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After cycling 1,328 kilometers in 15 days, Ding Wenxin arrived at his destination — Peking University in Beijing for registration.一位北大新生丁文鑫以特殊的方式开启他的大学之旅:骑行15天经过3省17市1328公里,来到北京大学报到。Ding, who hails from Xinyu city in Jiangxi province, is a freshman-to-be majoring in sociology at Peking University, one of the most prestigious universities in China and his dream school.来自江西省新余市第一中学的北京大学2024级社会学系本科新生丁文鑫表示,北京大学是他的梦校。After being accepted, Ding wanted to kick off his college life in a special way: cycling to the university. Considering factors including his physical fitness, the weather and traffic conditions, he decided to start his cycling journey from Shanghai.被录取后,丁文鑫想用一种特殊的方式开始他的大学生活:骑行去学校。而考虑到身体素质、天气状况和交通情况等多方因素,丁文鑫决定从上海出发。It was not an easy journey. "I tried my best to complete the trip. Struggling to cycle day and night, I felt quite tired. However, there was a specific destination in my mind all the way, which gave me the courage to continue my journey," Ding said.这并不是一段轻松的旅程,但丁文鑫表示:“一路上虽然居无定所、食无常地,但心中一直是有一个目的地,这种一路向前抵达终点的感觉让我非常享受。”Ding arrived at Peking University on Aug 19, the registration day for undergraduates. The university's official account on the Sina Weibo micro-blogging platform posted a message on that day to welcome Ding and send good wishes for his future life.丁文鑫已于8月19日本科生报到日抵达北京大学。北大官微当天发文欢迎丁文鑫同学,并送上对他未来生活的美好祝愿。Ding hopes to join student societies such as the Cycling Association and Mountaineering Association of Peking University and explore faraway places with like-minded friends, enriching his university life.未来,丁文鑫希望能够参加北大自行车协会、山鹰社等社团,与志同道合的朋友探宏远方。保持一路前进的勇气和激情,让自己在北大的学习和生活更加精彩。