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Visiting the campuses of the famous Peking University and Tsinghua University is a huge summer attraction for Chinese students and their parents. As only a limited number of visitors are allowed to enter the premises of the two universities on any given day, scalpers are making big money by selling free entry tickets at high prices to eager students.  参观著名的北京大学和清华大学校园是暑期吸引中国学生和家长的一个热门旅游景点。由于这两所大学每天只允许有限数量的游客入内,黄牛们通过高价出售免费门票来赚取高额利润。The campuses have only recently reopened to the public after remaining closed for three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now that visitors are being allowed in again, there is a massive rush to book the limited number of free tickets that are released by the universities for day trips. The scalpers, some of whom are former students of the two universities, have been profiting from this situation.  这两所大学的校园由于新冠疫情封闭了三年之久,最近才重新对公众开放。现在游客再次被允许入内,每天所释放的限量免费门票成为抢手货。其中一些黄牛甚至是这两所大学的校友,他们从中牟利。Peking University has acted against 46 former students who raked in around 1.5 million yuan ($210,000) from 139 students who wanted to visit the campus, said a notice issued by the university recently. Each of the 139 students was charged 10,800 yuan for a "study tour" that included visits to the university.  北京大学日前发布公告称,该校已对46名前学生采取了行动,他们从139名希望参观校园的学生那里敛财约150万元人民币(约合21万美元)。这139名学生每人被收取了10800元的“参观学习”费用,其中包括参观北大。The university, which allows former students to book tickets for up to three companions to enter the campus during the summer vacation, has suspended the 46 former students' access to booking tickets either for themselves or others.  这所大学允许毕业生在暑假期间为最多三名同伴预订进入校园的门票,但已暂停了这46名毕业生为自己或他人预订门票的权限。On July 8, both PKU and Tsinghua reopened their campuses to the public, and visitors need to book appointments in advance. While PKU did not specify how many visitors are being allowed daily, Tsinghua University said it is letting in 4,000 visitors a day.  7月8日,北京大学和清华大学重新向公众开放校园,但参观者需要提前预约。北京大学没有说明每天允许多少游客参观,而清华大学则表示每天允许4000名游客参观。Experts said the strong interest among parents and students to visit the two universities means the campuses would be swamped with people if there are no restrictions, yet allowing in only those who have booked slots in advance is helping unscrupulous elements to exploit the situation.  专家表示,家长和学生对参观两所大学的浓厚兴趣意味着,如果不加限制,两所大学的校园将人满为患,但只允许提前预订时段的人进入,这就助长了不法分子的钻空子行为。On travel portal Ctrip, a five-day summer camp to PKU and Tsinghua costs around 5,000 yuan. The trip includes meeting students from the two universities, taking pictures with them, learning about the admission process from them and also attending lectures given by professors.  在旅游门户网站携程网上,为期五天的北京大学和清华大学夏令营费用约为5000元。行程包括与两所大学的学生见面、合影留念、向他们了解入学流程,以及聆听教授的讲座。However, there is no way of actually verifying if the students and professors are really from the universities. Moreover, the trip does not promise entry into the university campuses. It only talks about visits to the "outside" of the universities.  但是,无法实际核实学生和教授是否真的来自大学。此外,这次旅行并不承诺进入大学校园。它只谈及对大学“外部”的访问。According to Nanfang Metropolis Daily, a woman surnamed Li from Hangzhou said that she signed her child up for a five-day study tour to the universities, costing 4,980 yuan, but her child did not even get to enter the two universities, and had to be satisfied with photographs taken at the gates.  据《南方都市报》报道,杭州一位李姓女士说,她给孩子报了五天的大学游学团,花了4980元,但孩子连两所大学的大门都没进,只能在校门口拍照。Apart from the so-called study tours, simply entering the two universities is now costing a lot of money. Netizens have complained on different social media platforms about the difficulties they have faced in obtaining a free slot to visit the two universities, while others claimed that they got the tickets for a price.  除了所谓的游学团,现在仅仅进入这两所大学就要花很多钱。网民在不同的社交媒体平台上抱怨,他们很难获得免费参观两所大学的名额,而其他人则声称,他们是花钱买到门票的。According to Beijing Business Today, scalpers have been selling tickets for a day tour of the campuses at 300 to 500 yuan. People wanting to visit have to share their ID number and phone number with the scalpers, who claim they can get the entry tickets as soon as they are released.  据《北京商报》报道,黄牛以300至500元的价格出售校园一日游门票。想去参观的人必须把身份证号和电话号码告诉黄牛,黄牛声称只要一放出门票就能拿到。There have been instances where people have paid the money to the scalpers, but have not got the tickets in return.  曾有一些人向黄牛支付了钱,却没有换来门票。A 19-year-old student surnamed Han said he paid a scalper 20 yuan to enter Tsinghua, and sent his personal information as advised. However, when he tried to enter the campus, the security guard told him the ticket system did not have his information.  一位19岁的韩姓学生说,他向黄牛支付了20元钱,并按照建议发送了个人信息,以进入清华校门。然而,当他试图进入校园时,保安告诉他,售票系统没有他的信息。When he tried to ask for his money back, the scalper blocked his number.  当他试图要回自己的钱时,黄牛拉黑了他的号码。Sun Zhifeng, a lawyer at Chance Bridge Law Firm, said it is difficult to crack down on such scalpers, as many are anonymous online entities.  北京卓纬律师事务所的律师孙志峰表示,很难打击此类黄牛,因为许多黄牛都是匿名的网络实体。However, if a lot of money is involved, they can be tracked for committing fraud and carrying out illegal business operations, Sun said.不过,孙志峰说,如果涉及大量资金,就可以追查他们的诈骗和非法经营行为。Profit英/ˈprɒfɪt/美/ˈprɑːfɪt/v.赢利,获利Fraud英/frɔːd/ 美/frɔːd/n.欺诈,骗局,诡计Reporter: Zou ShuoIntern : Zang Tianyi