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英语新闻|英国媒体评出“2022年度十大科学进展”,中国吸入式疫苗入选近日,英国《卫报》发布了由十位科学家选出的2022年度十项重大科学进展。从重返月球任务到快速充电电池技术突破,成果涵盖了各个领域。其中,中国的吸入式新冠疫苗以及中国科学院马越等人利用人工智能发现抗生素两项成果入选。Two Chinese scientific achievements are included in the 10 biggest science stories of 2022 chosen by scientists, according to a report by the Guardian. From moon missions to fast-charging batteries, the Guardian nominates the year’s significant scientific developments in various fields.新冠大流行期间,疫苗研发的速度前所未有。免疫学研究领域也取得了巨大进展。中国的吸入式新冠疫苗由曼彻斯特大学生物医学科学和公众参与教授希娜·克鲁克香克选入2022年度十大科学进展。In COVID's boost to immune research category, the use of sniffable or inhalable vaccines — mucosal vaccines, which are already used in China to tackle COVID 19 — was introduced by Sheena Cruickshank, professor of biomedical sciences and public engagement at the University of Manchester, the Guardian reported on Sunday.吸入式疫苗可诱导黏膜免疫,并可能提供针对呼吸道病毒的长期保护。克鲁克香克表示,对于有“针头恐惧症”的人来说,这类疫苗更具吸引力。如果这些新型新冠疫苗效果达到预期,那么很快每年的加强针注射将成为历史。Inhalable vaccines are designed to target the “mucosal immune system”. Cruickshank said the inhalable vaccines, which is much more appealing for those of us who are needle-phobic, may offer long-term protection against respiratory viruses. If these new developments deliver on their promise, then one day soon the calls for annual shots could be a thing of the past, according to Cruickshank.抗菌药物耐药性被世界卫生组织列为人类面临的十大公共卫生威胁之一。抗菌肽(Antimicrobial peptide, AMP)是传统抗生素的公认替代品,因为它们不太可能引发耐药性;然而,只有数量有限的这类分子进入临床实践,其中数十个正在进行临床和临床前试验。Antibacterial drug resistance is listed by the World Health Organization as one of the top ten public health threats facing mankind. Antimicrobial peptide is a recognized substitute for traditional antibiotics, because they are unlikely to cause drug resistance; However, only a limited number of such molecules have entered clinical practice, and dozens of them are undergoing clinical and preclinical trials.中国科学院的马越和他的同事使用机器学习技术来识别由人类肠道微生物基因组序列编码的抗菌肽。该算法识别出2349个潜在的抗菌肽序列,其中,216个多肽是通过化学方法合成的,181个具有抑菌活性。Ma Yue and his colleagues from the Chinese Academy of Sciences used machine-learning techniques originally developed for natural language processing to identify antimicrobial peptides encoded by the genome sequences of microbes in the human gut. The algorithm identified 2,349 potential antimicrobial peptide sequences. Among them, 216 peptides were synthesized by chemical methods, and 181 were shown to have antimicrobial activity.曼彻斯特生物技术研究所合成生物学教授高野恵理子高度赞扬了马越团队的工作。高野表示,该团队利用人工智能克服抗药性、补充了有效抗菌剂库,与此同时得以开发新药且成功率惊人。In the AI new antibiotics category, Chinese scientist Ma Yue and his colleagues' efforts in using AI to overcome resistance and replenish our arsenal of effective antimicrobials while developing new drugs was praised by Eriko Takano, professor of synthetic biology at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology. This is an impressive success rate, which would not have been possible without the aid of Artificial Intelligence, according to Takano.mucosal英 [ˌmju:ˈkəʊˈsəl]  美 [mjuˈkosə]adj.粘膜的antimicrobial英 [ˌæntɪmaɪˈkrəʊbɪəl]  美 [ˌæntimaɪˈkrobiəl; ˌæntaɪˈkrobiəl]adj.杀菌的,抗菌的replenish英 [rɪˈplenɪʃ]  美 [rɪˈplenɪʃ]v.补充