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Cheers among Chinese netizens celebrating that giant panda Ya Ya saw her 20-year lease expire and will soon come back home are paralleled by voices opposing the renewal of the partnership with the Memphis Zoo in the US, which has been widely questioned of having mistreated Ya Ya and her deceased male partner Le Le.中国网民在欢呼庆祝大熊猫"丫丫"20年租约到期即将回家的同时,也有不少人反对与美国孟菲斯动物园续签合作关系。A Ya Ya-related topic was again trending on major Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo on Sunday with its hashtag saying "Ya Ya has been officially handed over to Chinese side [Chinese caretakers]" after the lease of the female giant panda expired on Friday. The topic had been viewed 250 million times as of press time.4月9日,一个与丫丫有关的话题再次成为新浪微博的热门话题,新浪微博是中国的主要社交媒体平台。话题标签为"丫丫已正式移交给中方[中国看护人]",此前这只雌性大熊猫的租约已于4月7日到期。截至记者发稿时,该话题已被浏览2.5亿次。On Saturday (local time), the Memphis Zoo held a farewell party for Ya Ya to wish her a safe trip home at the end of this month and to celebrate the 20-year partnership between the zoo and the Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens, according to the zoo on Twitter.据孟菲斯动物园在推特上称,当地时间4月8日,孟菲斯动物园为丫丫举行了一场特别的送别仪式,祝愿她在本月底安全回家,并庆祝该动物园与中国动物园协会之间20年的合作关系。On the same day, the zoo's CEO and President Matt Thompson told media that staff members of the zoo and Chinese caretakers would jointly take care of Ya Ya until she returned to China in late April.同一天,美国动物园的首席执行官兼总裁马特-汤普森告诉媒体,动物园的工作人员和中国看护人员将共同照顾丫丫,直到她在4月底返回中国。Thompson noted that the zoo's contract with the Chinese association had expired and they are discussing follow-up cooperation, US media reported. Thompson said it is possible that pandas could return to the zoo in the future, according to media reports.美国媒体报道,汤普森表示与中方的合同已到期,正在讨论后续合作。据媒体报道,汤普森表示,大熊猫有可能在未来回到动物园。Many netizens flocked to Ya Ya's hashtag to voice their support for the giant panda and expectations for her approaching return. At the same time, they expressed their strong opposition to any new cooperation with any US zoo.许多网民涌向丫丫的标签,表达他们对大熊猫的支持和对她即将回归的期待。同时,他们对于与任何美国动物园的任何新合作表示强烈反对。 "Fancy them [the zoo] treating the pandas to this extent and then having the nerve to talk about having our other giant pandas," read a typical comment on Weibo.微博上的一个热评是:"他们(动物园)对待大熊猫到这种程度,然后还敢说要养我们的其他大熊猫."Instead of sending two live pandas home, the Memphis Zoo is only sending one. The other giant panda, Le Le, had lived at the zoo and died in February due to heart diseases. After Le Le died, Ya Ya's health condition stroked the hearts of many Chinese netizens.孟菲斯动物园没有送两只活体大熊猫回家,而是只送了一只。另一只大熊猫"乐乐"曾在动物园生活,于今年2月因心脏疾病去世。乐乐去世后,丫丫的健康状况牵动着许多中国网民的心。Since Chinese caretakers have arrived the zoo, recent livestreaming videos of Ya Ya, who was bony, showed that the senior panda is seemingly putting on some flesh with fresh young bamboos and bamboo shoots available to her. Ya Ya has long suffered from a skin disease due to parasite infections, which caused her to shed much of her fur.最近关于"丫丫"的直播视频显示,自从中国的看护人员来到动物园后,这只熊猫似乎在用新鲜的嫩竹子和竹笋来长胖。丫丫长期以来一直患有寄生虫感染导致的皮肤病,这使她的毛发大量脱落。Despite wide speculations over whether the pandas were mistreated in the zoo, the Memphis Zoo has repeatedly said they were in excellent health considering their age and the Chinese association has also issued a statement saying that the pandas were receiving "the highest quality of care."尽管人们广泛猜测这些大熊猫是否在动物园里受到虐待,但孟菲斯动物园一再表示,考虑到它们的年龄,它们的健康状况非常好,中国协会也发表声明说,这些大熊猫得到了"最高质量的照顾"。Zhao Songsheng, manager of YueWeiLai, a Chengdu-based NGO to protect giant pandas, told the Global Times on Sunday that the Chinese association is more likely to continue the cooperation on giant panda protection with the US side. At the same time, the expert believes that more details and higher requirements on ensuring the mental and physical health of giant pandas could be added.4月9日,成都一家守护熊猫的非政府组织名为 "约未来",这里的的经理赵松生告诉《环球时报》,中国协会更有可能继续与美方进行大熊猫保护方面的合作。同时,这位专家认为,可以在确保大熊猫身心健康方面增加更多细节和更高要求。Zhao said that the Chinese side should launch a blacklist against certain foreign zoos and animal institutions, which had stains in their history of keeping Chinese giant pandas.赵松生说,一些机构在饲养中国大熊猫的历史上有过污点,中方应该对此些外国动物园和动物机构启动黑名单。In recent years, individual US zoos have drawn the ire of activists who believed the pandas were being mistreated and neglected. 近年来,个别美国动物园引起了活动家的愤怒,他们认为大熊猫受到了虐待和忽视。The safety and health of Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, a pair of giant pandas living in the US National Zoo in Washington, have also raised concerns, with videos posted by netizens showing the two pandas are in poor condition with suspected health problems.生活在美国华盛顿国家动物园的一对大熊猫"美香"和"天天"的安全和健康也引起了人们的关注,网民发布的视频显示这两只大熊猫的状况很差,怀疑它们有健康问题。Many netizens have called for high attention to the pair of pandas after Ya Ya returns home.许多网友呼吁在丫丫回家后高度关注这对大熊猫。Speculation英 [ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn]  美 [ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn]n. 推测Mistreat英 [ˌmɪsˈtriːt]  美[ˌmɪsˈtriːt]v.虐待