英语新闻丨中国未成年网民达1.93亿 互联网普及率97.2%

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The number of juvenile internet users reached 193 million in 2022, according to the fifth edition of the national survey on internet usage among minors.《第5次全国未成年人互联网使用情况调查报告》显示,2022年我国未成年网民规模为1.93亿。The internet penetration rate of juvenile increased from 93.7 percent to 97.2 percent during 2018 to 2022, said the report.《报告》显示,2018至2022年,未成年人互联网普及率从93.7%增长到97.2%,The trend of minors using the internet is obvious, with the internet penetration rate of primary school students increasing from 89.5 percent to 95.1 percent during the past five years.未成年人用网低龄化趋势明显,过去5年小学阶段的未成年人互联网普及率从89.5%提升至95.1%。The gap between urban and rural juveniles' internet penetration rate continues to decrease from 5.4 percentage points in 2018 to 1 percentage points in 2022.城乡未成年人互联网普及率差距持续减小,从2018年的5.4个百分点下降至2022年的1个百分点。Nearly 90 percent of minors have their own internet-connected devices and mainly using mobile phones to surf the internet. In addition, more than 20 percent of juveniles are using new smart devices such as smart watches, smart lamps, smart dictionaries, and other smart screens.九成未成年人拥有属于自己的上网设备并主要使用手机上网,还有超过两成的未成年网民正在使用智能手表、智能台灯、词典笔和智能屏等新型智能设备。Online learning, playing games, listening to music, watching short videos, and chatting are main activities of the minors surfing the internet.未成年网民上网经常从事的活动是网上学习、玩游戏、听音乐、看短视频、聊天。The proportion of juveniles who believe that the internet has a positive impact on their learning has increased from 53 percent in 2018 to 77.4 percent in 2022.认为互联网对自己的学习产生了积极影响的未成年网民比例,从2018年的53%提升至2022年的77.4%。As the management system of online entertainment is constantly improving, 61.5 percent of minors said the time they and their classmates spend on games has significantly reduced.网络娱乐管理体系日益完善,61.5%的未成年网民认为自己或同学玩游戏的时间明显减少。The number of juveniles internet users spent time on short-video has grown significantly, with the proportion rising from 40.5 percent in 2018 to 54.1 percent in 2022. And the short-video has become an important path for the minors to obtain information.短视频用户规模增长明显,经常看短视频的未成年网民比例从2018年的40.5%增长至2022年的54.1%,并成为未成年人获取信息的重要渠道。Moreover, artificial intelligence has been widely noticed by the juvenile, with more than 80 percent of them saying they have heard of AI technology.此外,人工智能受到未成年人广泛关注,超过八成的未成年网民表示听说过人工智能技术。Juvenile internet usersn. 未成年网民The internet penetration raten. 互联网普及率