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英语新闻︱2022年国庆花坛将亮相天安门广场Ahuge flower basket arrangement with the theme "blessings to China"will be installed in Beijing's Tian'anmen Square as part of the plan todecorate the square and Chang'an Avenue — the capital's main thoroughfare — forthe upcoming National Day holiday next month.据2022年国庆天安门广场及长安街沿线花卉布置方案显示,天安门广场中心将布置“祝福祖国”巨型花果篮。Since1984, Tian'anmen Square in the heart of Beijing has hosted huge displays tocelebrate the National Day holiday, with their design and related technologydeveloping over the years.自1984年以来,天安门广场便会举办大型展览庆祝国庆,其设计和相关技术多年来不断发展。TheBeijing Municipal Forestry and Parks Bureau unveiled the plan for this year'sflower basket arrangement on Thursday. The bureau said that construction workcommenced on Sept 15 and is expected to be completed by Sunday.22日,北京市园林绿化局公布了2022年国庆天安门广场及长安街沿线花卉布置方案。花卉布置工作已于9月15日进场施工,预计9月25日左右完工亮相。Besidesthe main basket, 14 flower terraces bearing different good wishes to thecountry and showing the nation's achievements will be displayed along Chang'anAvenue.同时,14组立体花坛将在长安街沿线亮相,展示对祖国的祝愿与所取得的成就。Meanwhile,flowers will be planted covering a total area of 7,000 square meters betweenJianguomen and Fuxingmen along Chang'an Avenue through the heart of the capitalto create a celebratory atmosphere, said Liu Mingxing, head of the bureau'safforesting division.北京市园林绿化局城镇绿化处处长刘明星表示,长安街沿线建国门至复兴门之间,还将种植地栽花卉7000平方米,营造出喜庆欢乐的节日氛围。Themain floral arrangement in the center of the square, which has been an annualNational Day decoration since 2011, will be 18 meters high, the same as lastyear, and the overall area of the decorations in Tian'anmen Square will be5,050 square meters.自2011年以来,广场中心的主要花卉布置一直是一年一度的国庆装饰,与去年一样,将有18米高,天安门广场的整体装饰面积将达到5050平方米。The14 flower terraces along Chang'an Avenue will display different types offlowers and showcase a variety of themes related to the nation's development,such as innovation and green development.长安街沿线的14个花卉平台将展示不同类型的花卉,并展示与国家发展相关的各种主题,如创新和绿色发展。Twoof the flower terraces — one in the shape of a rainbow and the other resemblinga Chinese knot — celebrate the upcoming 20th National Congress of the CommunistParty of China, which is proposed to be convened in Beijing on Oct 16.其中的两个花坛,分别以彩虹门和中国结为主景,镶嵌有“喜迎二十大”组字,烘托喜迎盛会的喜庆氛围。二十大拟于10月16日在北京召开。Accordingto the bureau, up to 100 species of flowers will make their debut on theterraces — both local and imported, which will help make the decoration morevivid and colorful.据北京市园林绿化局介绍,百个新品种将首次亮相天安门广场和长安街,其中包括技术团队筛选国内自主知识产权新品种、乡土植物和国外引进新品种,让花坛释放“花样”魅力。Inaddition to the square and Chang'an Avenue, all of the districts in the citywill also have their own floral decorations, said Liu.刘明星表示,全市各区今年也将在国庆节及党的二十大期间开展景观保障工作。"Beijingwill have a total of 50 themed flower terraces during the period and around 19million plants will be used," he said. "All of the work will becompleted by the end of this month."刘明星说:“在此期间,全市将布置主题花坛50个,使用花卉1900万余盆。将于9月底前完成全部花卉布置工作。”LiYunlu, a 30-year-old Beijing resident, said she would bring her parents to thesquare during the National Day holiday to take a family photo in front of theflower basket, which has become a tradition for the family.30岁的北京居民李云璐(音译)说,自己会在国庆节期间带父母到花篮前拍全家福,这是他们家的传统。"Wefeel very happy and cherish our good life more every time when we see thebeautiful flowers and the smiles on the people's faces around us," shesaid.李云璐说:“每当我们看到周遭美丽的花朵和人们脸上的笑容时,便会感到非常幸福,更加珍惜我们的美好生活。”记者:杜娟revenue英[ˈrevənjuː];美[ˈrevənuː]n. 税收; 财政收入; 收益momentum英[məˈmentəm];美[moʊˈmentəm]n. [物]动量; 势头; 动力; 要素,契机promising英[ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ];美[ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ]adj.有希望的; 有前途的