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英语新闻∣连续12天后高温预警降为橙色The most intense heat wave since national weather records began in 1961, which has caused power crunches, forest fires and dried-up rivers across China, is forecast to subside in some parts of southern China for the next seven days, but there will be littleletupfor eastern Sichuan province and Chongqing, according to the China Meteorological Administration on Tuesday.8月23日,中国气象局表示,虽然未来一周左右南方地区高温天气整体上呈现缓和趋势,但在四川东部、重庆的部分地区仍将持续极易中暑等级。本轮高温天气强度已经达到中国有完整气象记录以来(1961年以来)最强,中国多地出现电力短缺、森林火灾和河流干涸情况。From July 22 to Monday, five forest firesflared up in Chongqing where temperatures have consistently reached above 40 C, according to the CMA's Public Meteorological Service Center.中国气象局公共气象服务中心称,从7月22日到8月22日,重庆气温已持续达到40℃以上,发生5起森林火灾。It is expected that from Tuesday to Thursday, the forest fire risk level in some areas in the city and in Sichuan province will be extremely high, the center added.并预计8月23日至25日,重庆中南部、四川东部的部分地区森林火险等级将达到极度危险级别。The center said that over the past 60 days, the power load on the electricity supply was far heavier than normal due to the extreme heat in Sichuan, Jiangsu and Hubei provinces.该中心表示,四川、江苏、湖北三省已近60天电力负荷气象条件指数明显高于历史同期。Power loads can vary due to weather conditions, especially changes in temperature. Usually, the higher the daily average temperature, the greater the power load.电力负荷受天气状况影响,尤其受温度变化的影响。通常情况下,日平均温度越高,电力负荷越大。In Chongqing, transport companies have dimmed lights in subways to reduce the power load and in Sichuan province, some new energy vehicle charging piles were switched off, Jimu News, a media outlet in Hubei province, reported on Tuesday.据极目新闻8月23日报道,重庆的交通公司调暗地铁灯光,以减少电力负荷。四川省某些新能源汽车充电桩被关闭。"Due to the water shortage in the Yangtze River,hydropoweroutput has dropped, which made the power supply condition in provinces along the river even more serious," said Yuan Bin, a senior engineer from the center.国气象局公共气象服务中心高级工程师袁彬表示,由于长江全流域缺水,水电日发量大幅下降,供电支撑能力大幅下跌,加剧各省份缺电问题。In August, the flow of the Yangtze River's trunk line was about half compared to the same period last year due to less rainfall, China Central Television reported.据中央电视台报道,今年8月,由于降雨量减少,长江干线的流量比去年同期减少了一半左右。Data from the Hubei Meteorological Service showed that 92 percent of the province's land area has suffered droughts.湖北省气象局的数据显示,该省轻旱以上地区范围达92%。Chen Xuan, chief forecaster from the service, said that since August, high temperatures have hit the province in an extreme manner, and daily maximum temperatures in 30 counties and cities have broken historical records.武汉中心气象台首席预报员陈璇介绍,今年8月以来,湖北省出现了大范围的高温天气,其中30县市日最高气温破历史记录。The National Meteorological Center lowered its heat wave warning from red to orange on Tuesday evening, as the heat begins to ease. This ended a 12-daystreakof national-level daily red alerts for heat. China's four-tier color-coded weather alert system uses red to signify the most severe, followed by orange, yellow and blue.随着热浪开始缓解,在连续12日发布高温红色预警后,中央气象台8月23日18时发布高温橙色预警。中国的天气预警系统分为四级,由重到轻颜色分别为红色、橙色、黄色和蓝色。Chengdu, for example, will see its daily high temperatures in its urban area gradually dropping from 41 C on Tuesday to 28 C by Monday, with showers forecast over the week.成都市区的日最高气温将从8月23日的41℃逐渐下降到8月29日的28℃,预计本周还会有阵雨。Chen Tao, chief forecaster from the National Meteorological Center, said that although for the next seven days the heat wave is expected tosubsidein provinces in the south, it will not end immediately."The heat alleviation process requires some time, especially in Chongqing and eastern Sichuan," he said.中央气象台首席预报员陈涛表示,“接下来一周,南方地区高温天气虽然整体上呈现缓和趋势,但是并不会马上结束或者转为凉爽状态。特别是重庆和四川东部,高温的缓解或解除需要一个过程,“letup英['letʌp]美['letˌʌp]n. 停止,中止,减弱flare up英[flɛə ʌp]美[flɛr ʌp]突然爆发;突然大怒;突然燃烧起来hydropower英[ˈhaɪdrəʊˌpaʊə]美[ˈhaɪdroʊˌpaʊr]n. 水电streak英[striːk]美[striːk]n.(不断经历成功或失败的)一段时期subside英[səbˈsaɪd]美[səbˈsaɪd]vi. 减弱;(热度)消退