a delivery worker, I might delay answering it. But now I will always answer it immediately because I know they might be riding an electric bike while making the call, which is very dangerous," said Xing.他说:“以前,如果我接到外卖送餐员的电话,我可能会延迟接听。但现在我都会立即接听,因为我知道他们可能一边骑电动车一边打电话,这非常危险。”"I also hope that more people can understand the hardships of delivery workers and show more respect toward them," he said.他说:“我也希望更多的人能理解外卖员的艰辛,给他们多一些尊重。”Delivery英/dɪˈlɪvəri/ 美/dɪˈlɪvəri/n.外卖Tribulation英/ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ 美/ˌtrɪbjuˈleɪʃ(ə)n/n.苦难