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英语新闻∣110克酸奶卖19元!“雪糕刺客”之后,又来了“酸奶土匪”……AfterChina has seen a price hike in ice creams over recent years, which areplayfully nicknamed "ice cream assassins" by Chinesenetizens, here comes fancy yogurt that may also "stab" yourwallet. Wrapped in delicate and colorful packaging, yogurt in China has alsoskyrocketed in price, from 4 to 6 yuan, to around 10 to 20.近年来,中国雪糕的价格一路飙升,中国网民戏称其为“雪糕刺客”。但现如今,各种五颜六色、包装精美的酸奶也可能会“刺穿”你的钱包,价格从你记忆中的4到6块,飙升到十几块。Youwould end up being "stabbed unawares" by "ice cream assassins"by their prices because they seemingly look and taste the same despite thehigher costs. But these "superior" yogurts justify their costsand never hide their prices. Netizens hence mocked these new yogurts as "bandits".相比起雪糕刺客对价格的遮遮掩掩,最后伤人于无形,酸奶却是大大方方,明码标价,童叟无欺,被网友笑称是“土匪”。In just a few years, inaddition to some traditional brands like Mengniu, Yili, Sanyuan andbrightdairy, new comers of yogurt such as Kashi, Jianai, Lechun, Beihaimuchang,and oarmilk are emerging. How popular are these yogurt? There are more than3.32 million notes when searching yogurt on the Xiaohongshu, a well-likedsocial media platform in China. Most of those notes are about the evaluation ofvarious new types of yogurt, followed by the various yogurt-making tutorials.短短几年,除蒙牛、伊利、三元、光明等传统品牌的酸奶外,卡士、简爱、乐纯、北海牧场、吾岛等酸奶新势力也渐渐崭露头角。这些酸奶有多红呢?在小红书上搜索酸奶,有超过332万笔记,以测评各种新式酸奶居多,紧跟其后的是用户分享酸奶碗的各种做法。Why does yogurt become themarket "upstart"?是什么原因令酸奶成为市场“新贵”呢?For one thing, high-end yogurtoften requires only the simplest ingredients.首先,高端的酸奶往往只需最简单的配料。Elementslike "sugar free", "low fat", "highprotein" and "low carb" are often seen on the packagesof yogurt sold in China market. These elements contribute to a price rise. Ayogurt under the brand He Run, which claims to be “zero fat, zero sugar and highprotein”,costs 13.3 yuan for 100g.Meanwhile, ingredients like probiotics, caffeineand sodium hyaluronate are added to yogurt to answer customers’ demands in health and beauty.These are also factors that have impacts on pricing.近年来,“零糖零脂”、“低糖低脂”、“高蛋白”、“低碳水”这些顺应消费者追求健康需求的元素成为酸奶包装上最常见的介绍,也成为加价砝码:如100克和润0脂0糖高蛋白希腊酸奶售价13.3元,110克的新希望致轻0蔗糖酸奶19.6元。另外,如益生菌、咖啡因和透明质酸钠等成分,也纷纷“入驻”酸奶。功能做了加法,价格也做了加法。Inaddition, various new flavors and additional snacks, like dried fruit and crunchy oatflakes that are sold with yogurt, bring up the price as well. 层出不穷的新口味、酸奶额外搭配配料包等操作也刺激着酸奶价格的上涨。Yogurtthat sold in Blueglass, a brand dubbed the "Hermes of yogurt", ispriced at 25 to 45 yuan. A rising number of similar brands emerged in Beijing,Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen — all first-tier cities inChina. They sell yogurt in a way more or less like selling milk tea – with toppings like oatflakes, assorted fruits and jelly. Prices range from 15 to 30 yuan.被誉为“酸奶中的爱马仕”的Blueglass品牌,一杯酸奶售价在25-45元不等。在北上广深这些一线城市里,大量相对小型的现制酸奶品牌也正出现在街头巷尾。它们用制作茶饮的方式去卖酸奶,商家会添加紫米、燕麦、水果颗粒等小料,定价多在15-30元区间。assassin英[əˈsæsɪn] 美[əˈsæsn]n. 暗杀者,刺客bandit英[ˈbændɪt] 美[ˈbændɪt]n. 土匪,强盗probiotic英[ˌprəʊbaɪ'ɒtɪk] 美[ˌproʊbaɪ'ɑtɪk]n. 益生菌crunchy英[ˈkrʌntʃi] 美[ˈkrʌntʃi]adj. 发嘎吱嘎吱声的,易碎的assort英[ə'sɔ:t] 美[ə'sɔt]vi. 相配;相称