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China has expanded the implementation of its 144-hour visa-free transit policy to three more entry ports, bringing the total number of such ports to 37, the National Immigration Administration announced on Monday.7月15日,国家移民管理局宣布,新增3个入境口岸实施144小时免签证过境政,目前我国已有37个口岸实施该政策。The entry process for foreign nationals has also been streamlined to facilitate their short-term activities related to tourism, business and family reunions within the country.外国公民的过境进程也得到了简化,以便利他们在国内从事旅游、商务、探亲等短期活动。The three new ports are Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport in Central China's Henan province, and the Lijiang Sanyi International Airport and Mohan railway port in Southwest China's Yunnan province, the administration said in a statement.新增的三个口岸为郑州新郑国际机场、丽江三义国际机场和磨憨铁路口岸。Starting on Monday, eligible foreign nationals can enter China visa-free through the Zhengzhou airport, with their visit and stay limited to Henan.自2024年7月15日起,在河南郑州航空口岸实施144小时过境免签政策,停留范围为河南省行政区域。Those entering China visa-free through Yunnan are allowed to visit nine cities or prefecture-level areas in the province including Kunming, Lijiang, Dali, Yuxi, Pu'er and Xishuangbanna, according to the administration. Previously, foreign nationals could only stay in Kunming.将云南省144小时过境免签政策停留范围由昆明市扩大至昆明、丽江、玉溪、普洱、楚雄、大理、西双版纳、红河、文山等9个市(州)行政区域。而过去,外国公民仅能停留昆明。Foreign nationals from 54 countries, including Austria, Belgium and the Czech Republic, who hold valid international travel documents and onward tickets with confirmed dates and seats are eligible for the 144-hour visa-free transit.来自奥地利、比利时和捷克共和国等54 个国家的外国公民,持有有效的证件和机票,有资格享受 144 小时免签证过境政策。Since its implementation in January 2013, the policy, which was first valid for 72-hour transit and then extended to 144 hours, has played an important role in strengthening China's high-level opening-up efforts, facilitating people-to-people exchanges and promoting international cooperation, the administration said.自2013年1月实施以来,该政策最初有效期为72小时,现已延长至144小时。144小时免签过境政策在加强中国对外开放,促进人文交流和国际合作方面发挥了重要作用。Adding more entry ports to the visa-free transit list will offer foreigners alternative travel options in China, the administration said, adding that it will continue to improve and optimize the policy to welcome foreigners with a more open attitude.移民管理局表示,将增加更多入境口岸以便外国公民在中国旅行,继续改进和优化政策,以更开放的态度欢迎外国公民。China's visa-free transit policy has been hailed across social media platforms, acknowledging its key role in facilitating international travel, dispelling misconceptions and promoting global connectivity.中国的免签证过境政策在不少社交媒体上好评连连,在促进国际旅行、消除对中国的误解和促进全球互联互通方面发挥的关键作用。Robert Willis, from the United Kingdom, said the policy will be very useful to him because he runs a business in China. Previously, Willis had to apply for a two-year multiple-entry visa to visit China. He said the new policy will make his future trips more convenient.来自英国的罗伯特·威利斯(Robert Willis,音译)表示,这项政策对他很有利。由于在中国开了一家公司,最新政策实施前他需要申请为期两年内多次入境签证才能访问中国,免签过境政策将使未来访问中国更加方便。Elena, from Russia, who has visited China twice, said she learned about the policy from her boyfriend, who works in Tianjin.来自俄罗斯的埃琳娜(Elena,音译)曾两次访问中国,她是从在天津工作的男朋友那里了解到这项政策的。The policy will have a positive impact on travelers from 54 countries, enabling them to visit China more often and more easily and to explore new cities and cultures, Elena said, adding that she hopes the duration of visa-free transit would be extended in the future.埃琳娜说,这项政策将使来自54个国家的外国游客更频繁、更轻松地访问中国,探索新的城市和文化,希望未来可以延长免签证过境的时间。In the first half of the year, immigration authorities nationwide recorded around 14.64 million foreign nationals entering China, up 152.7 percent year-on-year. Among these visitors, 8.54 million utilized the visa-free policy, marking a 190.1 percent year-on-year surge.2024年上半年,据出入境管理局记录的外国公民入境中国人数约1464万,同比增长152.7%。其中854万人次使用免签政策,同比增长190.1%。The National Immigration Administration said a surge in foreign visitors is expected in the second half of the year, given the growing enthusiasm for the visa-free transit policy and the swift implementation of various other initiatives.国家移民管理局表示,鉴于对免签证过境政策的热情日益高涨以及其他各种举措的迅速实施,预计今年下半年外国游客将大幅增长。Xu Xiaolei, chief brand officer of Beijing-based CYTS Tours Holding Co, praised the significant impact of the policy in driving inbound tourism, which he said has been particularly evident in recent months.中青旅的首席品牌官徐晓磊称赞该政策在推动入境旅游方面的积极影响,最近几个月尤为明显。The policy has streamlined the entry process, reduced visa costs, and provided greater certainty for foreign travelers wanting to explore China, he said.这项政策简化了入境流程,降低了签证成本,为想要探索中国的外国游客提供了稳定保障。Furthermore, the policy has catalyzed the growth of associated domestic industries, particularly the inbound tourism sector, which has faced tough challenges, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, he said. To expedite the recovery of the sector, government bodies and tourism enterprises have collaborated on innovative solutions, he added.该政策还促进了相关国内产业的发展,特别是入境旅游业,此前该行业面临着严峻的挑战,尤其是在疫情期间。为了加快入境旅游业的复苏,政府机构和旅游企业正合作开发新的解决方案。Xu also emphasized the role of the policy in dispelling misconceptions about China, saying that many visitors who experienced the country firsthand realized how different such experiences are from preconceived notions propagated by the Western media. He underlined the potential of travelers sharing their experiences on social media to counter misinformation more effectively.徐晓磊还强调该政策在消除(外国)对中国的误解方面的作用。许多亲临中国的游客都意识到中国与西方媒体传播的先入为主的观念截然不同。许多外国游客在社交媒体上分享中国旅游的相关经历也帮助更多游客了解真实的中国。"The policy is expanding gradually. ... Yunnan and Henan have their distinct attractions, with Yunnan renowned for its natural beauty and Henan celebrated as a cradle of Chinese culture, blending tradition with modernity. This is enhancing the impact of the policy," he said.徐晓磊称:“免签过境政策持续扩大。云南和河南各有特色,云南以其自然美景而闻名,而河南则被誉为中国文化的摇篮,将传统与现代融为一体。”。Xu stressed the importance of developing tailored inbound tourism products that resonate with foreign visitors, while showcasing Chinese culture and progress. Tailored marketing strategies are deemed essential to bolster China's international tourism standing, he said.开发量身定制的入境旅游套餐既要引起外国游客的共鸣,又要展示中国文化,这点至关重要。针对外国游客量身定制的旅游攻略也能提升中国的国际地位。visa-free transit policyn.免签过境政策