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The moment the starting signal rang out at Salford Quays in Greater Manchester on Saturday, three dragon boats swiftly surged forward, with paddlers unleashing powerful strokes in sync with the pulsating beats set by drummers at the front of the boats.6月17日,在大曼彻斯特的索尔福德码头,发令声一响,三艘龙舟迅速向前划行,选手们伴随着鼓点有节奏地奋力划桨。As the boats drew closer to the finish line, the cheers, drumbeats and paddle splashes grew louder, echoing through the refreshing summer air.随着龙舟接近终点线,欢呼声、鼓声和划桨声响彻云霄,回荡在夏日清新的空气中。Up to 40 amateur teams of students, companies, and local social entities like Manchester Museum competed in the race, which was part of this year's UK Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, an event that has gained popularity in the country and across Europe.2023全英中华端午龙舟会是英国庆祝中国端午节的一项活动,该活动深受英国乃至欧洲民众的欢迎。今年的活动吸引了40支由学生、公司和当地社会组织(如曼彻斯特博物馆)组成的业余队伍前来参加。As the ninth edition, this year's event spans two days with an amateur race on the first day and a contest of professional teams on Sunday.今年是第九届全英中华端午龙舟会,本届活动为期两天,6月17日举行业余比赛,6月18日举行专业比赛。"It's lovely to have all these different generations, different people, different communities and organizations coming together. It was fantastic that they were doing it while also learning about other cultures," Esme Ward, director of Manchester Museum, told Xinhua after the race.比赛结束后,曼彻斯特博物馆馆长埃斯梅·沃德在接受新华社采访时表示:“我很欣慰看到不同的世代、不同的人、不同的社区和组织聚集在一起参加活动。他们既能参加活动也能从中学习其他文化,这太棒了。”"Having a dragon boat race in Britain means a lot since it merges the British people's enthusiasm for boat rowing and Chinese Dragon Boat Festival traditions," Wang Mingchu, assistant professor in International Business at the University of Greenwich, said to Xinhua.格林威治大学国际商务专业助理教授王明初(音译)在接受新华社采访时表示:“在英国举办龙舟比赛意义重大,融合了英国人对龙舟的热情和中国端午节的传统。”Dragon boats are typically decorated with Chinese dragon heads at the front of the boats and tails at the back. There are usually 8 to 20 paddlers sitting in pairs on a boat, along with a steersperson navigating the boat near the dragon tail and a drummer beating the rhythm against the head.典型的龙舟前面装饰着中国龙头,后面装饰着龙尾。通常有8到20名桨手成对地坐在船上,一名舵手在龙尾附近掌舵,一名鼓手在龙头击鼓。The drum beating has left a deep impression on many spectators, such as the family of five-year-old Logan from Manchester. They found out about the event online and decided to pop on to see what the race was like.鼓声给许多观众留下了深刻的印象,来自曼彻斯特的5岁洛根一家在网上发现了本次活动,并决定前往现场观看。"It definitely seemed a lot more coordinated, a lot more intense with the drumbeats," said Tracey, Logan's mother.洛根的母亲特蕾西说:“龙舟看起来确实很协调,鼓点也更加强烈。”Cameron Maxwell, a novice paddler with the Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer team, told Xinhua that teamwork was a key element in the race that showcases the spirit of the sport.英国富而德律师事务所的新桨手卡梅隆·麦克斯韦尔告诉新华社,团队合作是比赛的关键,展现了赛龙舟的精神。"I was extremely impressed with how synchronized we were. A couple of times, we got a bit wet bashing each other, but overall, I thought we were pretty smooth about how we went about," Maxwell said.麦克斯韦尔说:“协调性给我留下了深刻的印象,虽然有几次我们被打湿了,但总体来说,我认为我们合作得很顺利。”Originating in China thousands of years ago, dragon boat race is one of many traditions in celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival, which commemorates the Chinese patriotic poet Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of the Chinese calendar.农历五月初五的端午节是为了纪念中国爱国诗人屈原(约公元前340-278年)而设立的节日,其中,赛龙舟是中国端午节的习俗之一,距今已有几千年的历史。The festival, now a national holiday in China, falls on June 22 this year. People always enjoy Zongzi (sticky rice dumpling) during the day.如今,端午节已成为中国法定节假日,今年的端午节是6月22日。人们通常在端午节享用粽子(一种糯米团子)。In the weekend's event here, local guests can also have a bite of Zongzi along with other traditional Chinese cuisines at some booths set up on-site.在周末的活动中,当地游客可以在现场设置的摊位上品尝粽子和其他中国传统美食。"We have a full team of people who are new to Dragon Boat Festival," noted Arun Ghosh, CEO of Ghosh Medical Group, who took part in the boat race. "We're now experiencing China on a much bigger scale," he said.参加龙舟比赛的高希医疗集团首席执行官阿伦·高希说:“我们有一支团队参加了赛龙舟,团队成员此前都不了解端午节,现在我们正在全方位体验中国。”In addition to the race and food, the event also featured a series of performances, including dragon dance, lion dance and chorus shows, many of which were presented jointly by Chinese and British performers.除了比赛和美食,活动现场还举行了丰富多样的表演,包括舞龙、舞狮和合唱,许多表演由中英两国表演者合作完成。"Promoting learning, understanding, and appreciation of cultures and diversity is really important for our self-development, and it widens our horizons, challenges how we might see things in the world. More importantly, it (the event) brings people together in a common aim around how we celebrate community and differences ... in challenging circumstances," Paul Dennett, Salford's mayor, told Xinhua. “索尔福德市直选市长保罗·丹尼特在接受新华社采访时表示:“对于自我发展而言,学习、理解和欣赏文化和多样性非常重要,它拓宽了我们的视野,挑战了我们看待世界的方式。更重要的是,这一活动让大家聚集在一起,在充满挑战的环境中庆祝社会和差异。”This year's event was organized by Xinhua Chinese Association in partnership with Salford City Council and British Dragon Boat Racing Association.本届活动由英国新华联谊会、英国索尔福德市政府和英国龙舟竞赛协会联合举办。"By attracting more people to participate in the event, we hope we can benefit the exchanges between Chinese and British cultures and thus contribute to building a society that values and embraces cultural diversity," Yang Hanxin, chairman of Xinhua Chinese Association, said.新华联谊会会长杨汉新表示:“我们希望更多人参与到本次活动中,促进中英两国文化交流,为建立文化多样性的社会作出贡献。”Celebrate英 /ˈselɪbreɪt/美 /ˈselɪbreɪt/v.庆祝Dragon英 /ˈdræɡən/美 /ˈdræɡən/n.龙Festival英 /ˈfestɪvl/美 /ˈfestɪvl/n.节日