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China has launched a nationwide campaign to address key issues such as campus bullying and excessive homework in basic education.中国在全国范围内开展了一场运动,以解决校园欺凌和作业过多等基础教育中的关键问题。According to a circular made public by the Ministry of Education on Tuesday, the campaign will continue until the end of this year and will primarily focus on regulating and rectifying problems related to safety breaches, disorder in daily management, and faculty misconduct.根据教育部5月14日发布的通知,此次活动将持续到今年年底,主要针对安全底线失守、日常管理失序、师德师风失范等问题进行规范整治。The circular also outlines a detailed list of 12 negative practices in basic education. These include encroachment on students' scheduled ten-minute breaks, neglect and tolerating of bullying behavior, and compulsory education institutions organizing various exams with the intention of selecting students.通知还详细列出了基础教育中的12种不良行为。其中包括挤占学生“课间十分钟”休息、漠视和纵容学生欺凌行为、义务教育阶段学校组织以选拔生源为目的组织各类考试等。Other prohibited activities include concealing or mishandling significant accidents, discriminating against students from vulnerable groups, subjecting students to corporal punishment, or engaging in unauthorized fee charging.其他违禁活动包括隐瞒或不当处理重大事故、歧视弱势群体学生、体罚学生或擅自收费。The Ministry of Education has instructed local authorities to refine the negative list, conduct self-inspections, and implement corrective measures.教育部已要求各级教育行政部门完善负面清单,开展自查,落实整改措施。Additionally, the authorities will advance the campaign through various means, such as conducting research across different cities and counties, appointing inspectors to supervise schools, and providing professional guidance.此外,有关部门还将通过各种方式推进这项活动,如在各市县开展调研,任命督学对学校进行监督,并提供专业指导。To ensure effective enforcement, a supervision and exposure mechanism, as well as a reputation evaluation system, will be established during the campaign.为确保有效执行,活动期间将建立监督曝光机制和信誉评价体系。China is home to nearly 500,000 primary and middle schools and kindergartens, with over 16 million teachers and 230 million students. Its education system faces disparities in urban-rural and regional development, leading to notable variations in school management levels across different areas.中国有近50万所中小学幼儿园、1600多万名教师、2.3亿名在校学生,城乡、区域发展不平衡,不同地方学校管理水平存在较大差异。Shi Zhongying, head of the Institute of Education at Tsinghua University, noted that the 12 prohibited behaviors outlined in the circular are not new policies or requirements, but rather a reminder of the minimum standards. The objective is to raise awareness and ensure that school faculty uphold and adhere to these standards.清华大学教育研究院院长石中英指出,通知中列出的12项禁止行为并非新政策或新要求,而是以底线的形式予以重申提醒。其目的在于做到人人皆知,让校长教师知敬畏、守底线。The campaign will have a positive impact on improving the governance and capacity of basic education in the new era, as well as optimizing the overall ecosystem of the education sector, Shi said.石中英说,这项活动将对提高新时期基础教育的治理水平和能力,优化教育领域的整体生态系统产生积极影响。vulnerable groups弱势群体corporal punishment体罚