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A 60.1-meter Long March 7A rocket blasted off at 6 am at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province and soon deployed the Shijian 23 and Shiyan 22A and 22B experimental satellites into their orbits, according to a news release from China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the nation's leading space contractor.据中国航天科技集团有限公司报道,本次执行任务的长七A火箭全箭高度60.1米,于早上6点在海南省文昌航天发射中心发射,成功将实践二十三号卫星和搭载的试验二十二号A/B星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道。The Shijian 23 is tasked with conducting in-orbit scientific experiments and technology demonstrations while the Shiyan 22A and 22B will be used to monitor and survey the space environment and verify new technologies.实践二十三号卫星主要用于开展科学试验、技术验证等领域,试验二十二号A/B星主要用于空间环境监测等新技术在轨验证试验。This was the fifth launch of the Long March 7A model. The Shijian 23 is the heaviest spacecraft the rocket has ever carried.这是长七A火箭的第五次发射。本次发射的实践二十三卫星是目前我国中型高轨运载火箭发射的重量最大的卫星。The Long March 7A has a liftoff weight of 573 metric tons and a core-stage diameter of 3.35 meters. It is capable of placing a 7-ton spacecraft into geosynchronous transfer orbit.长七A火箭的发射重量为573吨,核心级直径为3.35米。它能够将7吨重的航天器送入地球同步转移轨道。The rocket is tasked with sending satellites into high-altitude orbits such as the geosynchronous transfer and inclined geosynchronous orbits. It can also be used to carry out missions to the moon, Mars or asteroids.长七A火箭的任务是将卫星送入高空轨道,如地球同步转移轨道和倾斜地球同步轨道。它还可以用于执行月球、火星或小行星的任务。The launch marked the first space activity for China in 2023, and the 459th flight of the Long March rocket family.这次发射标志着2023年中国航天发射首战告捷,也是是长征系列运载火箭的第459次发射。On Monday afternoon, Galactic Energy, a private rocket maker in Beijing, carried out the fifth flight mission of its CERES 1 rocket to deploy five small satellites into orbit.1月9日下午,位于北京的火箭民企星河动力航天公司执行了谷神星1号火箭的第五次飞行任务,成功将五颗卫星送入轨道。The CERES 1 Y5 rocket blasted off at 1:04 pm at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China's Gobi Desert and placed the satellites into a preset orbit, the company said in a news release.星河动力的“谷神星1号遥5”运载火箭在北京时间1月9日13:04在中国西北部戈壁滩的酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射,将卫星送入预定轨道。Galactic Energy has achieved five successive successes in orbital launch, far outperforming other private competitors. The five CERES 1 flights have placed a total of 19 satellites into space.星河动力航天公司连续第五次成功发射,远远超过其他私营竞争企业。截至目前星河动力航天已通过五次发射总计将19颗卫星送入轨道。There are a number of private rocket companies in China but only Galactic Energy and i-Space, another Beijing-based private enterprise, have succeeded in orbital missions, which refers to spaceflight by a carrier rocket that deploys payloads into an orbit in outer space.我国有许多民营商业航天企业,但只有星河动力和i-Space(另一家总部位于北京的私营企业)成功完成了轨道任务,轨道任务是指通过运载火箭将有效载荷部署到外层空间的轨道上的航天飞行。Before CERES 1, the SQX 1 rocket developed by i-Space launched two satellites and several experimental payloads into space from the Jiuquan center in July 2019.The model's maiden flight also marked the first orbital mission by a privately built rocket in China. However, all of the next three SQX 1 launches failed due to technical malfunctions.在谷神星1号之前,i-Space开发的SQX 1火箭于2019年7月从酒泉中心向太空发射了两颗卫星和几个实验有效载荷。这一模型的首飞也标志着中国私人制造的火箭首次执行轨道任务。然而,接下来的三次SQX 1发射都因技术故障而宣告失败。Last year, China conducted 64 rocket launches, a national record. Among them, 53 were made by Long March rockets from China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp.去年,中国共进行了64次火箭发射,创下了全国纪录。其中有53枚由中国航天科技集团公司的长征火箭发射。The nation plans to carry out around 60 launch missions this year.中国今年将计划安排发射任务60余次。China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp has more than 50 launch missions planned in 2023, according to its annual work report.据中国航天科技集团公司的年度工作报告称,他们2023年将有50多项发射任务计划。The planned spaceflights include manned and robotic missions to the newly assembled Tiangong space station and the maiden flight of the Long March 6C carrier rocket, according to the report distributed at the company's annual research and production work conference in Beijing last week.中国航天科技集团上周在北京举行的年度研发工作会议上发布的报告指出,计划中的航天飞行包括前往新组装的天宫空间站的载人和机器人任务,以及长征6C运载火箭的首飞。Another State-owned space enterprise, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp, plans 10 spaceflights using its Kuaizhou 1A and Kuaizhou 11 solid-propellant rockets.另一家国有航天企业中国航天科工集团,计划使用其快舟1A和快舟11固体运载火箭进行10次航天飞行。If the plan becomes a reality, 2023 will become the busiest year for the Kuaizhou family, company sources said.有消息人士称,这一计划如果成为现实,2023年将成为快舟系列最繁忙的一年。Contractor英 [kənˈtræktə(r)] 美 [ˈkɑnˌtræktɚ, kənˈtræk-]n. 承包商Orbit英 [ˈɔːbɪt]     美 [ˈɔːrbɪt]n.轨道Geosynchronous英[ˌdʒɪə'sɪŋkrənəs]美[ˌdʒɪr'sɪŋkrənəs]adj.与地球的相对位置不变的