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Self-media accounts, particularly non-institutional content publishers on platforms such as WeChat and Weibo, are facing stricter management, and operators should be more disciplined if they want to continue posting information online, according to a recent notification.《关于加强“自媒体”管理的通知》于日前发布,“自媒体”账户,特别是微信和微博等平台上的非机构内容发布者,正面临更严格的监管。“自媒体”账户如果想继续在网上发布信息,那么应该受到更严格的约束。Self-media accounts are those that publish news or information but are not operated or approved by the government.“自媒体”账号是指未经政府运营或批准的发布新闻或信息的账号。The notification was issued by the Cyberspace Administration of China, the country's top internet regulator, on Wednesday, and published on its website on Monday.7月5日,中央网信办发布《关于加强“自媒体”管理的通知》(以下简称“通知”),并于10日在其网站上公布。The administration announced 13 requirements that all websites and platforms nationwide must meet and urged them to strengthen their management of self-media accounts to maintain order in cyberspace.中央网信办公布了提出全国所有网站和平台必须满足13条措施,以压实网站平台信息内容管理主体责任,维护网络空间秩序。It states in the notification that websites and platforms should review registered accounts and those with name changes to protect official accounts from fraud.通知指出,网站平台应当强化注册、拟变更账号信息等环节的信息审核,有效防止“自媒体”假冒仿冒行为。"If the posted information contains names or logos of the Party and government agencies, military organs, news media or administrative departments, related accounts must be reviewed manually," it said.通知规定,对账号信息中含有党政军机关、新闻媒体、行政区划名称或标识的,必须人工审核。"Stricter reviews need to be conducted on self-media accounts concerning finance, education, healthcare and justice, and introductions on the qualifications and professional backgrounds of the content publishers should also be annotated on these accounts' homepages," it added.通知明确,对从事金融、教育、医疗卫生、司法等领域信息内容生产的“自媒体”,网站平台应当进行严格核验,并在账号主页展示其服务资质、职业资格、专业背景等认证材料名称,加注所属领域标签。While requiring self-media accounts to publish the sources of content involving domestic and foreign affairs, policies or social issues, it also clarifies that publishers should not take words out of context, nor distort facts by means such as patchwork editing.“自媒体”在发布涉及国内外时事、公共政策、社会事件等相关信息时,网站平台应当要求其准确标注信息来源。“自媒体”发布信息不得断章取义、歪曲事实、不得使用拼凑剪辑等方式。If rumors related to policies, people's livelihood or public emergencies are discovered, websites and platforms must mark them in a timely manner and take advantage of algorithms to reduce the spread of untrue content, it said.通知规定,涉公共政策、社会民生、重大突发事件等领域谣言,网站平台应当及时标记谣言标签,并运用算法推荐方式提高辟谣信息触达率。"Self-media accounts will be shut down, blacklisted and reported to cyberspace departments if they are found to have produced rumors, stirred up the public or spread illegal or harmful information," it added.通知补充,对制作发布谣言,蹭炒社会热点事件或传播违法和不良信息“自媒体”,一律予以关闭,纳入平台黑名单账号数据库并上报网信部门。In addition, cyberspace departments across the country have been instructed to conduct stronger supervision and guidance on websites and platforms, especially those involved with news, livestreaming and short videos, according to the notification.此外,该通知强调,各地网信部门要切实履行属地管理责任,强化监管,开展对资讯、直播、短视频等类型网站平台的督导检查。The release of the notification was not the first time that the administration had focused on the management of self-media accounts.该通知并非中央网信办第一次关注“自媒体”的管理。With the rapid development of the internet, everyone has the right to open accounts to share ideas and post articles, but some content has been found to be improper or even illegal, potentially promoting disorder in cyberspace and misleading the public, the authority said.该部门表示,随着互联网的快速发展,每个人都有权开设账户来分享想法和发表文章,但一些内容是不正当的,甚至是非法的,这可能会加剧网络空间的混乱,误导公众。Therefore, it has stepped up efforts in recent years to advance the governance of self-media accounts to purify the online environment.因此,近年来中央网信办加大“自媒体”的治理力度,净化网络环境。In March, the administration ordered major internet platforms to punish self-media accounts that are operating illegally or spreading rumors. Data released by the administration showed that as of May 22, more than 1.41 million pieces of improper information have been removed, with over 66,600 accounts shut down.2023年3月,针对“自媒体”造谣传谣、违规营利等问题,中央网信办开展“清朗·从严整治‘自媒体’乱象”专项行动。行政部门发布的数据显示,截至5月22日,已有删除超过141万条不当信息,关闭超过66600个账户。Self-media英[self ˈmiːdiə]美[self ˈmiːdiə]n. 自媒体Requirement英 /rɪˈkwaɪəmənt/美 /rɪˈkwaɪərmənt/n. 要求Management英 /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/美 /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/n. 管理