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Chinese police and law enforcement in Myanmar busted 11 online fraud dens entrenched in northern Myanmar in a joint operation on Sunday, according to the Ministry of Public Security.据中国公安部消息,中国警方与缅甸执法部门在9月3日的联合行动中捣毁了盘踞在缅甸北部的11个网络诈骗窝点。A total of 269 suspects were detained, including 186 Chinese nationals, 66 Myanmar nationals, 15 Vietnamese nationals and two Malaysian nationals.共有269名犯罪嫌疑人被拘留,其中包括186名中国公民、66名缅甸公民、15名越南公民和2名马来西亚公民。Of the detained suspects, 21 are considered backbone members or behind-the-scenes financial sponsors, and 13 are fugitives wanted by Chinese police, including one who has been on the run for 19 years, according to the ministry.据公安部称,在被拘留的嫌疑人中,21人被认为是骨干成员或幕后资助者,13人是中国警方通缉的逃犯,其中一人已逃亡19年。The operation was carried out under the border police law enforcement cooperation mechanism, and the detained Chinese suspects were handed over to Chinese police and brought back, said the ministry.公安部称,此次行动是在边防警察执法合作机制下展开的,被拘留的中国籍嫌疑人已移交给中国警方并被带回。The ministry stated that there has been a high incidence of telecom and online fraud in northern Myanmar targeting Chinese citizens since the beginning of this year. This has led to a series of criminal activities, such as illegal immigration and unlawful detention, which have seriously infringed upon the property security and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens.公安部表示,今年以来,缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪多发高发,由此衍生了偷渡、非法拘禁等一系列犯罪活动,严重侵害我国人民群众财产安全和合法权益,广大群众深恶痛绝。To counter this situation, the ministry has strengthened the comprehensive analysis of telecom and online fraud in northern Myanmar, including studying the techniques, the fraud dens and personnel situations.公安部对此高度重视,全面加强对缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪的综合研判,认真分析诈骗手法类型,查清诈骗窝点和人员情况,收集固定犯罪证据。The main focus of the fraud was impersonating people familiar to the victims, offering false investment and financial management, and impersonating e-commerce logistics customer service.相关诈骗窝点主要涉及冒充领导熟人、虚假投资理财、冒充电商物流客服等诈骗犯罪。The gathered evidence related to more than 1,100 telecom and online fraud cases nationwide, involving a total amount of 120 million yuan ($16.8 million), according to the ministry.据公安部介绍,此次收集到的证据关联全国电信网络诈骗案件1100余起,涉案金额1.2亿元(约合1680万美元)。Based on a thorough understanding of the facts and evidence, the Ministry of Public Security deployed public security organs in Yunnan province to strengthen border law enforcement cooperation. As a result, police in Yunnan's Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture and police in Myanmar successfully dismantled the fraud dens in northern Myanmar.在充分掌握犯罪事实和证据基础上,公安部部署指挥云南公安机关加强边境警务执法合作,联合缅甸相关地方执法部门成功打掉上述诈骗窝点。An official from the ministry said that the current situation of telecom and online fraud targeting Chinese citizens, especially in northern Myanmar, is severe and complex. Public security organs will intensify the crackdown and actively work with other departments to improve their effectiveness.公安部有关负责人表示,当前电信网络诈骗犯罪特别是缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪形势严峻复杂,缅北地区尤为突出。公安机关将进一步加大打击力度,同时,积极会同相关部门进一步完善责任制度,形成协同打击治理合力。In response to reports of some Chinese citizens being trapped abroad, the official said that the public security organs will increase rescue efforts to ensure the safety and protect the legitimate rights and interests of trapped individuals.针对群众报警反映其亲属被困境外情况,公安机关将在充分调查基础上,加大对外交涉和解救力度,最大限度保护其人身安全和合法权益。For those subjected to illegal detention abroad, public security organs will strengthen law enforcement cooperation, urging relevant countries and regions to take actions and severely punish the criminals.特别是部分被困人员在境外遭受非法拘禁等情况,公安机关将加强警务执法合作,敦促有关国家和地区执法部门加大工作力度,严惩犯罪分子。Public security authorities urged telecom and online fraud criminals, especially those hiding abroad, to cease engaging in criminal activities, return to China and surrender to seek lenient treatment.公安机关正告电信网络诈骗犯罪分子特别是潜藏在境外的相关人员,要认清形势,悬崖勒马,立即停止电信网络诈骗及关联犯罪活动,尽快回国自首,争取宽大处理。The public is also reminded to be cautious and improve their legal awareness, and not be tempted by "high-paying job offers" involving fraudulent activities abroad.并提醒广大群众提高安全防范和法律意识,不要受“高薪招聘”诱惑赴境外从事诈骗活动,否则将面临法律严厉制裁。From Aug 23 to 26, police in Myanmar handed over 24 suspects involved in online fraud to Chinese police, demonstrating the firm determination of both China and Myanmar to combat gambling and fraud crimes, according to the Chinese embassy in Myanmar.据中国驻缅甸大使馆消息,8月23日至26日,缅甸警方向中国警方移交了24名参与网络诈骗的犯罪嫌疑人,表明了中缅双方打击赌博和诈骗犯罪的坚定决心。Scam英/skæm/ 美/skæm/n.<非正式>欺诈,骗局Detention英/dɪˈtenʃn/ 美/dɪˈtenʃn/n.拘留,关押