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英语新闻丨重庆今年将为18万名初二女生免费接种HPV疫苗Chongqing will offer free vaccinations against human papillomavirus to 180,000 female second-year junior high school students this year, as more Chinese cities join efforts to combat cervical cancer.中国城市逐步加入了防治宫颈癌的行列,重庆今年将为18万名初二女生免费接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗。China has backed the global strategy of accelerating the elimination of cervical cancer, which was initiated by the World Health Organization in November 2020, according to the National Health Commission.国家卫生健康委员会表示,中国积极响应世界卫生组织于2020年11月提出的“加速消除宫颈癌全球战略”。The strategy stipulates getting 90 percent of girls under 15 in 194 countries vaccinated with HPV vaccines by 2030, and set a target of eliminating cervical cancer through vaccination, screening and treatment.这一战略宣告,全球194个国家将携手在2030年实现90%的女孩在15岁前完成HPV疫苗接种的目标。Cervical cancer, which can be caused by HPV, is one of the most common and fatal cancers affecting women all over the world. It caused more than 60,000 deaths in China alone in 2020, and the number of new cervical cancer patients surpassed 110,000 that year, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer.宫颈癌由人乳头状瘤病毒引起,是影响全世界女性最常见和最致命的癌症之一。根据国际癌症研究机构的数据,仅2020年一年,中国就有6万多人因为宫颈癌去世,当年新增的宫颈癌患者人数超过了11万人。Getting fully vaccinated is regarded as the most effective way to protect women from the disease, and the primary target of HPV vaccination in China is girls aged 13 to 15, the National Health Commission said.国家卫生健康委员会表示,全面接种HPV疫苗是保护女性免受疾病侵害最有效的方法,中国HPV疫苗接种的主要目标是13至15岁的女孩。According to the municipal government's work plan, Chongqing is offering a standard subsidy of up to 600 yuan ($88) per person, about the cost of the doses. It also provides the same subsidy for girls who prefer to use other types of HPV vaccines, which might be more expensive.根据重庆市政府的工作计划,重庆将提供每人最高600元(88美元)的标准补贴,约等于疫苗成本。同时还为愿意使用其他可能价格更贵的HPV疫苗的女生提供相同的补贴。"I learned about HPV and its harmfulness from a school lecture as well as my parents, and I feel happy that a free vaccine is coming soon," said Zhao Lanxun, a second-grade student from Chongqing Bashu Secondary School.重庆巴蜀中学二年级学生赵兰勋说:“我从学校的讲座和父母那里了解到了HPV及其危害,很高兴能见证免费疫苗的问世。”So far, Liangjiang New Area and Yubei district in the city have launched the program.目前,重庆市两江新区、渝北区已启动接种疫苗的项目。Since Feb 11, many parts of Xi'an, Shaanxi province, have also launched a free HPV vaccination program for junior high school girls aged 13, according to local media.据当地媒体报道,自2月11日起,陕西西安多地也启动了面向13岁初中女生的免费HPV疫苗接种计划。According to a notice issued by the local health commission and the bureau of education, Xi'an is offering all types of HPV vaccines for the group on a voluntary basis.根据当地卫健委和教育局发布的通知,西安市在接种群体自愿的基础上提供所有类型的HPV疫苗。In September, Xi'an became the country's first city to administer a 9-valent HPV vaccine to females aged 9 to 45, said Liu Li, an official from a health service center in the city's Xincheng district. Earlier, use of 9-valent vaccines was limited to females aged 16 to 26.9月,西安市成为全国首个为9至45岁女性接种九价HPV疫苗的城市,西安市新城区一家卫生服务中心的官员刘丽说道。此前九价疫苗仅限于16至26岁的女性。Liu said there is a huge demand for the 9-valent HPV vaccine among girls. "Now they have a wider range of choices."刘丽说,女生对九价HPV疫苗的需求量很大。“现在他们的选择更多样。”To date, several districts including Xincheng, Beilin, Lianhu, Chang'an and Xixian New Area in the city have rolled out vaccination programs.到目前为止,包括新城、北林、莲湖、长安和西咸新区在内的几个区已经开展了疫苗接种计划。Some regions in the country have made early progress by launching free trial programs targeting junior high school students. In August 2020, Juungar Banner in Ordos, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, became China's first area to offer free HPV vaccinations for female students aged 13 to 18. Many other areas have followed suit since.全国部分地区已率先推出针对初中生的试用项目,并取得了初步进展。2020年8月,内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市准噶尔旗成为全国首个为13-18岁女学生免费接种HPV疫苗的地区,此后,其他地区纷纷效仿。Cervical英 [ˈsɜ:vɪkl]       美 [ˈsɜrvɪkl]adj.子宫颈的Stipulate英[ˈstɪpjuleɪt]     美[ˈstɪpjuleɪt]v.规定Municipal英 [mjuːˈnɪsɪpl]   美 [mjuːˈnɪsɪpl]adj. 市政的