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The much-anticipated high-speed railway connecting Hangzhou and Wenzhou officially began operating from Friday, marking a significant milestone in the transportation infrastructure of Zhejiang province.备受瞩目的杭州至温州高速铁路(以下简称“杭温高铁”)于9月6日正式开通运营,标志着浙江省交通基础设施建设取得重大进展。With this, the "one-hour transport circle" between the two cities has become a reality, connecting key urban areas and bringing high-speed railway access to more regions, according to experts.由此两地“1小时交通圈”成为现实,连接重点城区,高铁覆盖更多地区。The inaugural trains G9505 and G9508, simultaneously departed from Hangzhou West Station and Wenzhou North Station at 9 am.首发列车G9505次和G9508次于上午9点同时从杭州西和温州北出发。With the total length of the main line at 276 kilometers and a design speed of 350 kilometers per hour, the journey from Hangzhou West station to Wenzhou North station can now be completed in just 87 minutes.正线全长276公里,设计时速350公里,从杭州西到达温州北仅需87分钟。Zhang Yi, general manager of the Rail Transit Department of Zhejiang Communications Investment Group Co, said: "It strengthens the rapid connection between the southernmost part of the Yangtze River Delta region, Wenzhou, and other key cities in the region, further accelerating the integration of 'the Yangtze River Delta region on rails.'浙江交通集团轨道交通管理部总经理张奕表示:“杭温高铁的开通,强化了长三角最南端温州及沿线城市与长三角中心城市之间的快速联系,对于加快建设‘轨道上的长三角’,促进乡村全面振兴、城乡融合发展和资源要素流通等具有重要意义。”"Nanxi River Station, located in Fenglin township, Yongjia county, Wenzhou, is one of the stations along the line. Situated in the core area of the national scenic spot Nanxi River, the station is only a 10-minute drive from Huolu village in Fenglin. This village, with its idyllic landscape of mountains and rivers, is poised to benefit from the railroad's opening.楠溪江站位于温州市永嘉县枫林镇,是该线沿线车站之一。该站位于国家级风景名胜区楠溪江的核心区,距离枫林镬炉村仅10分钟车程,该镇将因铁路通车而受益。On Wednesday, Huang Shaowang, deputy director of the village committee, said: "Through the renovation of our village, we are creating a new model of rural development that combines agriculture, culture, and tourism. The railway's opening will bring more tourists to our village, thereby increasing the income of our villagers."镬炉村村委会副主任黄少旺表示:“我们正在打造农文旅结合的新型乡村,高铁开通运营将给村里文旅业态带来更多游客,也给村民带来更多收入。”The benefits also extend to Xianju county in Taizhou, particularly in the development of its medical technology industries. Xianju is home to a medical device manufacturing town located just 5 kilometers from Xianju Station on the railway.受益的还有台州仙居县,该地是我国医疗器械制造的所在地,距离仙居高铁站仅5公里。In recent years, manufacturing medical devices has become the strongest sector for entrepreneurship and innovation in Xianju.近年来,医疗器械制造已成为仙居创新技术最强的行业。The high-speed railway enhances Xianju's connections with Shanghai and Hangzhou, facilitating easier business travel and commuting for employees in the town and improving market circulation and business development opportunities.高铁加强了仙居与上海、杭州的联系,方便了仙居居民的出差和通勤,改善了市场流通和商业发展机会。The railway has also brought significant advantages to Hengdian World Studios, located in Dongyang city. Once passengers arrive at Hengdian Station, they can reach Hengdian World Studios within 9 minutes by light rail, significantly easing travel for both tourists and film industry professionals who previously had to transfer at Yiwu.高铁还为位于东阳市的横店影视城带来了显著优势。乘客抵达横店后,乘坐轻轨9分钟内即可到达横店影视城,大大方便了之前必须在义乌转车的游客和影视从业者的出行。Bao Xiuming, director of Wenzhou Railway and Urban Rail Transit Construction Management Center, emphasized the railway's broader impact.温州市铁路与城市轨道交通建设管理中心主任包秀明强调了高铁的广泛影响。"The improvement of the railway network will accelerate the flow of people, goods, capital, and information, stimulate economic and social development along the line. It supports Zhejiang's efforts to build a demonstration zone for common prosperity and integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta," he said.他说:“铁路线网的完善将加速人流、物流、资金流、信息流的流动,促进沿线经济社会发展,推动温州与核心城市群之间的交流协作和产业深度融合。”The Hangzhou-Wenzhou Highspeed Railway was built in two phases.据了解,杭温高铁分为两期建设。Yangtze River Delta regionn.长江三角洲地区