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英语新闻︱首次!大英图书馆收录16部中国网文,含《赘婿》、《画春光》Recently,16 Chinese online novels have been added to the collection of the BritishLibrary, including My Heroic Husband, Up in the Heaven, TheEra of the Earth, The First Order, Great Doctor LingRan, The Wisdom of Great Song Dynasty and Great Power, HeavyIndustry. Covering themes of science fiction, history, reality and fantasy,these works are considered the classics of Chinese online literature from thepast 20 years.近日,大英图书馆新收录了16部中国网络文学作品,包括《赘婿》《赤心巡天》《地球纪元》《第一序列》《大医凌然》《大宋的智慧》《大国重工》等。这些作品涵盖了科幻、历史、现实和奇幻等主题,是过去20年中国网络文学的经典。One ofthe largest research libraries in the world, the British Library houses morethan 170 million items, including the cultural relics of differentcivilizations from throughout history.作为世界上最大的学术图书馆之一,大英图书馆拥有超过1.7亿件来自于不同时期不同文明的藏品。Thelibrary usually selects works based on their popularity or by considering anitem's value. Readers can check the information about the 16 books on thelibrary's website, and borrow printed copies.大英图书馆通常根据读者需求和书籍本身价值贡献来选择藏书。读者可以在大英图书馆网站上查询这16本书的相关信息,也可以借阅实体书籍。As oneof the current pillars of masscultural consumption, which began with "fastfood" romances, fantasiesand mysteries (enjoyable to consume, but not intellectually nutritious), theChinese online literature industry has quickly matured during its fastdevelopment over the last two decades.作为当下大众文化消费的支柱之一,中国网络文学虽然始于“快餐式”的爱情和奇幻小说,但整个产业却在过去20年间快速发展成熟。Inrecent years, it has received increasing acknowledgement from home and abroad.In 2019, 10 online novels, including Great Power, Heavy Industry, were added tothe collection of the Shanghai Library, and between 2020 and 2022, 144 onlinenovels like Battle Through the Heavens and Lord of Mysteries were entered intothe collection of the National Library of China.近年来,优秀网络文学作品越来越得到经典化认可。2019年,《大国重工》等10部网络文学作品入藏上海图书馆。2020至2022年间,又有《诡秘之主》《斗破苍穹》等144部网络文学作品入藏国家图书馆。One of the 16 novels, Zhang Huan (Happiness in Palm) byDongtiandeliuye (online pen name) tells a story about love and gourmet food inancient times. The author created a representative female protagonist who wastough and intelligent, facing up to hardships with courage, perseverance andoptimism.作为收录进大英图书馆的16部作品之一,《掌欢》是一部关于爱情和美食的古言小说,作者冬天的柳叶(笔名)塑造了一个坚强聪颖、勇敢乐观的典型女主人公。"I hope through this novel, overseas readers can get aglimpse of the power and beauty of Chinese women, and can experience the charmof Chinese food culture," the writer says.《掌欢》作者表示:“我希望海外读者可以通过这部小说窥见中国女性的力与美,体验中华饮食文化的魅力。”"It's a surprise to me that online fiction can be added tothe collection of a foreign library. When my novel entered the collection ofthe National Library of China, I was very happy. It's a milestone for mycreation. Today, when I heard the British Library is collecting Chinese onlineliterature, I'm happy for online literature. It feels like the path of onlinenovel writing is becoming ever wider," she adds.作者补充道:“我很惊讶外国图书馆会收藏网络小说。当我得知中国国家图书馆收藏了我的小说时,我非常高兴,这是我创作的一个里程碑。而今当我得知大英图书馆正在着手收录中国网络文学时,我为网络文学创作感到高兴,网络小说的写作之路越来越宽了。”Another novel on the list, Good Spring Time, focuses on Chineseporcelain culture, conveying a spirit that encourages people to fight againstfate sedulously, anddepicts women's independence, as well as the love and care among familymembers. Readers can see a splendid, elegant China through the tradition,romance, friendship, struggles and beauty described in the novel.另一部上榜的小说《画春光》聚焦在了中国瓷器文化,传达了一种鼓励人们与命运顽强抗争的精神。作品就女性独立,家庭成员之间的爱与关怀进行了描绘。读者可以从小说中描绘的传统文化、浪漫故事、美好友谊和顽强斗争之中,窥见一个隽永典雅的中国。In The First Order, the author Huishuohuadezhouzi(online pen name) presents a wasteland, in which Chinese people do not give up their principals and,despite material shortage, they live an optimistic life. "I want topresent the perseverance and resilience of Chinese people. If there is only asmall ray of hope, we will survive and live on," the author says.在《第一序列》中,作者会说话的肘子(笔名)讲述了中国人在荒芜之地依然遵守着自己的本分,在物质匮乏的情形下依旧保持乐观的故事。会说话的肘子说:“我想展示中国人的毅力和韧性。只要有一线希望,我们就能活下去。”GreatPower, Heavy Industry tells of how China's manufacturing industries have grownstronger in recent decades, and foreign readers can learn about the Chinesesystem and culture behind the country's swift economic development, getting toknow China better in the process, the author, whose online pen name is Qicheng,says.《大国重工》描述了中国制造业在近几十年发展壮大的历程。作者齐橙(笔名)表示,通过本书,外国读者得以了解促进中国经济快速发展的制度和文化,更好地理解中国。In recent years, Chinese online literature has attracted anincreasing number of readers from overseas. One of the largest onlineliterature platforms, China Literature Group has authorized the digital andprint copyrights of more than 800 online novels to overseas markets.近年来,中国网络文学吸引了越来越多的海外读者。作为最大的网络文学平台之一,阅文集团已向海外市场授权800多部网络小说的数字和实体出版。China Literature's international portal Webnovel, established in 2017, has seen nearly 100 millionreaders access its library of more than 2,600 translated works. Additionally,more than 300,000 writers from around the world have created over 420,000original works online.阅文集团旗下海外门户“起点国际”于2017年成立,有近2600多部翻译作品。如今该网站的访问用户累计约1亿。此外,全球30多万名网络作家创作了42万多部原创作品。Theonline novels, such as Qing Yu Nian (Joy of Life), Tiansheng Changge (TheRise of Phoenixes) and Quan Zhi Gaoshou (The King's Avatar), andtheir TV drama adaptations are popular among overseas audiences.《庆余年》《天盛长歌》《全职高手》等网络小说及其改编的电视剧在海外颇受欢迎。记者:杨阳pillar英[ˈpɪlə(r)];美[ˈpɪlər]n.柱,台柱,顶梁柱; 墩,柱脚; (组织、制度、信仰等的)核心sedulously英['sedjʊləslɪ];美['sedjʊləslɪ]adv.孜孜不倦地;刻意wasteland英[ˈweɪstlænd];美[ˈweɪstˌlænd]n. 荒地;荒漠;贫乏portal英[ˈpɔ:tl];美[ˈpɔrtl]n.入口;桥门