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英语新闻|New‘Avatar’film gets Chinese releaseThirteen years after James Cameron’s sci-fi epic Avatarsparked the growth of the giant 3D-screen era in the Chinese movie market, itslong-awaited sequelThe Way of Water is set to greet audienceson the mainland on Dec 16.22日,迪士尼与20世纪影业宣布詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导的科幻动作大片《阿凡达:水之道》(简称《阿凡达2》)确定将于12月16日在国内同步北美上映。According to data on Chinese movie ticketing platform Maoyan, more than 600,000 netizens have added the movie in their“want to watch”lists after the release date was announced, causing the film to rise to the top of the soon-to-be released films on the platform.据中国电影票务平台猫眼数据显示,上映日期公布后,已有超过60万网友将这部电影添加到“想看”名单中,使该片上升至即将上映电影期待程度的榜首。“The release of the film will lift up the Chinese film market, providing a‘timely rainfall’for cinemas suffering from the drought caused by the pandemic,”Beijing-based film critic Shi Wenxue told the Global Times on Wednesday.“这部电影的上映将提振中国电影市场,为因大流行而遭受干旱的电影院提供‘及时雨’,”北京影评人史文雪周三对《环球时报》表示。“I have been ready to buy tickets and return to the cinema. I hope the pandemic situation is eased at that time so that cinemas can open,”one Sina Weibo user commented.“我已经准备好买票回到电影院了。希望到时候疫情能缓和,电影院才能开门。”一位新浪微博用户评论道。The Way of Water tells the story of the Sully family (Jake, Neytiri, and their kids), the trouble that follows them, the lengths they go to keep each other safe, the battles they fight to stay alive, and the tragedies they endure.据悉,《阿凡达2》片长超3小时,为2009年电影《阿凡达》的续集,虽然两集的上映年份前后相隔了13年,但时间点则设定在首部的5年后,主要讲述不同种族的亲情在社会中发挥的作用,聚焦萨利一家的故事、他们面临的麻烦、他们为了保护彼此而做的努力、他们为了存活而战斗,以及他们所承受的悲剧。As a lot of the scenes took place underwater, Cameron and his teamtailored a motion-capture system specialized for underwatercinematography. Moreover, the crew prepared a gigantic 900,000-gallon water tank that could simulate currents and waves in a raging ocean.卡梅隆打造了一套专为水下拍摄准备的动作捕捉系统,还原海底潜泳的真实场景。剧组还特别准备了一个容纳90万加仑海水的巨大水箱,以最大程度模拟洋流。Director James Cameron has not placed a price tag on The Way of Water, but estimates suggest it is in excess of $250 million. The writer and director told GQ magazine that the sequel budget is so high, that the film will need to become the third or fourth-highest grossing film in history to break even.据业界预估,该片的拍摄制作费用可能高达2.5亿美元。卡梅隆也在日前接受《GQ》杂志采访时,毫不讳言称《阿凡达2》是“史上最糟糕的商业案例”。他表示,《阿凡达2》的票房收入必须要达到史上的第三高或者第四高,才能保证至少不会亏本。如果《阿凡达2》的票房不甚理想,他可能会放弃制作已经构思好的接下来几部。Long-awaited英[ˌlɒŋ əˈweɪtɪd];美[ˌlɔːŋ əˈweɪtɪd]adj.等待(或期待)已久的tailor英[ˈteɪlə(r)];美[ˈteɪlər]v.专门制作;订做cinematography英[ˌsɪnəməˈtɒɡrəfi];美[ˌsɪnəməˈtɑːɡrəfi]n.电影摄制艺术;电影制作方法