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Paris has once again been named the world’s most attractive city destination, according to an annual report by global market research company Euromonitor International.根据全球市场调研公司欧睿国际的年度报告,巴黎再次被评为全球最具吸引力的旅游城市。The Top 100 City Destinations Index 2023, produced in partnership with data company Lighthouse, looked at leading cities from around the world and ranked them on criteria including tourism, sustainability, economic performance and health and safety.欧睿国际与数据企业Lighthouse联合发布的2023年全球百大旅游城市指数考察了全球最受欢迎的旅游城市并根据旅游、可持续性、经济表现、卫生、安全性等标准对它们进行排名。Europe reigned supreme, with seven out of the top 10 cities and 63 countries in the top 100. The only non-European cities in the top 10 were Dubai at No. 2, Tokyo at No.4 and New York at No. 8.欧洲城市遥遥领先,十大最受欢迎旅游城市和百大旅游城市中分别有7个和63个城市来自欧洲。十大最受欢迎旅游城市榜单中的非欧洲城市只有第二名的迪拜、第四名的东京和第八名的纽约。Madrid came third, while Amsterdam, Berlin and Rome were at Nos. 5, 6 and 7 respectively. Barcelona and then London rounded out the top 10.在这份榜单上,马德里排在第三名,阿姆斯特丹、柏林和罗马分别位居第五名、第六名和第七名。第九名和第十名分别是巴塞罗纳和伦敦。Asia did well in the top 20 as Singapore (11), Seoul (14), Osaka (16) and Hong Kong (17) all made the list.亚洲城市表现也不错,跻身前二十名的亚洲城市有新加坡(第11名)、首尔(第14名)、大阪(第16名)和香港(第17名)。The report attributes Europe’s success to“fast-paced urbanization and widespread technology adoption.” Travelers now want high-speed internet, flexible booking options and spaces for remote working. Euromonitor International said,“Improving sustainability, transportation networks and social impact are some of the key goals cities are embracing today to increase competitiveness, improve their tourism offer and deliver a seamless customer journey.”该报告将欧洲城市的受欢迎归结为“快速的城市化和技术的广泛采用”。游客现在想要的是高速的网络、灵活的预定选项和远程工作的空间。欧睿国际指出,“为了提高竞争力,改善旅游服务,提供无缝衔接的客户旅游体验,如今增强可持续性、交通网络和社会影响力都是旅游城市追求的重要目标。”Tokyo entered the top 10 for the first time, which the report says is down to improved tourism infrastructure, the easing of Covid-19-related regulations and the weakened Yen– which offers international visitors great value for money.东京首次跻身全球十大最受欢迎旅游城市榜单,报告称这是由于东京旅游基础设施的改善、新冠疫情相关防控规定的放松和日元的贬值,日元贬值让外国游客花的钱更值。Istanbul topped the list for the number of international arrivals in 2023, followed by London and then Dubai. The cities with the biggest year-on-year growth were Hong Kong (2,495%) and Bangkok (142%).伊斯坦布尔是2023年吸引最多国际游客的旅游城市,其次是伦敦和迪拜。国际游客同比增幅最大的是香港(增幅达2495%)和曼谷(增幅达142%)。Nadejda Popova, a senior manager at Euromonitor International, predicted that the rising cost of living, fluctuating inflation and geopolitical volatility will be the biggest hurdles when it comes to tourism growth in 2024 and 2025. Consumers will be looking for value-for-money travel propositions and many will be choosing vacations that are a little closer to home.欧睿国际的高级经理娜德兹达·波波瓦预测,生活成本的上涨、通货膨胀率的波动和地缘政治的动荡将会是2024年和2025年旅游增长的最大障碍。消费者将会寻求物有所值的旅游产品,许多人会选择在离家更近的旅游地度假。GeopoliticalVolatilityn. 地缘政治动荡